
3. Doctrine and Practise

binding upon the individual conscience. Hence, in church polity the Progresa- Practise~d ives are congregational. They differ . from the Conservatives in refusing to conform to "the order," i.e. the style of dress and cut of the hair and beard prescribed by the Annual Meeting. They agree with the Conservatives in holding the general Evangelical doctrines, sad in laying less emphasis upon orthodox theology than upon a pious life. They also hold with the Con servatives the doctrines (1) of the Lord's Supper consisting of foot-washing, the love-feast, or primitive agape, the communion in bread and wine, and the salutation; (2) of baptism for adults only and by trine immersion; (3) of non-resistance of evil, which includes opposition to war and avoidance of lawsuits; and (4) of opposition to the taking of any kind of oath.

J. L. Gillin.

Bibliography: Consult, besides the works of Holsinger and Gitlin, ut sup., the files of The Progressive Christian, 1878-83; The Brethren Evangelist, 1883-date; The Broth-


ran Annual, 1882-date; Reports of the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting; Classifud Minutes, 1888; and the Revised Minutes.


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