FRIAR: A corruption of frater, the distinguishing title of the members of the Mendicant Monks (q.v.).
FRICKE, GUSTAV ADOLF: German Lutheran; b. at Leipsic Aug. 23, 1822; d. in Leipsic March 30, 1908. He studied at the university of his native city, where he 'became privat-docent in 1846. In 1849 he was appointed associate professor of theology in the same university, and in 1851 went to Kiel as full professor of theology. In 1865 he returned to Leipsic as chief catechist at St. Peter's, and in 1867 was appointed professor of New Testament exegesis, ethics, and dogmatics. He wrote Die Erhebung zum Hems im Gebete (Leipsic, 1850); Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte, i. (1850); Gottesgriisse (sermons; 2 vols., 1883-86); and Aus dem Feldxuge 1888, Briefs aus dem Fdde and Predigteu and Reden im Felde (1891).
FRIDOLIN (FRIDOLD): Reputed founder of the monastery of SSekingen (on the Rhine, 20 m. above Basel), which is first mentioned as presented by Charles the Fat in 878 to his wife. According to the detailed but unreliable life by Balther, a monk of St. Gallen of the tenth or eleventh century, Fridolin was born in Ireland of noble parents. He
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Bibliography: Balther's life, ed. B. Krusch, in in MGH, Script rer. Merov., iii (1898), 350-369, and with a thirteenth century German transl., in F. J. Mons, Quellensammlung der badiwhhenn Landesgeschichte, i. 1-17, 99 111, Carleruhe, 1848. Consult Rettberg, KD, ii. 29 sqq.; Friedrich, KD, ii. 411 sqq.; Hauck, KD, i. 328; J. H. A. Ebrard, Die irosdwttisc&e Missionakirche, p. 288, Gütersloh, 1873; H. Leo, Der Wigs Fridolin, Freiburg, 1886; Wattenbach, DGQ, i. 620; ADB, vii. 385-387.
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