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ACCIDENTS: incidental accompaniments, not essentials.
AIRT, or AIRTH: direction, quarter of the heavens.
BACK-BOND: one givers after an earlier bond, making the person who gave the first bond free.
BACK-ENTRY: back door.
BAILIE: magistrate.
BAIRNS: children.
BANN: curse.
BLAFLUME: a sham or bubble.
BLENCH: white moneys, a pepper-corn or nominal rent.
BLOCK: a bargain.
BODE: to offer with a view to a bargain.
BRAE: slope of a hill.
BROOK: enjoy, possess.
BUD: bribe.
BURROWS: a pledge.
LAW-BURROWS: security given not to injure another or his property.
BY-BOARD: side-table at which the children sat.
BY-HAND: aside.
BY-WORK: a leisure time occupation.
CAUMS: a mould.
CAUSEWAY or CAUSEY: a street. ‘To keep the crown of the causey’ is a bold public appearance.
CAUTION: surety.
CHEAP: barter, hence ‘good cheap’ or ‘better-cheap’ means a good bargain,
COAST: to sail close to the land,
COG: to stop the motion of a wheel.
COLD-RIFE or CAULD-RIFE: chilly, heartless.
COMMON: with reference to sharing a common table. ‘To be in one’s common’ is to be indebted to.
COMPEAR: to appear at a court of law. So COMPEARANCE, appearing in court in obedience to a summons.
CONTRAIR: contrary to.
COUNTRY: common, in contrast to fine.
DAWTED: petted.
DING: to knock in violently.
DITTY or DITTY: indictment.
DO FOR: to act on behalf of.
DOW: to be able.
DYKE: a wall.
DYVOUR: a debtor, or bankrupt.
EASE-ROOM: a room for leisure and rest.
FASH: to trouble by importunity.
FEARED: alarmed, timid.
FECKLESS: futile, ineffective.
FEU DUTY: yearly ground rent.
FREMD: strange, foreign.
FRIEND-STED: to befriend.
FRYST or FRIST: to postpone possession or action.
GATE: road, way, manner of acting. ‘Start to the gate’; get early on the road.
HAND-FAST: to join hands in a compact or betrothal.
HAND-WRIT: written with one’s own hand.
HEAP-METE: full measure.
HEARTSOME: cheerful.
HING: hang.
HOMELY: at home with.
HOME OVER: homewards.
JOUK: to dodge or bend down in order to escape something.
LAIRD: landed proprietor.
LAW-BURROWS: a pledge not to harm.
MAIL: rent or tax.
MARCH: boundary or frontier.
MASK: to infuse.
MINT: to attempt.
MISSIVE: a letter giving authority to act.
NEED-FORCE: by hook or by crook.
NICK: mark, point.
DIFFER: barter or bargain.
OBTEST: to adjure, beseech.
ON-WAITING: patient waiting.
OUTFIELD: waste land,
PACKALDS: bargains.
PAINFUL: painstaking, laborious.
PICKLE: a small grain.
PLEA: a quarrel or dispute.
PROFESSOR: one professing the Christian faith.
PROPANE: to present, to offer a gift.
REVERSION: the right to future possession.
SCAUR: to take fright.
SPEAT or SPAIT: a flood or overflowing stream.
SPEED: ‘to come speed’ is to succeed.
SPEAR or SPEER: to ask questions.
SPILL: spoil.
SPUNK: spark.
STARTS: ‘at starts’, fitfully.
ASTOUND: an overpowering stroke.
TARROW: reluctant.
THRING: to push forcefully.
TRANCE: passage.
TRYST: to arrange a meeting at a given time and place.
UNCO: uncommon, strange.
UNDER-TOOLS: lesser tools.
WAD SET: mortgage.
WALE: to choose.
WARE: to use or expend.
WHILE or WHILL: until.
WIN: reach, attain to.
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