BALDACHIN: A canopy-like ornament in
stone or bronze over the altar in some Roman
Catholic churches, designed originally to protect
the Eucharist from objects that might fall on it
from above. The name is derived from Baldacco,
an old Italian form of Bagdad, and owes its use in
this connection to the fact that Bagdad was a rich
source of the precious cloths which were frequently
employed in decorating the protecting ornament
over altars. In spite of legislation of the Congregation
of Rites requiring a baldachin over every
altar, the contrary practise is common everywhere
at the present day, even in Rome. Formerly the
baldachin was called a ciborium because the
ciborium or vessel containing the Eucharist was
suspended from it. A splendid example of the
baldachin is seen in the bronze masterpiece of Bernini
over the main altar of St. Peter’s in Rome. A
portable baldachin is held over the sacrament of
the altar when it is borne in procession or, in some
places, when it is carried to the sick. A baldachin
should be erected also over a bishop’s throne.
John T. Creagh.