
FRY, JACOB: Lutheran; b. at Trappe, Pa., Feb. 9, 1834. He was graduated at Union College in 1851 and the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, Pa., in 1853. He was pastor of the Lutheran Church at Carlisle, Pa., 1854-65, and of Trinity Lutheran Church, Reading, Pa., 1865-96. Since 1891 he has been professor of homiletics and sacred oratory in the Lutheran Theological Sem inary, Philadelphia. He has written History of Trinity Lutheran Church of Reading, Pa. (Reading, Pa., 1894) and Elemenlar Homiletics (Philadel phia, 1897).

FUERST, Mrst, JULIUS: German Jewish scholar and Orientalist; b. at Zerkow (35 m. s.e. of Posen) May 12, 1805; d. at Leipsic Feb. 9, 1873. He studied in Berlin, Breslau, and Halle (Ph.D., 1832), and became privat-docent in Leipsic. On the twenty-fifth anniversary of his services in this capacity he was appointed honorary professor by the Saxon government (1864). He was editor of Der Orient, which he founded in 1840, and of the Sabbathblatt, and translated Daniel and Ezra for L. Zunz's German Bible (Berlin, 1838) and wrote Lehrgebdude der aramdischen Idiom, oder Formenlehre der ehaiddischen Grammatik (Leipsic, 1835); 1Hanize Peninim, Perlenschnure aramdischer Gnomn and Lieder, oder aramdische Chrestomalhie (1836); Ozer Leshon ha-%deah, Concordantia Leibrorum Veteris Testamnti sacrorum (in collaboration with Franz Delitzeeh; 1837-10); Piro Aboth, Die Sprache der Vdter (1839); Hebraisches and chalddisches Sahulwbrterbuch über das Alts Testament (1842); Urkunden zur Geschichteder Juden, i. (1844); Cultur- and Litteraturgeschichte der Juden in Asien, i. (1849); Hebräisches and chalddisches Harulavorterbuch über das Alte Testament (2 vols.,1857-61; Eng. transl. by S. Davidson, London, 1865); Geschichte des Kardertum (3 vols., Leipsic, 1862-69); Btblio theca Judaica (3 vols., 1863); Geschichte der biblischen Litteratur and den jadisehrhellenistischen Sehrifum (2 vols., 1867-70); Der Kanon des Alten Testaments naeh den Ueberlieferungen in Talmud and Midraseh (1868); and Illuetrierte Prachtbibel (1874), together with a translation of the Emunoth we-De'oth of Saadia Fayyumi (1845).

Bibliography: KL, iv. 2081-82.


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