
GRETSCHER, et'sher (GRETSERUS), JACOB: Jesuit controversialist; b. at Markdorf (11 m. e.n.e. of Constance) 1562; d. at Ingolstadt Jan. 29, 1625. He joined the Society of Jesus in 1578, and became professor in the University of Ingolstadt. Here he polemized indefatigably in all departments of theology and history against Protestantism. In his most important work, De sancta cmce, he treats of the cross in its historical and liturgical aspects. On account of his polemic zeal he was highly es teemed by Roman Catholic princes and ecclesiastical dignitaries. Constant fighting, made his manner of speaking decidedly unpolished. His collected works (229 separate volumes in print) appeared in 17 vols., Regensburg, 1734-39; the first volume contains a biography. See Flagellation, Flagellants, II., § 6.

Paul Tschackert.

Bibliography: BiblioWqw des lcrivains de la compagnie de Jiew, ed. C. Sommervogel, vol. i., Brussels, 1890; KL, v.1199-1200.

GREVING gr5'ving, KARL MARIA NIKOLAS JOSEF: German Roman Catholic; b. at, Aachen (40 m. w. of Cologne) Dec. 24, 1858. He was educated at the universities of Bonn and Munich (D.D., 1893), and at the theological seminary at Cologne (1893-1894). He was then chaplain Successively at Essen (189496) and Cologne (1898-99), and since 1899 has been privat-docent for church history at the University of Bonn. He has written Patch von Bernried Vita Gregorii VII. Papce (Münster, 1893).

GRIBALDI, MATTEO: Italian anti-Trinitarian of the sixteenth century; d, at Farges, not far from Geneva, Sept., 1564. He studied law at Padua, and when visiting Geneva gave offense by anti Trinitarian utterances made in a meeting of the Italian community. He was persecuted in Padua, and began a restless, vagrant life. In 1555 he was in Zurich, in Tübingen (where he was appointed teacher at the recommendation of Vergerio), then at Fargea, whence be was sent to Bern. A par tially satisfactory confession of faith assured him permission to reside on his estate at Farges, in spite of the objections of the Geneva theologians to his orthodoxy.

K. Benrath.

Bibliography: J. M. Tracheal, Die protestantiaclun Antitrinitasasr, ii. 277 sqq., Heidelberg, 1844; Fazy, in M& mares de l'inetitut Geneooia, vol. xiv., 1878-79; J. H. Allen, Hist. of the Unitarians, p. 81, New York, 1894.


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