
EUTYCHIANUS, yt3-tik'i-a"mss: Pope 275-283. His name occurs in the lists of bishops of Rome between Felix and Caius, and a pontificate of eight years, nine months, and three days is assigned to him. Nothing at all is known of the events which marked it; but it may be mentioned that the tablet which covered his grave in the so-called "vault of the popes" has been discovered (cf. F. X. Kraus, Roma sotterrarted, Freiburg, 1879, 154).

(A. Hauck.)

Bibliography: Liber pontificalis, ed. Mommaen in MGH, Gest. pont. Rom., i (1898), 38; Bower, Popes, i. 37-38.

EUTYCHIUS OF ALEXANDRIA (also known by the Arabic name Said ibn Batrik): Melchite patriarch of Alexandria Feb. 7, 933 to May 11, 940; b. in Fostat (the modern Cairo) 876; d. 940. Before entering upon the clerical estate he had been a physician, and had also pursued historical studies. As patriarch, he had to endure severe conflicts with the Jacobite Copts. His writings in Arabic, only in part preserved, are of medical, theological, and historical content. His principal work is the "String of Pearls" (Arab. Nazm al yctu'ahir), i.e., "Compend of History." It is a narrative from the creation of the world to 938, and comprises Biblical, profane, and ecclesiastical history. It contains many remarkable data, otherwise unknown, and valuable contributions to the history of Nestorianism and Monophysitism. The edition of Edward Pococke (2 vols., Oxford, 1654-5(i), is reprinted in MPG, cxi. 889-1232; and in 1906 a new edition by L. Cheikho, in Arabic and Latin, was begun in the Corpus scriptorum Christianorurra orientalium (Paris).

G. Krüger.

Bibliography: E. Renaudot, Historia patriarcharum Alexandnnorum, pp, 346 sqq., Paris, 1713; F. W iistenfeld, Geschichte der arabischen Aerzte, p. 52, Göttingen, 1840; A. von Gutaehmid, in Kleine Schriften, ii. 399--400, 486. Leipsic. 1890; Ceillier, Auteurs sacrés, xiii. 45-46.

EUTYCHIUS OF CONSTANTINOPLE: Patriarch of Constantinople; b. in Phrygia c. 512; d. Apr. 5, 582. He became monk and abbot at 4masia in POntus, and in 552 went to Constantinople as his bishop's ambassador. Here he so effectually combated the Antiochian theology, and made


such an impression on the emperor Justinian that the latter, upon the death of the patriarch Mennas (Aug., 552), appointed him patriarch of Constan tinople. He played a great part in the Three Chapter controversy (q.v.); presided at the Fifth Ecumenical Council (Constantinople, 553); con ducted the consecration ceremonies for St. Sophia (562); but finally fell into disfavor with the em peror, whose aphthartodocetic [maintenance of per petual virginity of Mary and denial of the reality of the human birth of Jesus] leanings he was unwilling to tolerate; and on Jan. 22 or Apr. 12, 565, he was exiled to his former cloister. He was thence recalled by Justin II., in 577, as successor to the patriarch John III. Scholasticus. He is honored by the Church as a saint. Of his writings, only fragments of a sermon on the Eucharist are preserved (MPG, lxxxvi. 2, pp. 2392-2401), in which the Greek Fathers' symbolic-dynamic view of the Eucharist reached its climax. His intimate friend the presbyter Eustratius, wrote his T rbiography (MPG, lxxxvi. 2, pp. 2273-2390).

G. Krüger.

Bibliography: ASB Apr., i. 648; Evagrius, Hist. eccl.; John of Ephesus, Exl. Hist., third part, ed. w. Cureton, Oxford, 1853; Ceillier, Auteurs sacrés, xi. 352-358; DCB, ii. 414-416.


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