
DUASTER, HENRY: First president of Harvard College; b. probably at Bury (8 m. n.n.w. of Manchester), Lancashire, England, 1609 (said to have been baptized Nov. 26, 1609; cf. The Nation,

lxxxiv., 1907, p. 9); d. at Scituate, Mass., Feb. 27, 1659. After studying at Magdalene College, Cambridge (B.A., 1630; M.A., 1634), he took orders; in 1640 he came to America to escape High-church tyranny. On Aug. 27 of the same year he was appointed president of Harvard, and held this position till Oct. 24, 1654, when he was forced to resign on account of his antipedobaptist views (see Baptists, Il, 1, § 4). He then removed to Scituate, where he was engaged in the ministry till his death. For the public proclamation regarding infant baptism, which had caused his retirement from Harvard, he was indicted by the grand jury and sentenced to a public admonition; and later he was presented to this body for failure to baptize one of his children. He did much to give standing to Harvard, and was greatly esteemed for his piety and learning. He had a good knowledge of Hebrew, and when Eliot, Welds, and Mather prepared the "Bay Psalm Book" (q.v.) they submitted the work to him for revision.

Bibliography: J. Chaplin, Life of Henry Dunakr, Boston, 1872; the histories of Harvard by B. Pierce, Cambridge, 1833, J. Quincy, Boston, 1840, and 8. A. Eliot, ib. 1848; W. B. Sprague, Annals of the American Pulpit, i. 125-126, New York. 1859: DNB, xvi. 231-232.

DUPANLOUP, dii"pdii"lu', FELIX ANTOINE PHILIBERT: French prelate; b. at St. Fdlis,14 m. n.n.e. of Chambi;ry, Jan. 3, 1802; d, at the Ch$teau Lacombe, near Grenoble, Oct. 11, 1878. He was ordained priest at Paris in 1825. In 1841 he received a professorship at the Sorbonne, in 1849 the bishopric of Orléans, and in 1854 he became s member of the French Academy. As a writer and speaker he was untiring in his efforts in behalf of the Roman Catholic Church and clergy. He belonged to a liberal group, opposing the dogma of papal infallibility, but submitted to the decision of the Vatican Council in 1870. In 1871 he was a deputy to the National Assembly, where he allied himself with the clerical right, and in 1875 he was elected a life-senator. He sided in Broglie's attempt at a clerical reaction in 1877, establishing a paper, La Defense, in the interest of the movement. Among his numerous writings may be mentioned: Manuel des catechismes (Paris, 1832); De l'Mucation (3 vols., 1850-62); (Euvres ehoisies (4 vols., 1861); De la haute education intellectuelle (3 vols., 1870).

Bibliography: F. Lagrange, Vie de Mgr. DupanToup, 8 vols., Paris, 1883-84, Eng transl., 2 vols.. London, 1885; F. A. P. de Falloux, L'_0vNue d'Ori6ans, Paris, 1879; J. Pougeois, Mgr. DupanZoup, as role publique et prirocsa, see ceuvrea, ib. 1879; C. Hartwig, Die Erzishunpspnasipisn Dupanloupa, Leipsic, 1884


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