
« Cattle Cavagnis, Felice Cavalier, Jean »

Cavagnis, Felice

CAVAGNIS, cɑ̄´´vɑ̄´´nyîs, FELICE, Roman Catholic cardinal; b. at Bordogna (near Bergamo, 39 m. n.e. of Milan) Jan. 13, 1841; d. at Rome Dec. 29, 1906. He was educated at the Roman Seminary, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1863. Three years later he became a teacher at Celano, and later became a member of the faculty of the Roman Seminary, of which he was rector from 1887 to 1893. Later still he was appointed secretary of the Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, and in 1901 was created cardinal deacon of Santa Maria ad Martyres. In addition to the Congregation for Extraordinary Affairs, he was a member of the Congregations of the Consistory, the Bishops and Regulars, the Council, the Index, and the Sacred Visitation.

« Cattle Cavagnis, Felice Cavalier, Jean »
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