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General Literature.
I. Collections of Roman Catholic Creeds:
J. Trg. Lbr. Danz: Libri Symbolici Ecclesiæ Romano-Catholicæ, Weimar, 1885.
Fr. W. Streitwolf and R. E. Klener: Libri Symbolici Ecclesiæ Catholicæ, conjuncti, atque notis, prolegomenis indicibusque instructi, Götting. 1838, 2 vols. Contains the Conc. Trid., the Prof. Fidei Trid., and the Catech. Rom.
Henr. Denzinger (R. C., d. 1862): Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum, quæ de rebus fidei et morum a Conciliis Œcumenicis et Summis Pontificibus enumarunt, edit. quarta, Wirceburgi, 1865 (pp. 548). A convenient collection, including the definition of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (1854), and the Papal Syllabus (1864).
II. Roman Catholic Expositions and Defenses of the Roman Catholic System:
Bellarmin's Disputationes, Bossuet's Exposition, Möhler's Symbolik, Perrone's Prælectiones Theologicæ. See § 23.
III. Protestant Expositions of the Roman Catholic system (exclusive of polemical works):
Ph. C. Marheineke (Prof. in Berlin, d. 1846): Christliche Symbolik oder historisch-kritische und dogmatisch-comparative Darstellung des kathol., luther., reform., und socinian. Lehrbegriffs, Heidelb. 1810–13. The first 3 vols. (the only ones which appeared) are devoted to Catholicism.
W. H. D. Ed. Köllner (Prof. at Giessen): Symbolik der heil. apost. kathol. römischen Kirche, Hamb. 1844. (Part II. of his unfinished Symbolik aller christlichen Confessionen.)
A. H. Baier (Prof. at Greifswald): Symbolik der römisch-katholischen Kirche, Leipz. 1854. (The first volume of an unfinished Symbolik der christlichen Religionen und Religionspartheien.)
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