
FAGNANI, fd"nyd"nf, CHARLES PROSPERO: Presbyterian; b. in New York City Oct. 29, 1854. He was graduated at the College of the City of New York in 1873, Columbia College Law School In 1875, and Union Theological Seminary in 1882. He taught in the public schools of New York 1873-1879, and was chapel minister of Grace Mission of the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church 1882-85 and pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Yonkers, N. Y., 1885-86. The five years following were spent in Europe, and in 1891 he was appointed instructor in Harvard Divinity School, but was unable to accept on account of ill health. Since


1892 he has been instructor and professor of He- brew in Union Theological Seminary. In theology he belongs to the advanced school of Presbyterianism. He has written A Primer of Hebrew (New York, 1903).

FAGNANI, PROSPER: Roman canonist; b. 1598; d. in Rome 1678. At twenty he was grad- uated as a doctor of law at Perugia, and two years later he was given the important position of secre- tary to the Congregatio concitif, which held fifteen years. He was afterward successively sec- retary to other congregations and probably profes- ,or of canon law at Rome. The commentary which, at the instance of Alexander VII., he wrote on the decretals (3 vols., Rome, 1661) is still appealed to by canonists. He was blind from his forty- fourth year.

Bibliography: KL, iv. 1204-1208.

FAHRNER, FRANZ IGNAZ: German Roman Catholic; b. at Riehtoldsheim, Alsace, Aug. 27, 1865. He studied at the theological seminary at Strasburg 1887-92 and at the University of Munich (D.D., 1902), was chaplain and vicar of the cathedral at Strasburg 1897- 1900. He became professor of moral theology at the Strasburg theological seminary in 1902, and in 1903 was appointed associate professor of canon law in the University of Strasburg, where he (2 has been professor of moral theology since 1905. He has written Geschichte der Ehescheid- ung im kanonischen Rech#, i. Unauflbsliehkeitapr zip and vollkmnmene Scheidung der Ehe (FTei 1903).

FAIRBAIRN, ANDREW MARTIN: Congrega- tionalist; b. near Edinburgh Nov. 4, 1838. He studied in Edinburgh (B.A., 1860), at the Evan- gelical Union Theological Academy, Glasgow (1856- 1861), and the University of Berlin (1866-67). Afte being minister of Evangelical Union Congrega- tional churches at Bathgate, West Lothian (1860- 1872), and St. Paul St., Aberdeen (1872-77), he was principal of Airedale College, Bradford, England, until 1886; and Mansfield College, Oxford, from 1886 till his retirement 1909. He was chairman of Congregational Union of England and Wales in 1883 and a member of the royal commission on secondary education in 1894-95, of the theological board and theological examinsr in the University of Wales in 1895-1904, and of the advisory committee to the theological faculty in the University of Manchester in 1904. He was Muir Lecturer in the University of Edinburgh in 1878-82, Lyman Beecher lecturer at Yale in 1891-92, Gifford Lec- turer in the University of Aberdeen in 1892-94, Haskell Lecturer of the University of Chicago in India in 1898-99, and Deems Lecturer in New York University, 1906. He has written Studies in the Philosophy of Religion and History (London, 1876); Studies in the Life o f Christ (1881); The City of (hod (1882); Religion in History and in Modern Life (1884); Christ in Modern Theology (1893); Christ in the Centuries (1893); Catholicism, Roman and Anglican (1899); and The Philosophy of the Christian Religion (1902).


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