
FARFA: A Benedictine abbey situated on the river Farfa, about half-way between Rome and Reate. It was established about the middle of the sixth century by Laurentius, bishop of Spoleto. Destroyed by the Lombards, it was restored by the priest Thomas of Maurienna in 681 and soon became one of the most famous monasteries of the Middle Ages. At the beginning of the tenth century, after a siege of seven years, it was destroyed by the Saracens. After lying desolate and deserted for forty-eight years it was restored by Hugo of Burgundy about 950, and later became notorious for the licentiousness and dissipation of its monks. However, toward the end of the tenth century the reform of Cluny was introduced at Farfa, and the monastery then gradually resumed its former importance. To this period belongs the Chronicon Farfense, written between 1105 and 1119 by Gregory of Catina, the librarian of the monastery. From the close of the fourteenth century the monastery

was held in commendam by cardinals and in 1842 Gregory XVI. annexed it to the cardinal-bishopric of Sabina.

Bibliography: Original sources for a history are in MGH, script., xi (1854), 519-590, and MGH, Poeto: Latin% av% Carol%ni, ii (1884), 854-655, cf. L. A. Muratori, Rer. Ital. script., vol. ii., part ii., Milan. 1723. Consult: R. L. Poole. English Historical* Review, v (1890), 581-585; C. Mirbt, Die Publiziatik im Ze%talter Gregore VII., pp. 7578, Leipsic, 1894; Wattenbach, DGQ, n (1886), 195, ii (1894), 220.

FARINDON, ANTHONY: Royalist minister; b. at Sunning (12 m. w. of Windsor), Berkshire, 1598 (baptized Dec. 24); d. in the country near London Oct. 9, 1658. He was educated at Trinity College, Oxford (B.A., 1616; M.A., 1620; B.D., 1629). In 1634 he was presented with the vicarage of Bray, and in 1639 with the divinity lectureship at the Chapel Royal, Windsor, but was deprived of both preferments during the civil war. In 1647, through the patronage of Sir John Robinson, he received the pastorate of St. Mary Magdalene's in Milk Street, London, which he probably held till Jan. 1, 1656, when sequestered preachers were forbidden to preach in public. He has been pronounced the best preacher of his day. Of his 131 printed sermons, thirty-one were published by himself, XXX. Sermons; . . . to which is annexed a Sermon preached at the Funerall of Sir G. Whitmore (London, 1657), the rest by his executors. There is a complete edition of his sermons with a Life by T. Jackson (4 vols., London, 1849).

Bibliography: Consult, beside the Life by Jackson, A. h Wood, Athenos Ozonienaea, ed. P. Bliss, iii. 457, 4 vols., London, 1813-20; DNB, xviii. 205-208.


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