
HENHOEFER, hhn"hof'er, ALOYS: German theologian; b. at Vblkersbach (near Carlsruhe) July 11, 1789; d. at Sp6ck (near Carlsruhe) Dec. 5, 1862. He was born of Roman Catholic parents, and in 1811 entered the University of Freiburg, later attending the seminary at Mee-burg, where he was ordained priest. After acting for three years as a private tutor, he was appointed to the parish of MtW hausen in 1818. His sermons soon began to show a marked Evangelical tendency, deepened by his reading of Boos's pamphlet Christus für uns and in uns. Henh6fer made many enemies, however, and the episcopal vicar at Bruchsal requested him to vindicate himself. In reply he published his Christliches Glaubenabekenntnia des Pfarrers Hen h6fer van Mühlhausen (Heidelberg, 1823), which caused his excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church. Together with many members of his former congregation, he joined the Evangel V.-15

ical Church, and was installed as pastor of Graben (near Carlaruhe) in 1823. Four years later he was appointed to the pastorate of Spock, where he officiated for thirty-five years. Together with several young theologians, whom he had converted, he published a signed protest against anew catechism which had been introduced by the church authorities, which was characteristic of their lukewarm spirit. This pamphlet, published in 1830, and entitled Der neue Landeskotechismus der evangelischen Kirche des Grosaherzogtums Baden, gepriift nach der heiligen Schrift und. den symbolischen Bih chern, became immenselyy popular, and gave rise to a lively controversy, in which even a Catholic clergyman took part, only to be refuted by Henh6fer in his Biblische Lehre room Heilewege and van der Kirche (Speyer, 1832), while only the Christliche Mittedungen, of which he was one of the founders, aided his Evangelical propaganda.

The French Revolution of 1830, and the inner disturbances which agitated Germany in 1848 and 1849, caused a religious upheaval in Baden in favor of liberalism, and Henhofer, was compelled to flee to Stuttgart. During the latter years of his life he published Baden und seine Revolution. Ursache and He-dung (anonymously); Die wahre katholische Kirche and.ihr Oberhaupt (Heidelberg, 1845); Das Abendmahl des Hewn oder die Mesas, Christentum and Papsttum, Diamant oder Was (Stuttgart, 1852); Die Christliche Kirche und die Concordat (Carlsruhe, 1860); and Der Kampf des Unglaubens mit Aberglauben and Glauben, sin Zeichen unaerer Zebt (Heidelberg, 1861).

(K. F. Ledderhose†span>.)

Bibliography: E. Frommel, Aus dam Leben du Dr. Aloye Henh6ter, Carlsruhe, 1865; F. van Weeeh, Badude Bio-

yraphien, 2 vols., Darmstadt, 1875.


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