Chapter I.—Occasion of the epistle.
Since Christ has, to our wonder,13561356 been made known among us to be the Son of the living God, and to have become man in these last times by means of the Virgin Mary,13571357 of the seed of David and Abraham, according to the announcements previously made regarding Him and through Him by the company of the prophets, we therefore beseech and entreat that, by thy wisdom, Maris our friend, bishop of our native Neapolis,13581358 which is near Zarbus,13591359 and Eulogius, and Sobelus the presbyter, be sent to us, that we be not destitute of such as preside over the divine word as Moses also says, “Let the Lord God look out a man who shall guide this people, and the congregation of the Lord shall not be as sheep which have no shepherd.”13601360