
FLETCHER, JOSEPH: English independent; b. at Cheater Dec. 3, 1784; d. at Stepney, London, June 8, 1843. He attended the grammar-school at Cheater, then studied at Hoxton, and at the University of Glasgow (M.A., 1807; D.D., 1830). He was pastor of the Congregational Church at Blackburn 1807-23, and at the same time (after 1816) tutor in theology at Blackburn College. In 1823 he became pastor at Stepney. He was chairman of the Congregational Union in 1837. Fletcher was a voluminous writer and a regular contributor to the newly established Eclectic Review. His works include: Spiritual Blessings (13lackburn, 1814; 6th ed., London, 1891); Principles and Institutions of the Roman Catholic Religion (London, 1817), which received generous praise; Personal Election and Divine Sovereignty (1825), also favorably received; and Poems (1846), in collaboration with hi9 sister, Mary Fletcher. His Select Works and Mem oirs (3 vols., 1846) were edited by his son, Joseph Fletcher of Hanley.

FLEURY, ABBEY OF: Formerly a celebrated Benedictine abbey at Fleury-aur-Lobe in the diocese of OrlEans and 20 m. e.a.e. of the city. It was founded by Abbot Leodebod of St. Anian, later bishop of Ormana, in the early part of the reign of Clovis II (638-657). The body of St. Benedict was brought here about 653, and this obtained many privileges for the abbey and made it a center of pilgrimage from all parts of Europe. The community was reformed by Odo of Cluny, and it became a famous seat of discipline and learning, which contributed not a little to the support of Dunstan's reforms in England. The school remained in great esteem until the sixteenth century, sometimes having as many as 5,000 pupils, and the library was exceedingly valuable until it was in part scattered by the zeal of the Huguenots (1561). Many of the manuscripts are now preserved in the municipal library of Orléans. Ultimately the monks associated themselves with the congregation of Saint Maur (q.v.).

Bibliography: Chronicon Floriaunee, in A. lhrohesne, Hisforim Francarum script., iii. 355 sqq., Paris, 1840, abbreviated in M(iH., Script., ii (1829), 264 eq9via Christiana, viii. 1538; Cuieeard-Gaueheron, R.I. de Fieury-aur-Loire, in M~naoirea de is aociktk arch6olagique de t'Orl_a.nais, aiv (1875), bbl sqq.; AL, iv. lbb4-57.


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