

FABER, fa'ber, BASILIUS: Teacher and writer; b. at Sorau (56 m. s.s.e. of Frankfort), Lower Lusatia, c. 1520; d. at Erfurt 1575 or 1576. He studied at Wittenberg after 1538; was private tutor in the house of Johannes Spangenberg, preacher in Nordhausen; then rector of the Latin school in that place; and later held a similar position at Frankfort, and from 1557 to 1560 at Magdeburg. For the next ten years he directed the abbey school at Quedlinburg. On account of his refusal to subacribethe Corpus doctrince Philippicum, he was dismissed on Dec. 5, 1570; and the following year he was called to the new Latin school at Erfurt, where he remained as head of the Alumnat, until his death. t both through his Faber s influence was grey , pupils (among whom were men like Cynacus Span genberg and Johannes Caeelius, qq.v.) and as author. His grammatical works enjoyed great acceptance; likewise his Libellua de disciplina aciwlastica (Leip aic, 1572, 1579); but above all the Thesaurus eruditionia sc)tolasticce (1571 and often), which was intended to be more than a mere dictionary, veritable treasury of helps to a knowledge of the Latin tongue and the interpretation of the Latin writers. It was repeatedly revised and was used even into the eighteenth century. As theologian, Faber was a devoted supporter of Luther and his doctrine; he translated into German Luther's commentary on Genesis, chaps. i: xxv.; was col laborator in the first four "Magdeburg Centuries" (q.v.); and wrote certain edifying, in part eschato logical works. He also issued in 1583 a German edition of Saxania, by Albert Krantz (q.v.).

Georg Müller.

Bibliography: Ereah and Gruber, Allgesui'>M Eneyldo- pedie, I. al. 2, pp. 12-13 Leipsic, 1844: ADB, vi. 488-490: J. Janssen, Cleschitlate des dautaehen i'oikea, ed. L. Pastor, vii. 56 sqq., 220, Freiburg, 1893.

FABER, f5'ber, FREDERICK WILLIAM: English Roman Catholic; b. of Huguenot ancestry at the vicarage of Calverley (5 m. w.n.w. of Leeds), Yorkshire, June 28,1814; d. at the Brompton oratory, London, Sept. 26, 1863. He studied at BaIliol College, Oxford, and won the Newdigate prize in 1836 for his poem The Knights "/ St. John. He was made fellow of University College in 1837 and was ordained priest in the English Church in 1839. In 1842 he accepted the rectory of Elton, Huntingdonshire. 1n Oxford he because an ardent admirer of John Henry Newman and an earnest advocate of the Tractarian movement (see Tractarianism)· The greater part of the years from 1840 to 1844 he spent with a pupil on the Continent, and during this time his feelings changed with reference to the Roman Catholic Church; ha impressions are recorded in Sights and Thoughts in IT orChurches and among Foreign Peoples (London, 1842). He visited the Continent in 1843 with the distinct purpose of observing Roman Catholicism and furnished with letters from Cardinal

'iseman. Hia Life of St. Wilfrid (London, 1844)

lowed clearly his Roman tendencies, and in 1845 e abjured Protestantism and was reordained in 347. He formed a religious society at Birmingham with the name Brothers of the Will of God, and again visit ed the Continent, being received at Rome by Gregory XVI. In 1848 he joined the Oratory of

It. Philip Neri in London (see Philip Neri, Saint) and in 1849 became head of the congregation, renaining in this position till his death. He was ;rested 17.D. by Plus IX. in 1854.

Faber and Keble were the chief religious poets >f the Oxford movement and the former's permanent fame rests upon his hymns; which are marked by fervid piety and grace of language. The moat beautiful, perhaps, are " O gift of gifts, O grace of faith" (from a longer poem, Conversion), Workman of God, O lose not heart " (from The Right Must Win), and "Paradise, O Paradise." He was a prolific author of religious and devotional works, including An Essay on Beatification, Canonization, and the Processes of the Congregation of Rites (London, 1848); The Spirit and Genius of St. Philip Neri (1850); The Blessed Sacrament (1855); Lives ° f the Canonized Saints and Servants " f God (42 vols., 1847-56, continued by the brothers of the Oratory); Devotional Notes on Doctrinal and Spiritual Subjects, ed. J. E. Bowden (2 vols., 1866). His hymns were first published in a small collection in 1848, enlarged editions appeared in 1849 and 1852, and the final edition (150 hymns) in 1862.

D. S. Schaff.

Bibliography: J. E. Bowden, Life and Letters of F. IV. Faber, London, 1889, new ed., 1888: F. A. Faber, Brief Sketch of the Early Life of F. W. Faber, ib. 1889 (by his brother); 9. W. Duffield, English Hymns. pp. ~~·

New York, 1888; Julian, HTnn, pp. 381-382; DNB, aviii. 108-111.


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