
HAUPT, ERICH: German Protestant; b. at Stralsund (149 m. n.n.e. of Berlin) July 8, 1841. He was educated at the University of Berlin (1858 1861), and after teaching in a gymnasium at Kolberg in 1864-66, and Treptow in 1866-78, was appointed professor of theology at Kiel. Five years later he was called to Greifswald in the same capacity, and since 1888 has been professor of New Testament exegesis at Halle. In 1884 he became councilor of the consistory at Stettin, and at,Magdeburg in 1902. He has written: Der erste Brief des Johannea (Kolberg, 1869); Die alttestamentlichen Zitate in den vier Evangelien (1871); Johannes derTdufer (Gütersloh, 1874); Der Sonntag und die BTbel (Hamburg, 1877); Die Kirche und die akademische Lehrfreiheit (Kiel, 1881); Die Bedeutung der heiligen Schri ft far die evangelischen Christen (Bielefeld, 1891); Die es chatologischen Reden Jesu (Berlin, 1895); Zum Ver atdndnis des Apostolats im Neuen Testament (Halle, 1896); and Die Gefangenschdftsbriefe des Paulus (Göttingen, 1897). He has likewise been a mem ber of the editorial staff of the Deutsch: evange lische Blotter since 1901, and of the Theologische Studien and Kritiken since 1902.

HAUPT, PAUL: American Orientalist, layman; b. at Görlitz (62 m. e. of Dresden), Germany, Nov. 25, 1858. He was educated at the universities of Leipsic (Ph.D., 1878) and Berlin. He became privat-docent is the University of Göttingen in 1880


and three years later was appointed associate pro fessor. He retained this position until 1889, al though he left Germany in 1883 to accept the pro fessorship of Semitic languages at Johns Hopkins University, continuing to lecture at Göttingen in the summer. He is director of the Oriental semi nary in Johns Hopkins. In theology he is an ad herent of the advanced critical school. One of his latest propositions (1908) is to the effect that Jesus Christ was an Aryan, not a Semite. He is the editor of The Polychrome Bible (two series, one of the Hebrew text, and the other of the English translation; Baltimore, Md., 1893 sqq.); and is one of the editors of the Johns Hopkins Contributions to Assyriology and Comparative Semitic Gram mar (1889 sqq.), as well as of the Beiträge zurAssyri ologie and semitischen Sprachwissenscha ft (Leipsic, 1889 sqq.), and of the Assyriologische Bibliothek (1881 sqq.). He has written: Die sumerischen Familiengesetze in Keilschrift, Transcription and Uebersetzung (Leipsic, 1879); Akkadische and su merische Keilschrifttexte (2 parts, 1881-82); Die akkadische Sprache (Berlin, 1883); Das babylonische Nimrodepos (2 parts, Leipsic, 1884-91); The Book of Canticles (Chicago, 1902); Koheleth (Leipsic, 1905); The Book of Ecclesiastes (Baltimore, 1905); The Book of Nahum (1907); and Das sogenannte Hohelied Salomos (Leipsic, 1907).


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