Bachmann, Philipp
German Protestant; b. at Geislingen (34 m. s.e. of
Stuttgart) Oct. 13, 1864. He was educated at the
University of Erlangen (Ph.D., 1887) and the
seminary for preachers at Munich (1888). He was a
lecturer at Erlangen in 1888-90, and pastor at
Urfersheim in 1890-92, after which he was a teacher
of religion at Nuremberg until 1902, when he was
appointed professor of systematic theology at
Erlangen. He has written
Die persönliche Heilserfahrung (Leipsic, 1889);
Die augsburgische Confession (1900);
Sittenlehre Jesu (1904); and
Kommentar zu I Korinther (1905).