
7. Arrangement

Considered as a catechetical text-book, the Heidelberg Catechism is distinguished from Luther's smaller catechism by its systematic arrangement. The ,.five .traditional articles of faith have been retained, but have been inserted into an organic min accordance with subjective, psychological reasons, under the head of three main- conceptions. After the two introductory questions there follow: (1) the miser.- of man as it may be recognized from the cond the law in 11btt.di. (questions iii.-xi.); (2) rede'a-Af u . man , the Gospell to be accepted in faith developed according to_the three articles_of the, Apostles' Creed, which is fol lowed by the doctrine of justificatign, the sacraments, and the power of the - ,keys (questions xii.-lxxxv.); (3) thankfulness, i.e., thg_new,life according to its basis in conversion, its norm in the decalogue, and its most beautifulexpression in prayer (questions lxxXVi.-".xxix.). The catechism is not entirely adapted to a -Qlqapacity; but its noble language, captivating by its clearness as well as by its fervent joy of faith, may justify its befog offered to school children for memorizing.

(M. Lauterburg.)

Bibliography: The official German editions were published in 1583, 1585, 1595, 1684, 1724; the American in 1863. Only one copy of the first edition is known now in the university library at Utrecht. The most valuable work is the Tercentenary Monument. In Commemoration of the Three Hundredth Anniversary of the H"lberg Catechism, Published by the Germ. Ref. Ch. of the U. 8. A. in Eno. and Germ. The German ad. by Dr. Schaff, with an historical Introduction, Chambereburg, 1863 (contains a number of essays by authorities on the history and theology of the symbol). With the foregoing may be conveniently compared Schaff, Creeds, i. 529-554 (history, specimens, and estimates), iii. 307--?55 (text, Germ. and Eng.); idem, Christian Church, vi. 555-557, 681, vii. 669, 811. The best work in Eng. on the catechism is by J. W. Kevin, History and Genius of the Heidelberg Catechism, Chambereburg, 1847 (of. his introduction in the Tercentenary Monument ut sup, pp. 11-127). Valuable also for the early history is J. I. 'Doedes, De Heidelbxrgache Catechismus in dyne eerste Levenajaren 1688-67, Utrecht, 1867; also TBH for 1863 and 867. Other works which may be consulted are: H. S. *n Alpen, Geschichte und Literatur flea Heidelb4per Katechismus, Frankfort, 1796-1797; J. C. W. Augusti, Versuch einer historisach-kritischen Einleitung in die beiden HauphKatechiemen der evange. lischen %ircla, pp. 96 sqq., Elberfeld, 1824; K. Sudhoff, C. Olevianue and Z. Ursinus, ib. 1857; G. W. Bethune, Expository Lectures on the Heidelberg Catechism, New York, 1864; H. Calaminue, Die Geschichte des HeideY berger %atechismus in Deutschland, Elberfeld, 1885; M. A. Goossen, De Heidalbarpache CatecAismus en het boekye


van de breking des broods in het yaar 1603=Bk beebeden en verdedigt, Leyden, 1892; J. 1: Good, History of the Reformed Church in the United States, 1726-1898, passim, Reading, 1899; Der Heidelberger Katechismus and vier verwandte Katechiamen, mit . . . Einleitung, ed. A. Lim& Leipsic,1907.


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