
GADARA, GADARENES See Gerasenes; Peraea.

GAETANO, ga"6-tWna (CAJETAN), OF TIENE. See Theatines.

GAILOR, THOMAS FRANK: Protestant Episcopal bishop of Tennessee; b. at Jackson, Miss., Sept. 17, 1856. He studied at Racine College, Racine, Wis. (B.A., 1876), and at the General Theological Seminary (S.T.B., 1879), and was ordered deacon in 1879 and ordained priest in 1880. After being rector of the Church of the Messiah at Pulaski, Tenn., 1879-82, he was appointed professor of ecclesiastical history in the University of the South, where he was also chaplain after 1883 and vicechancellor after 1890. He was consecrated bishop coadjutor of Tennessee in 1893, and became bishop five years later, on the death of Bishop Quintard. He has been a member of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church since 1886 and a member of many important committees, such as that on marginal readings in 1895-1902. He is at present chairman of the Court of Review for ecclesiastical trials in the fourth department of the Church. In theology he is a High-churchman with wide sympathies. He has written A Manual o f Devotion (New York, 1887) and The Apostolic Succession (1890).

Bibliography: W. S. Perry, The Episcopate in America, p. 357, New York, 1895.

GAINES, WESLEY JOHN: Methodist Episcopal bishop; b. a slave, near Washington, Ga., Oct. 4, 1840. Until the age of fifteen he remained on the plantation where he was born, acquiring an elementary education by his own efforts, while his theological training was obtained later, especially

rn 1870, from Protestant Episcopal clergy. In 1855


he was taken to Stewart County, Ga., and in the following year to Muscogee County in the same State. He was licensed to preach (1865), was admitted to the South Carolina Conference (1866), and was ordained deacon and elder (1867). He was stationed at Florence Mission, Ga. (1867), Atlanta (1867-69), Macon (1871-73), Columbus (1874-77), again at Macon (1878-80), and Atlanta (1881-88). In 1888 he was elected bishop. He has been a trustee of Wilberforce University, Ohio, vice-president of Payne Theological Seminary, president of the board of trustees of Edward Waters College, Jacksonville, Fla., and the founder of Morris Brown College, Atlanta, of which he is Slso trustee and treasurer. He is likewise president of the financial board of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and has written African Methodism in the South (Atlanta, 1890).


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