
« Ceadda (Chad), St. Cecil, Richard Cecilia, Saint »

Cecil, Richard

CECIL, RICHARD: English "evangelical"; b. in London Nov. 8, 1748; d. at Hampstead (London) Aug. 15, 1810. His early life was profligate, but he was converted about 1772, and in 1?73 entered Queen's College, Oxford (B.A., 1777); he was ordained priest 1777 and, after holding various livings, was appointed minister of St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row, London, in 1780. He was the leading "evangelical" clergyman of his time, and exerted a wide influence. He had an original mind, dignified carriage, and impressive delivery. His works were collected and published with memoir by the Rev. J. Pratt (4 vols., London, 1811; new ed., with his letters and memoir by Mrs. Cecil, 1854). Perhaps the most noteworthy of his works is The Remains of Richard Cecil, with numerous selections from his works, new ed., with introduction by his daughter and preface by R. Bickersteth (London, 1876), containing reminiscences of his conversations.

« Ceadda (Chad), St. Cecil, Richard Cecilia, Saint »
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