Bousset, Johann Franz Wilhelm
German Protestant; b. at Lübeck Sept. 3, 1865.
He was educated at Erlangen, Leipsic, and Göttingen (Th.Lic., 1890) and became privat-docent at
the latter university in 1890, being made associate
professor of New Testament exegesis six years
later. Theologically he belongs to the liberal
historical school. In addition to minor contributions, he has written Evangeliencitate Justins des
Märtyrers (Göttingen,1891); Jesu Predigt im
Gegensatz zum Judentum (1892); Textkritische Studien
(Leipsic, 1894); Antichrist (Göttingen,1895;
242Eng. transl. by A. H. Keane, London, 1896);
Kommentar zur Offenbarung des Johannes (in the
Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament,
1896); Religion des Judentums im neutestamentlichen
Zeitalter (Berlin, 1903; 2d ed., 1906); Das
Wesen der Religion (Halle, 1903); Was wissen wir von
Jesus? (1904); Jesus (Halle, 1904; Eng. transl., London,
1906); and Erklärung des Galater-und ersten und
zweiten Korintherbriefes, in J. Weiss's Schriften des
Neuen Testaments neu übersetzt (Göttingen,1905).
Since 1897 he has edited the Theologische Rundschau
in collaboration with W. Heitmüller, and the
Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten
und Neuen Testaments in collaboration with H.
Gunkel since 1903.