
GARRET, HENRY HIGHLAND: Colored Presbyterian, United States minister and consul-general to Liberia; b. at New Market, Md., Dec. 23, 1815; d. in Monrovia, Liberia, Feb. 13, 1882. He was born in slavery, but escaped with his father to the North and settled in New York City in 1826. He was educated at the Canaan Academy (N. H.) and at the Oneida Institute, near Utica, N. Y., where he was graduated in 1840. He was licensed to preach in 1842 and was thereupon pastor in Troy for nearly ten years. In 1850 he went to Europe in the interest of the free-labor movement and for three years lectured in Great Britain on slavery. In 1851 he was a delegate to the peace conference at Frankfort, and in 1853 he went to Jamaica as a missionary for the United Presbyterian Church of Scothmd. He was pastor of the Shiloh Presbyterian Church, New York, 1855-65, and of a church in Washington, D. C., 1865-69. He then


became president of Avery College, but soda resigned this position and returned to Shiloh Church. He was appointed minister and consul-general to Liberia in June, 1881.

GARNIER, gdr"nyb', JEAN: French Jesuit; b. at Paris Nov. 11, 1612; d. at Bologna Oct. 26, 1681. He joined the order of the Jesuits at the age, of sixteen, and soon demonstrated his theological talent and his aptness for study and teaching. For forty years he held professorships of ancient lan guages, rhetoric, theology, and philosophy, and pub lished numerous works, the value of which could not be denied even by enemies of the order. Of lasting importance are his Pelagian studies, compri sing awork on the Pelagian Bishop Julian of Eclanum (Juliani Eelanensis episVpi libellus fWei Primum edilus cum nods et dissertationibus trios, Paris, 1648), as well as his edition of the writings of Marius Mercator (1673) with a commentary and treatises on Pelagianism. Such was the excellence of this latter work that when Cardinal Noris saw it, he declared that his own book on the history of the Pelagian heresy would have remained unwritten if he had seen the Marius Mercator at an earlier date. In 1675 Garnier edited the Breviarium causce Nestorianorum et Eutychianorum of the Carthage archdeacon Liberatus, appending learned notes and excursus of his own. He also dis cussed other problems of church history in the three dissertations which he appended to his Leer diurnus Romanorum pontificum (1680). After the death of Garnier his supplement to the works of Theodoret was edited by Hardouin, a brother of the same order, with a preface containing a biogra phy of tile author (Paris, 1684). His earliest works, Organi philosophim rudiments (Paris, 1651) and Regulee falei catholicee de gratis Dei Per Jeaum Christum (Bourges, 1655), are less noteworthy. He wrote also T raetatus de o f ficiis con f essoris erga singula pcenitentium genera (Paris, 1689), and Systems bibliothecoe eollegii Parisiensis S. J. (1678).

Bibliography: H. Hurter, Nomenclator literarius, ii. 484, 831, Innsbruck, 1893; De Backer, Bibliothaqae de la compagnis de Jiaw, ed. C. $ommervogel, iii. 1228 sqq., Paris 1892; KL, v. 104-I05.


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