
HALLEY, ROBERT: English non-conformist; b. at Blackheath (5 m. s.e. of St. Paul's, London) Aug. 13, 1796; d. at Batworth Park, near Arundel (50 m. s.s.w. of London), Sussex, Aug. 18, 1876. He was educated at the Maze Hill School, Greenwich, and at the Homerton Academy, London, and on June 11,1822, was ordained pastor of the independ ent congregation at St. Neots, Huntingdonshire. He was classical tutor in Highbury College during 1826--39, returning then to the ministry as pastor of the Mosley Street Chapel, Manchester. He was principal and professor of theology at New College, St. John's Wood, London, from 1857 to 1872, when he retired to Clapton. His principal works are: The Improved Version Truly Designated a Creed (London, 1834), a reply to a defense by James Yates (q.v.) of an "Improved Version" of the New Testa ment issued by Unitarians, which secured Halley the degree of D.D. from Princeton; An Inquiry into the Nature of the . . . Sacraments (2 vols.,1844-51), the Congregational Lecture for. 1843 on baptism, and that for 1850 on the Lord's Supper; Baptism the Designation of the Catechumens (1847); sad Lancashire: Its Puritanism and Nonconformity (2 vols., 1869; 2d ed., 1872).

Bibliography: A Short Biography. with Select Sawwna, ed. B- Halley, London, 1879; DNB, xxiv. 109-110.

HALLOCK, GERARD BENJAMIN FLEET: Pres byterian; b. at Holiday's Cove, W. Va., Jan. 28, 1856. He was graduated from Princeton College (A.B., 1882) and Princeton Theological Seminary (1885). He was then pastor of the Wheatland Presbyterian Church, Scottsville, N. Y., until 1890, and since 1890 has been associate pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N. Y. Theo logically he is an orthodox member of his denomi nation and accepts all its Scriptural teachings. He has written Upward Steps (Philadelphia, 1899); The Model Prayer (New York, 1900); Sermon Seeds (Reacting, Pa., 1900); God's Whispered Secrets (New York, 1901); Beauty in God's Word (Phila delphia, 1902); The Homiletic Year (Cleveland, 1903); Journeying in the Land where Jesus Lived (New York, 1903); Growing Toward God (New York, 1904); The Teaching of Jesus concerning the Christian Life (New York, 1907).


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