
« Bratton, Theodore du Bose Braun, Johann Wilhelm Josef Bray, Guido de. »

Braun, Johann Wilhelm Josef

BRAUN, JOHANN WILHELM JOSEF: Roman Catholic theologian and scholar; b. at Gronau (30 m. n.w. of Münster) Apr. 27, 1801; d. at Bonn Sept. 30, 1863. He was associated with the University of Bonn as a student from 1821 to 1825, adjunct professor from 1829 to 1833, and professor of theology from 1833. For the part which he took in the Hermesian controversy see Hermes, Georg. With J. H. Achterfeld, he published the Zeitschrift für Philosophie und katholische Theologie from 1832 to 1852. His Bibliotheca regularum fidei (Bonn, 1844) and a number of occasional archeological studies should also be mentioned.

A. Hauck

« Bratton, Theodore du Bose Braun, Johann Wilhelm Josef Bray, Guido de. »
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