
HARNACK, (KARL GUSTAV) ADOLF: German Lutheran; b. at Dorpat, Livonia, May 7, 1851. He was educated at Dorpat (1869-72), and two years later became privat-docent at Leipsic, where he was appointed associate professor in 1876. In 1879 he accepted a call to Giessen as full professor of church history, and remained there until 1886, when he went to Marburg in a similar capacity. In 1889 he was called to Berlin. In addition to his professorship of church history, he has since 1905 held the post of director of the Royal Library there. He is recognized as one of the leaders of the critical school of theology and an authority on the history of the antenicene period. Since 1881 he has been one of the editors of the Theologische Literaturzeitung, and since 1882 of the well-known Tezte and Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Litteratur, to which series he has contributed many monographs. He has written:

Zur Quellenkritik der Geschichte des Gnostisismus (Leipsic, 1873); De Appellia gnosi monarchica (1874); Die Zeit des Ignatius und die Chronologie der antioehenischen Bischefe Us Tyrannus (1878); Evangeliorum codex purpureus Rosanienaia (in collaboration with the late Oscar von Gebhardt, Leipsic, 1880); Das Mt6nehehum, seine Ideals and Geschichte (Giessen, 1881, 6th ed. 1903, Eng. transl. by O. R. Gillett, Monasticism: its Ideals and its history, New York 1895); Augustin's Confessionen (Giessen, 1888, 3d ed., 1903; Eng. transl. by E. E. Kellett and F. H. Marseille, together with their transl. of the lecture on Monasticism, London, 1901); Martin Luther in seiner Bedeutung far die Geschichte der Wissenschaft und der Bildung (Giessen, 1883); Die Ayostellehre und die y4dischen beiden Wege (Leipsic, 1886); Die Quellen der sogenanaten apostolischen Kirchenordnung (1886, Eng. transl. by L. A. Wheatley, Sources of the Apostolic Canons; wroth a Treatise on the Origin of the Readership and Other Lower Orders, London, 1895); Lehrbuch der DogmengeacKichte (3 vols., Freiburg, 1886-90, 3d ed., 1894; Eng. transl. by Neil Buchanan, History of Dogma, 7 vols., London, 1895-1900); Grundriss der Dogmengeschichte (1889, 4th ed., 1905; Eng. transl. by Edward K. Mitchell, Outlines of the History of Dogma, New York, 1893); Geschichte der allchrisitichen Literatur his Eusebius (3 vols., Leipsic, 1893-1904, in collaboration with Edwin Preuschen in the first volume); Thoughts on the Present Position of Protestantism (Eng. transl. by Thomas Bailey Saunders, London, 1899); Geschichte der kdniglichen preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (3 vols., Berlin, 1900); Das Wesen des Christentums (Leipsic, 1900, 52d thousand, 1905; Eng. transl. by T. B. Saunders, What is Christianity? London 1901, 3d ed. (1904); Das Christentum und die Geschichte (Leipsic, 1897, 5th ed., 1904; Eng. transl. by T. B. Saunders, Christianity and History, London, 1900); Apostles' Creed (Eng. transl. by Stewart Means from 3d ed. Herzog's Realeneyklopadie, London, 1901); Die Aufgabe der theologischen Fakultaten und die allgemeine Religionsgeschichte (Giessen, 1901); Die Mission and Ausbreitung des Christentums in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (Leipsic, 1902, 2d ed., 1906; Eng. transl. by James Moffatt, The Expansion of Christianity in the First, Three Centuries, 2 vols., London, 1904-0.5, new ed.19Q8); Reden and Aufsotw (2 vols.. Giessen, 1904, 2d ed. 1906); Militia Christi. Die chriMliche Religion und der Soldatenstand in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (Tübingen, 1905); Beiträge zur Einleitung in das Neue Testament (3 parts, Leipsic, 1906-08; Eng. transl. of part 1:, Luke the Physician, the Author of the Third Gospel and the Ads of the Apostles, London, 1907), Zwei Warts Jesu (Berlin, 1907); Essays on the Social Gospel (London, 1907;


in collaboration with W. Herrmann), and The Ads of the Apostles (1908). He first made his mark by his work on the text of the Apostolic Fathers, in collaboration with Oscar von Gebhardt and T. Zahn (3 vols., Leipsic, 1875-77, minor ed., 1877, 5th ed., 1908).


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