
ERNESTINE BIBLE. See Bibles, Annotated, and Bible Summaries, I, J 1.

ERPENIUS (VAN ERPE), THOMAS: Dutch Arabist; b. at Gorkum (22 m. e.s.e. of Rotterdam) Sept. 7, 1584; d, at Leyden Nov. 13, 1624. He studied at Middelburg and Leyden, and then traveled through France, Germany, Italy, and England. Almost immediately after his return, he was appointed professor of Oriental languages at Leyden (Feb., 1613). In addition to his academic activity, his position as royal interpreter kept him in constant touch with the East. His entrance on his professorship was signalized by the publication of his Grammatica arabica (Leyden, 1613), which, like its summary, the Rudimenta linguœ arabicœ (1620), went through many editions and was not superseded until the works of De Sacy appeared, two centuries later. After the death of his patron Josef Scaliger, Erpenius published a posthumous edition of the latter's Proverbiorum Arabicorum centuriœ dace (1614), while his duties as a teacher resulted in his publication of the first edition of the fables


Brokine of Lokman in his Locmeni sapientis fabulae (1615). In 1615 he also published his Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos epistola, Arabice, which he followed in the next year with his Novum Domini Noatri Jesu Christi Testamentum, Arabice (1618). The Gos pels were based in general on the Greek text, Acts and the Epistles on the Peshito, and Reve lation on a Coptic source. In 1819 Erpenius was appointed professor of Hebrew, and now edited his Pentateuchus Moms, Arabice (1622), which, however, like his Grammatica Ebrwa generalis (1621), possesses but a minor importance. His edition of the Christian Arabic historian Ibn al Amid al-Makin was completed by J. Golius (Hia toria Saraoenica atectore Georgic Elmacino, 1625), and in the year after his death appeared his Psalmi Davidis, Syriace (1625), while C. I'Empereur ed ited his Grammatica Chaldcea et Syrica (Amster dam, 1628).

A. Socin.

Bibliography: P. Seriverius, "Manes Erpeniani," Leyden, 1825; Erseh and Gruber, section 1, xxxvii. 359-380.

ERRETT, ISAAC: Disciple of Christ; b. in New York City Jan. 2, 1820; d. at Cincinnati, O., Dec. 19, 1888. He was self-educated from his tenth year, and after laboring as a farmer, miller, lumberman, bookseller, printer, school-teacher, pastor, preacher, and ,editor, became one of the leading men of his denomination. He was associate editor of The Millennial Harbinger with Alexander Campbell, and from 1866 until his death was editor-in-chief of the denominational organ, The Christian Standard, published in Cincinnati. His writings include First Principles; or, The Elements of the Gospel (Cincinnati, 1867); Walks about Jerusalem : A Search after the Landmarks of Primitive Christianity (1872); Talks to Bereans (1875); Letters to a Young Christian (1881); Evenings with the Bile (3 vols., 1885-88); Life and Writings of George Edward Flower (1885); and Our Position : A Brief Statement of the Plea urged by the People known as Disciples of Christ (1885).

Bibliography: '. J. 6. Lamer, Memoirs of Isaac E77-eU. with 3alect%ona from his Writings, Pottsville, 1894.


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