CATHEDRA: The ancient Latin title for the
special seat occupied by the bishop in Christian
churches. Even in the catacombs such seats
were used, either cut out of the solid rock or portable.
In the basilicas the cathedra stood at the
back of the semicircular apse, behind the altar,
which was on the chord of the arc; but when it
became customary to place the altar back against
the wall, the bishop's seat was brought down into
the choir and placed on the north or gospel side.
The early Church preserved with great reverence
the seats of its first bishops; thus it is learned from
Eusebius (Hist. eccl., VII. xix. 32) that the church
of Jerusalem preserved that of James, and the
church of Alexandria that of Mark. A very ancient
chair traditionally believed to be that of Peter is preserved
in St. Peter's at Rome, and was used for
many centuries for the enthronement of new popes,
until Alexander VII. (1655–67), for its better preservation,
had Bernini enclose it in a colossal
bronze throne. At the celebration of the eighteenth
centenary of the apostle's martyrdom in 1867,
Plus IX. had it again exposed to view; an exact
description and picture of it may be found in
Kraus, Roma sotterranea, Freiburg, 1873. The
bishop's seat was often used as a symbol of the
teaching office of the Church, exercised through
him; this is frequently referred to in the mosaics
and carving of extant chairs dating from the fifth
457to the ninth century. Thus in the definition of
the doctrine of papal infallibility, the pope is said
to speak ex cathedra when he proclaims a doctrine
"in the exercise of his office as pastor and teacher
of all Christians."