HOFFMANN, (LUDWIG FRIEDRICH) WILHELM: Court preacher in Berlin and general superintendent. of the Brandenburg oonsistory; b. at Leonberg (8 m. w.n.w. of Stuttgart), Württemberg, Oct. 30, 18(16; d. at Berlin Aug. 28, 1873. He was educated at the seminaries of Schoathal and Tübingen, and in 1829 became vicar of Heumaden, near Stuttgart, but three years later was appointed a lecturer in the seminary of Tübingen. The following year he was made vicar at Stuttgart, and went to Winnenden in 1834 as deacon, where, together with the physician Zeller, he was active in the sanitarium at Winnenthal. In 1839 he was called to Basel as inspector of missions, and there reorganized the educational institutions, expanded the missionary territories of Basel in Asia, Africa, and North America, and reformed the missionary meetings of his congregation, increasing their interest by leotures'on geography, history, and ethnology. At the same time he lectured at the university. From Basel he went to Tübingen as professor and superintendent of the seminary. - In 1852 Frederick William IV. appointed him court preacher, and soon afterward made him general superintendent of the Brandenburg consistory. For two decades.he held this position, for which his theological convictions, in which he was an adherent of Bengel, especially adapted him, since he regarded the union of the Lutheran and Reformed confessions as an indispensable requirement of the time. Here, too, he carried out the king's plan for the organization of a Domkanditatenatift, in which theological students should be enabled to continue their studies, gain practice in sermons and catechesis, and do practical work among the congregation of the cathedral. Among Hoffmann's numerous literary works special mention may be made of the following: MiaaionsStunden and Vortrdge (3 vols., Stuttgart, 1847-53); Misaionafragen (Heidelberg, 1847);Die Epochen der Kirchengeschit:hte Indiena (Berlin, 1853); Die christhche Litteratur als Werkzeug der Mission (1859); and Deutschland einat and jetzt in Lichte des Reichea Gottes (1868). He also reedited Johann Albrecht Bengel's Erktdrte Ofenbarung Johannes and, in collaboration with Heim, a- preacher in Stuttgart, published Erbatliche Auslegung der grossen Propheten naeh Auszugen ate den Schriften der Reformer toren. He likewise wrote a refutation of the Leben Jesu of David Strauss (Stuttgart, 1836), who had been his fellow student at Tübingen, and for thirteen years was the editor of the Baaeler Miaaion&~azin, bides being the author of numerous sermons and reports of missionary activity.
Bibliography: C. H. Hoffmann, Leben and Wirken des . . . L. P. W. Hoffmann, Berlin, 1878 (by his son); New
evangelische Kirchenuitung, 1873, nos. 43-49.![]() | Calvin College. Last modified on 08/11/06. Contact the CCEL. | ![]() |