
FULCHER, f iii"ah6', (FOUCHER) OF CHARTRES (Fulcherius Carnotensis): A monk, b. at Chartres e. 1059; d. after 1127. He took part in the first cru sade and became chaplain to Baldwin L, the second king of Jerusalem; according to some accounts he was afterward bishop of Tyre and patriarch of Jerusalem. Under the title Gesta Francorum Hierusalem peregrinantium, he wrote a valuable history of the Crusades from 1095 to 1127 (in MPL, clv. 823-940, and, with .title Historic Hierosoly mitdna, in Reezleil des historians des eroisades, Hist. Occid., iii., Paris, 1866, 311-X85, cf. preface, xxvii-xxxvi.; French transl. in Guizot, Collection, xxiv. 1-275, cf. preface, i.-v.; Eng. transl. in Pur I char' Pilgrim).

(A. Hauck.)

Bibliography: A. von 9ybe1, Geschichte den eraten Xreuzzugea, pp. 48-53, Leipsic, 1881; T. A. Archer and C. L. KinBaford, The Crusades, pp. 49-50. 55, 98-99, 135, 139-140, 142, 170, 440; J. M. Ludlow, The Age of the Crusades, pp. 110-115, New York, 1898.

FULCO (FOULQUES) OF NEUILLY: French ecclesiastic, preacher of the fourth crusade; b. in the second half of the twelfth century; d. at Neuilly (2 m. w. of Paris), Mar., 1202. While still a young man he was placed in charge of the parish of Neuilly. His youth had been devoted to the pursuit of pleasure, rather than to the preparation for his calling, and he was now reproached by his parishioners for his ignorance and inexperience. In 1192 he reformed, gave up worldly pleasures, and set his people an example of the most rigorous asceticism and devotion to duty. He resumed his studies and walked to Paris every week-day to learn of Peter, the famous cantor of Notre Dame.. Soon he had won the respect of his parishioners and made himself known far and wide as a fearless preacher. He even warned Richard the Lion-Hearted to banish from his household the vices of arrogance, cupidity, and luxury. In 1198 be was charged


by Innocent III. with the preaching of the fourth crusade in France. He now went from place to place, accompanied by a few Cistercians and Pre-. monstrants, preaching to enormous crowds. Many of his hearers were attracted by his reputation as a healer and performer of miracles, and his success was great. At the chapter-general of the Cistercian order in 1201 he reported that under his preaching 200,000 people had taken up the cross. In the midst of this work he retired to Neuilly for a short rest, and was there stricken with fever. At his request he was buried in the parish church at Neuilly. After having been cared for and decorated for centuries his grave was desecrated and destroyed during the French Revolution.

(F. W. Dibelius.)

Bibliography: Jacobus de Vitriaw, Hist. orientalia, ed. F. Moschus, pp. 275 sqq., Donal, 1597; Geoffroy de Villehardouin, La Conquhte de Constantinople, ed. N. de Wailly; pp. 1 sqq., Paris, 1872; Otto of San Blas, Chronimn, xlvii., in MGR, Script., xx (1888), 304 sqq. Consult: Gibbon, Decline and Fall, chap. Ix.; J. I. Mombert, Short Hist. of As Crusades, p. 184, New York 1894; T. A. Archer and C. L. Kingsford, The Crusades, pp. 180, 370-371, ib. 1895.


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