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The wagons provided by Joseph
were frequently stamped with the
cartouche of the reigning Pharaoh. They were
either baked or sun-dried. Naville reports that the
bricks found at Pithom were of two sorts, mud
mixed with straw and mud
alone (Ex.
14, v.
7, 18). Unfortunately none of the bricks from
Pithom bear a royal stamp. Linen and broidered
The title for the king
"son of Ra." Biblical references to 4. Officials. the officers of the government are few.
The position to which Joseph was
named has approximate parallels. In the Ancient
Kingdom there was a man who boasted the title of
"overseer of the whole land," while officials having
similar charge in later times recognize the geographical divisions of the land in their titles. In the New
Kingdom we find a man who appears as the
mouthpiece of Pharaoh, and another whose office was that
of "overseer of the granaries," of whom it is said
that his province included not only Egypt but also
Ethiopia and all the territory to the confines of
Naharina (Mesopotamia). Potiphar
the household service of the upper classes as well
as that of the king. Each . sort of service had a
special corps which was charged with it, and each
corps had its overseer. Similarly in
the field each
gang of workmen had an overseer or "taskmaster"
(Ex, i. 11, iii. 7). Among the insignia of office mentioned as having been turned over to Joseph was
the signet ring
8. Chronology: Egypt, like other Oriental countries, used no era in dating the events of its history. All that have been handed down to us are partial lists of kings such as those of Abydos, Karnak, and Sakkarah, containing selections of seventy-six, sixty-one, and forty-seven royal names respectively, and even the sequence of these is doubtful. The only known complete native list, with the years of the reign of each king, was contained in the ever to be regretted Turin papyrus which was irreparably damaged during its journey to Europe. In its present fragmentary condition it is incapable of rendering much aid in fixing of Egyptian chronology. The historical work written in Greek by the native priest Manetho about 250 B.C. has been preserved only in excerpts of somewhat doubtful accuracy given by Josephus and Julius Africanus. Mistakes occur in the figures due both to copyists' mistakes and to apologetic emendation. Manetho's division of the entire period into thirty dynasties, however, furnishes a convenient method of indicating the relative location of events. Dates approximating exactness can not be assigned back of the New Kingdom, and precise chronology begins with the accession of Psammetichus in 663 B.C. It is claimed, however, that the date of Amenhotep I. of the twelfth dynasty, has been fixed astronomically at 2000 B.C., and that the reign of Thothmes III. extended from May 3, 1501, till Mar. 7, 1447. Many a prior, theories and corresponding systems of chronology have been propounded, but the best results are only approximations so far as the earlier periods are concerned. One notable feature of recent investigation is seen in the tendency to reduce the length of the history as a whole. This is evident from the appended chronological table.
Dynasty. po: Brugec6 Petrie. Meter. Breasted. 1.-11, 5887 4400 4777 3180 3400 s.c. III. 5318 3988 4212 2980 ' IV, 5121 3733 3998 2830 2900 " V. 4873 3588 3721 27b0 " V1. 4425 3300 3b03 2530 282b " VII.-VIII. 4222 3033 3322 2475 " IX.-X. 4047 2821 2445 " XI. 3782 298b 2180 " XII. 3703 2488 2778 2130 2000 " XIIL-XVII. 3417 2233 2098 1930 1788 " XVIII. 1822 1700 1587 1b80 " XIX. 1473 1400 137b 1530 13b0 " XX. 1279 1200 1202 1200 " XX1. 1101 1100 1102 1080 1090 " XXII. 971 988 952 930 " 9,0 XXIII. 851 788 7bb 745 " XXIV. 782 733 731 718 " XXV. 718 700 721 728 712 " XXV1. 874 888 884 883 883 " Persians 524 527 525 526 52b " Greeks 331 332 " Romans 30 "
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The figures of Brugach are based on the average length of a human generation; Met'er's on the minimum reign-lengths shown by the records; astronomical calculations depend on eclipses as related to the Sothic periods of 1,460 years and the variable year of 365 days. The earlier systems suffered from insufficient data for the application of the method of "dead-reckoning," which is the only system really available.
4. History: The predynastic period is little known, but excavations made mainly since the beginning of the present century have begun to throw light upon the subject. The work of De Morgan and Petrie is of initial importance. The main divisions of the history, based upon the thirty dynasties of Manetho are: (1) the Ancient King dom, dynasties I.-VI., say 3400-2475 B.C.; (2) the Middle Kingdom, dynasties XI-XII., 21601788 B.C.; (3) the New Kingdom, dynasties XVIIL-XX., 1580-1090 B.C.; (4) the period of decline and for eign intervention, dynasties XXL-XXV., 1090-&63 B.C.; (5) the period of restoration, dynasty XXVI., 663--525 B.C.; (6) the Persian and Greek domination, dynasty XXVII. onward, 525-30 B.C.; for details as to the history, reference must be1. Con- made to the special works on that subepeotns and ject. The gaps in the above list repre-
Sonroee. tent dark periods about which little is known. Dynasties seven to ten were occupied with internal strife resulting in the removal of the seat of power from Memphis grad ually southward to Thebes. Dynasties thirteen to seventeen covered also a period of unrest and of foreign domination by the Hyksos, " Sheiks of the Bedouin," who were probably of Semito-Hittite race. --The sources of the history are numerous and consist of antiquities illustrating manners and beliefs; texts on stone, leather and papyrus, containing the facts forming the raw material of historical repre sentation; records in the cuneiform character and in Hebrew tradition as well as the accounts pre served by Greek travelers and historians. Aside from the Turin papyrus and Manetho's work, there is no evidence of the compilation of a complete list of the kings which could be called even a com prehensive outline or framework of the history. The annals of some of the kings, and the records of the separate temples constitute the historical wri tings of the Egyptians, and these extended scarcely beyond lists of names and reign-lengths. The available material is widely scattered, and while remarkably full for some periods, is for the most part meager and unsatisfactory.It is probable that the immigration of the sons of Jacob must be assigned to the period of the Hykeos (before 15$0 B.C.). There are pictures on tomb-walls which represent the approach of shepherds of peculiarly Semitic features, and a papyrus tells of permission granting grazing privileges to others of that race. Them is also a Ptolemaic tradition of a seven-year dearth in the reign of Zoser (2890 B.C.). The journey of Abraham to Egypt and the resort thither against famine are quite in line with known fact. The theory which identifies the expulsion of the Hyksos with the Exodus of the Israelites (Josephus) is impossible
chronologically without destroying the historicity of the latter event. Thothmes III. (1501-1447 $.c.) was the embodiment of the warlike 2. Hyksoe, spirit which the Egyptians had acquired
Pharaohs from their conflict with the Hykaos. sad their He pushed his conquests through PalSneoeseors satins, leaving a record of the places to the he had conquered on the walls of the temple of Amon at Karnak. In this list were included the names of Kadesh on the Orontes, Megiddo, Damascus, Hamath, Acco, Joppa, Gazer, etc. Later glimpses of the condition of the Palestinian dependencies of Egypt are derived from the cuneiform tablets found at Tell el-Amarna. (see Amarna Tablets). These tablets were sent by the local vassals of the Pharaohs, and contain items of information, private and political, written in Babylonian, the language of the diplomacy of the period. The picture which they give is of the time just preceding the Exodus. They were composed for the information of Pharaohs who are generally supposed to have been largely under Semitic influence, one of whom nude the only attempt in Egyptian history to introduce a monotheistic form of religion and worship. The attempt came to nothing permanent, and the power of Egypt in Palestine was overthrown soon afterward. Not till the time of Rameaea II. (1292-1225 B.C.) was the reconquest attempted. He made his influence felt as far as the Lebanon, and his twenty-first year was marked by a treaty of peace with the Hittites. He is commonly regarded as the Pharaoh of the oppression, and the fact that he was the builder of Pithom confirms the Hebrew tradition. The absence of any personal designation in the title Pharaoh, precludes the possibility of absolute identification in most cases. The power of Egypt in Palestine did not long survive Rameses II., and it must have been during this period that
~ the Hebrews took possession of the land. The Exodus is usually assigned to the reign ofI Merneptah (1225-1215 B.C.) the successor of Rameses I II. The earliest extant mention of the name of Israel is in a victory-stele (discovered in 1896) which this king erected. The name is enumerated in connection with other places in
S. Exodus Palestine and Syria as scenes of the to the Pharaoh's conquests. On its face it is Aesyriaa evidence that a tribe bearing this desig-
Period. nation had been defeated in Palestine; but as it stands alone, an uncorrob orated witness to the king's expedition, its value has been seriously questioned. Nevertheless it raises interesting and important questions. An unnamed Pharaoh, who in view of the subsequent history (
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With Shabaka (712-700 B.C.) the first king of dynasty XXV began an attempt to ward off the danger from so powerful a neighbor as Assyria, and the peoples of Palestine and Syria were induced to join in an offensive alliance in spite of the realistic prophecy of Isa. xx. Sennacherib, however,
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