
EDZARD, EZRA. See Jews, Missions To The.

EELLS, MYRON: Congregationalist; b. at Walker's Prairie, Wash., Oct. 7, 1843; d. near Union City, Wash., Jan. 4, 1907. He was graduated at Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore., in 1866, and Hartford Theological Seminary in 1871. He was pastor of the Congregational Church at Boise City, Ids., 1872-74, and after 1874 was a missionary of the American Missionary Association among the Indians at Skokomish, Wash. He was pastor of the Congregational Church at Skokomish, after 1876, and supplied several churches of his denomination in Washington. He was president of the Idaho Bible Society 1872-74, clerk of the congregational Association of Oregon and Washington 1874,85, and superintendent of the Washington ethnological exhibit at the World's Fair, Chicago, in 1893. In theology he was a Congregationalist of the earlier school. He furnished collections of words, phrases, and sentences to the Smithsonian Institution in Chemakum (1878), Clallam (1878), Twang, (1878), Skwaksin (1878), Lower Chehali (1882), Upper Chehali (1885), and Chinook Jargon (1888), and wrote Tttrana Indians of Washington Territory, in United States Geographical and Geological Survey (Washington, 1877); Hymns in Chinook Jargon Language (Portland, Ore., 1878); History of the Congregational Association of Oregon and Washington (1881); History of Indian Missions on the Pacific Coast (Philadelphia, 1882); Ten Years at Skokomis)t (Boston, 1886); Tumrea, Clallam, and Cheynakum Indians of the State of Washington (Washington, 1887); Father Fells (Boston, 1894); and Reply to Pro/. E. G. Bourne on the Whitman Question (Walls Walls, Wash., 1902).

EGBERT, SAINT: Early English saint; b. of noble lineage in Northumbria 639; d, at Ions Easter day, Apr. 24, 729. In his youth he went to Ireland for study, accompanied by Ceadda (q.v.) and others. Seized by the plague in 664, he vowed that, if be recovered, be would never return to


Britain, would recite the Psalter daily, and would fast a day and a night every week. This vow he kept faithfully and added to it new austerities. He became a priest, renowned for humility, kindness, and learning. He desired to preach the Gospel to the tribes on the continent from whom the Angles and Saxons of Britain had sprung, gathered a company, and set sail (686 or 687); but, warned by visions, as he supposed, and driven back by a storm, he returned to Ireland. His interest continued, however, and about 690 he sent an Englishman, Witbert, on an unsuccessful mission to the Frisians, and in 692 he despatched Willibrord (q.v.) and his company. He did much to persuade the Irish to conform to Rome in regard to Easter and the tonsure, and in 716 went to Ions and worked successfully and with much tact for the same end there and on the mainland of Scotland.

Bibliography: Belle, HieE. eccl., iii. 4, 27, iv. 3, v. 9, 10, 22, 23; ASB, April, iii. 313-31b, cf. 997; R,ettberg, KD, ii. 513; W. F. Skene, Celtic Scotland, ii. 278-282, Edinburgh, 1880; DCB, ii. 49 sqq.; DNB, xvii. 148 sqq.; Hauck, KD, i. 418-417.


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