
2. Presbyterians and Methodists

hers. It has a theological college and sad supports seventy-eight missionaries Methodists. abroad, including thirty-three women. In 1905 the amount raised for all pur poses was £304,613. Other Presbyterian divisions in England are the Reformed Presbyterian Synod, Eastern Reformed Synod, United Original Seceders, Synod of the Church of Scotland in England (see Presbyterians). Under the general desig nation of Methodists (q.v.) are included all those religious bodies which owe their existence, directly or indirectly, to the efforts of John and Charles Wesley. The most numerous and influential of them are the Wesleyan Methodists, the original body founded in 1739. They are governed pri marily by the Conference and Secondarily by the Synods, the latter being semi-annual meetings of the ministers and selected laymen in each district, with a chairman appointed by the Conference, which is now composed of 300 ministers and an equal number of laymen, with a ministerial presi dent and secretary elected annually. There are likewise quarterly meetings of the ministers and lay officers of each circuit. The authority of both the latter bodies is subordinate to that of the Con ference. They reported for Great Britain in 1907 2,445 ministers, 19,672 lay preachers, 539,146 church members, 7,566 Sunday Schools, 133,108 officers and teachers, 1,000,819 scholars, and 8,520 churches with seating capacity of 2,326,228. Vari ous divisions of Methodists have been formed, the most important being (1) the Methodist New Connexion, formed in 1797 by Alexander Kilham, (2) Primitive Methodists, (3) Bible Christians, and (4) United Methodist Free Churches (see Methodists).

3. Congregationalists, Baptists, Calvinistic Methodists

in England and Wales, with 4,661 gationaliats, churches and preaching stations con Baptists, taming 1 694,879 sittings; the number Calvinistic of ministers in the British Isles was Methodists. then 3,253. Of these 238 were tem porarily without pastoral charge, seventy-nine were engaged in collegiate and tutorial duties, forty-four were occupied in secretarial work, and 378 had retired from the active pastorate be cause of old age or ill health (see Congregationalists). The Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion, with forty-four chapels and mission stations, is the outcome of the eighteenth century revival. It is governed by nine trustees assisted by an annual conference of ministers and delegates. The Baptists, like the Congregationalists, are grouped for the most part in associations of churches, the majority of which belong to the Baptist Union, formed in 1813. In England and Wales there were, in 1907, 6,706 churches and chapels and 1,972 pastors. The members numbered 405,244, the Sunday School teachers 57,240, and the Sunday School scholars 564,939. The Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Connexion (see Presbyterians) is the only church of purely Welsh origin, and embraces a very large section of the Welsh-speaking population. The form of Church government is Presbyterian, and the Church is in federation with the United Free Church of Scotland and with the Presbyterian Church of England. In 1906 the denomination had 1,411 churches; 1,620 chapels and places of worship; 1,248 ministers and preachers; 5,946 deacons; 189,164 communicants; 3,050 on probation; 27,112 Sunday School teachers; and 195,227 Sunday School scholars. For the concerted movement of non-conformists against prelacy See Free Church Federation.

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