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Acts of Apostles, the Apochryphal, accounts of sufferings and deaths of Apostles in, 209.

Admission into primitive Church, 49, 51, 336.

Alexander of Ephesus, 179.

Allegorical interpretation of Scripture, the, by early heretics, 325.

Altar, the, " to the unknown God," at Athens, 160.

Ananias, of Damascus, 110 n.

Ananias, the High Priest, 190.

Ananias and Sapphira, 51.

Andrew, brother of Peter, his sphere of work, 207.

Angels of the seven Churches, the, 476.

Anointing with oil, in early Church, 380.

Antioch, foundation of Church in, 76.

Apocalypse, the, its fundamental idea, 430; its agreement with other writings of John, 430; its representations of Christ, of redemption, and of the Church, 430; its prophetic character, and its symbolism, 432; when written, and influence of circumstances of the time on its style and matter, 432; its rhythm and plan, 434; compared with Christ's prophecy of the last times, 435; the Babylon of, 435; the Antichrist of, 436; typical value of events foretold in, 438; the final triumph of Christianity over Antichrist, as depicted in, 439; the millennium and the judgment, 440; its teaching on the interpretation of history, 440; classification of commentators upon, 441 n.; authenticity and date of, Note L, 500.

Apollos, sketch of, 168.

Apostolate of St. Paul, 113, 127, 129.

Apostolic doctrine, the, 240, Note K, 499.

Apostolic office, the, its nature, 49, 113, 132.

Apostolical Succession, the true, 50.

Apostles, the, their influence and place in primitive Church, 49, 356.

Aquila and Priscilla, 163, I67, 168, 389.

Arabia, Paul's residence in, 110; Matthew's labors in, 208; Bartholomew and Nathanael in, 208.

Asceticism, the, of St. Paul, 145, 390; of the primitive Church, 388; of heretics in Ephesian and Colossian Churches, 327.

Athens, sketch of the religious condition of, 158. 514

Babylon, the scene of Peter's labors, 210; The Jewish population in, 211; not to be understood in a mystic sense, 211; the Babylon of the Apocalypse, 435.

Baptism in the primitive Church, 374.

Barnabas, sent to Antioch, 78; seeks Paul, 112; his difference with Paul, 116, 143; at the Council of Jerusalem, 133.

Bartholomew and Nathaniel in Arabia, 208.

Berea, 157.

Bishop, the word, in Epistles, 347; St. Jerome's account of, 348; pagan usage of, 348.

Burrhus, the prefect, of Rome, 198.

Caiaphas, a leader of the Sadducean party in Jerusalem, 33.

Calumnies brought against early Christians, 225.

Cerinthus, his doctrine, 473.

Christians, the name, 79.

Christian Church, its basis, 24; its double vocation, 25. See Primitive Church.

Christian doctrine in primitive Church; in first period of apostolic age, not systematic, 48; in second period of apostolic age, 233; were there two contradictory systems of, 233; Baur's theory of, 234; divergencies of sacred writers concerning, not radical nor irreconcilable, 237; unity of, in diversity, 239; the three types of, in the second period of the apostolic age, 240; as taught by James, 241; as taught by Paul, 254.

Christian life, the, in the primitive Church, 38; in relation to politics and art, 382; in relation to question of Church and State, 384; as an imitation of Christ, 386; its active labor, 386; its asceticism, 387; in relation to the family, 388; in relation to slavery, 391; its charity, 393; its relations with the world, 395; blemishes and beauty of, 395.

Christianity, its relations with Judaism, 94, 137, 409; how regarded by paganism, 223; Jews and pagans prepared for, 270.

Chronology of the Acts, the, Note B, 484.

Church-members, admission of, into primitive Church, 49, 336.

Circumcision declared not obligatory on Gentile converts by Paul, 125.

Citizenship, the rights of, claimed by Paul, 155.

Colosse, Church at, founded by Epaphras, 148; heresy in, 327.

Community of goods in early Church, 53.

Conversion of Paul, discrepancies in narrative of, considered, 107 n.

Corinth, 162; epistle to Church at, 176; second epistle to Church at, 180; the four parties in Church at, 311.


Cornelius, 79.

Corruption of mankind, as taught by Paul, 257.

Council of Jerusalem, the, questions before, 125; its public and private conferences, 126; its decision as to Paul's apostleship, 130; its decision as to admission of Gentiles into the Church, 131; essentially democratic, 131; its breadth of spirit, 133; its decrees, how regarded by the ancient Church, 138; its non-solution of the great problems of the primitive Church, 139, Note E, 490.

Crete, date of Paul's visit to, 175 n.; heresy of Church at, 3I7.

Damascus, Christianity in, 76; Paul's journey to, 108.

Deacons in primitive Church, 55, 354.

Deaconesses, 355.

Demetrius, 177.

Demiurge, the, 473.

Demoniacal possession, its prevalence at momentous epochs, 152.

Democratic constitution of primitive Church, 476. See Hierarchical Theory.

Diana, temple of, at Ephesus, 170; the silver shrines of, 177.

Discipline in primitive Church, 344.

Diversity of opinion as to theology of the apostolic age, Note K, 499.

Docetism, 471.

Domitian, and the grandchildren of Jude, 465; his persecutions and blasphemous pretensions, 466.

Dositheus, a false Messiah, 67.

Dualism of Paul, 287; in Crete, Colosse, and Ephesus, 317; its effects, 321.

Ebionitism, its germ in the apostolic age, 298; its obscure commencement, 414.

Ecclesiastical organization of primitive Church, 331; its unity, 334; in relation to the constitution of Churches, 336; absence of sacerdotal order in, 345; its relation to that of the Jewish synagogue, 346; its simple mechanism, 346; its development, 354; how far a pattern for later ages, 360; causes which strengthened it, 475.

Elders of primitive Church, their functions, 83, 351; their appointment to office, 356.

Election, Paul on, 264; John on, 459.

Eleusinian mysteries, the, 158.

Elymas, 117.

Epaphras, or Epaphroditus, 147.


Ephesus, 169; the temple of Diana at, 170; Exorcists at, 172; Paul's fighting with beasts at, 178; epistle to the Church at, 193; John's residence at, 423.

Episcopate, imaginary recognition of, in Church at Jerusalem, 9o, 4I0 n. See Hierarchical Theory.

Eternal Sonship of Christ, as taught by Paul, 271; doctrine not contradicted by use of word πρωτότοκος, 271 n.

Ethiopian Eunuch, the, 74.

Eutychus, 182.

Faith, its relation to works, according to James, 243; Paul's teaching on justification by, 279.

Felix, the Procurator, 191.

Festus, 194.

Free grace, Paul's doctrine of, 262.

Funerals in primitive Church, 381.

Galatians, their origin and character, 148; epistle to, 169; Judaizing teachers among the, 267.

Gallio, 165.

Gamaliel, 33; his intervention in the Sanhedrim, 40.

Gamaliel, Paul's teacher, 99.

Gentiles, Christian, how regarded by primitive Church, 125, 137; problem concerning, not solved by Council of Jerusalem, 139; gradually reconciled to Christians of Jewish origin, 237.

Gifts, the, of primitive Church, 338.

Gnosticism, in primitive Church, 326.

Gospel according to Mark, the origin of, 219; its character and style, 252.

Gospel according to Matthew, the, written in Hebrew, 220, 252.

Gospel according to Luke, the, indications in, of the mind of Paul, 292.

Gospel, the fourth, 235.

Gospels, the first three, 216, 219.

Greek paganism and Christianity, 162.

Greek poets quoted by Paul, 99.

Hebrews, the epistle to the, author of, 169, Note J, 498; probable design of, 232; its relation to Pauline thought, 292; traces in, of Judaism of Alexandria, 293.

Hellenist Jews, 54, 55.

Heresy, symptoms of, in early Church, 297; of Ephesian and Colossian Churches, 327.

Herod Agrippa, 87, 88, 196. 517

Hierapolis, 148.

Hierarchical theory of Church government referred to, 35, 50, 56, 71, 76, 85, 89, 110, 131, 132, 140, 164, 205, 211, 214, 333, 343, 348, 359, 476.

Humanity of Christ, as taught by Paul, 273.

Imputed righteousness, James's recognition of, 243 n.; Paul's doctrine of, 256.

Individuality, the basis of the Church, 24; preserved by the sacred writers, 238, 251, 390.

James, the son of Alphæus, his mission in Egypt, 208.

James and Jude, their epistles, Note H, 496.

James, the Lord's brother, distinguished from James, son of Alphaeus, 90 n; his position in the Church at Jerusalem, 90, 299; his character and history, 91, 206; in the Council of Jerusalem, 132, 134; his death, 231; his views of Christian truth, 237; his epistle, 241; not the mere representative of the school of Judaizing Christians, 242; his silence on the death, resurrection, and miracles of Christ, 245; the Churches he had in view in his epistle, 246.

James, son of Zebedee, the first apostle-martyr, 87.

Jerusalem, the city of, its destruction, 399; immediate occasion of the siege of, 400; terrible features of siege of, 402; hostile factions within, during siege of, 403; famine in, during siege of, 404; close of drama, 405; the burning of the temple of, 405; consequences to Christian Church of destruction of, 406, et seq.

Jerusalem, the Christian Church of, James's influence in, 91, 299; as the early religious center of Christian Church, 93; appealed to by Church at Antioch, 128; feeling of, toward Paul, 299; character and tendencies of members of, 300. See Council.

Jesus Christ, His purpose, 23; His redeeming work, according to Paul, 271; His eternal Sonship, 271; His relations to the race, 273.

John, St., his paramount influence in third period of apostolic age, 415; his natural disposition, 415; his vocation, 415; his method, 416; not the type of feminine gentleness, 417; his ardor, 417; his early life and preparation for his work, 418; his first religious impressions, 418; his call, 418; his view of Christ's doctrine-compared with that of other disciples, 419; his association with Peter, 420; his residence in Jerusalem, and supposed journeys to Rome and the country of the Parthians, 420; his temporary obscurity, 420; his view of Christ's doctrine and work, 421; his contact with philosophic culture, 422; his residence at Ephesus, 423; his sphere of 518action, 424; striking incident in his apostolic visitation, 424; his relation to Judæo-Christianity, 426; his banishment, 427; his gospel and epistles, 428; his last years, 429; his influence on after ages, 430; his theology, 430; source of his theology, 431; his doctrinal statements compared with Paul's, 442; his doctrinal starting-point, 442; his mysticism, 442; his teaching concerning the Divine Being, 443; prologue of his gospel, 445, 475; his recognition of the Holy Spirit, 446; on the Word and the world, 447; on the Word and redemption, 450; on the drawing of the Father, 45; on Moses and Christ, 452; on the incarnation and its significance, 453; on the Saviour's death, 456; on the Word in the Christian and in the Church, 458; on election and faith, 459; on the morality of love, 461; on the future of the Church, 461; his democratic view of the constitution of the Church, 476; closes the apostolic age, 479; authenticity of his gospel and epistles, Note M, 509. See Apocalypse and Primitive Church.

Judaizing teachers, in Galatian Church, 304; among the Philippians, 306; among the Thessalonians, 307; among the Romans, 308; among the Corinthians, 309; their real influence upon primitive Church, 316.

Judaizing tendency in primitive Church, its development, 298; among Galatians and others, 303 et seq.

Judas Thaddeus, in Mesopotamia, 208.

Jude, brother of our Lord, his work, 206.

Laodicea, 148; epistle to Church at,193.

Laying on of hands, 59, 357.

Literature of the subject of the volume, Note A, 48I.

Lord's Supper, the, celebration of, in primitive Church, 52, 377; grossly misrepresented by enemies of Christianity, 226.

Luke, the physician, his history, 151; his gospel, 292.

Lydia, 152.

Lysias, the tribune at Jerusalem, 187.

Macedonia, the appeal from, to Paul, 149.

Magicians, their influence in first days of Christianity, 66.

Mark, his gospel, 219, 252. See Gospel.

Mark, John, companion of Paul, 116, 143.

Matthew, in Arabia, 208.

Matthias, in Ethiopia, 208.

Miracles, distinguished from magic, 172; influence of on the spread of Christianity, 43. 519

Missions, character of, undertaken by Paul, 203.

Missions of primitive Church, part taken in, by the several apostles, 204 et seq.; value of traditions concerning the, 207; extreme eastern point of the, 208; mode of evangelization adopted in the, 216.

Moral affinity, its influence on the apprehension of religious truth, 421.

Nathanael and Bartholomew in Arabia, 208.

Nero, 200; as a representative of paganism, 221; his part in persecution of Christian Church, 224; his mingled cruelty and buffoonery, 229; his persecution confined to Rome, 229.

Nicholas, the Deacon, 57; heresy attributed to, 473.

Octavia Poppæa, 200.

Offices in primitive Church, the, 343.

Onesimus, 194.

Origin of evil, the, Paul's teaching upon, 261.

Original sin, Paul's teaching upon, 262.

Paganism, of Greece and Christianity, 162; of Rome and Christianity, 221.

Palestine, Christian Churches of, persecution of, 230; development of Judaistic tendencies in, 299; how affected by the fall of Jerusalem, 406.

Pantheism, as taught by Simon Magus, 320.

Paul, St., his great natural qualities, 95; his testimony to Christianity, 96; characteristics of his reasonings, 96; considered as a reformer, 97; preparation for his work, 97; early training, 98; early religious development, 1o; unlike the Pharisees condemned by Christ, 102; dramatic form of some of his arguments, 103; contact with Stephen, 105; preparatory period before his conversion, 106; miraculous circumstances attending his conversion, 1o6; discrepancies in narratives of his conversion, 107 n.; his conversion not completed on the way to Damascus, 109; his residence in Arabia, 110; visits Jerusalem, 111; commanded to preach to the Gentiles, 111; his work in Jerusalem and at Antioch with Barnabas, 112; commencement of his apostolic work, 112; his claim to the apostolate, 1 12; how he obtained knowledge of the divine history of salvation, 115; his first missionary journey, 116; his change of name, 118 n.; at Antioch in Pisidia, 118; his first proclamation of salvation by faith alone, 120; at Iconium, 121; at Lystra, 121; end of first missionary journey, 123; his apostleship discussed at the conference in Jerusalem, 125; his defense of his apostleship, 129; in the Council of 520his dispute with Peter at Antioch, 138; his second missionary journey, 143; accompanied by Silas, 144; his preaching, 144; his labors, 145; his asceticism, 145, 390; his thorn in the flesh, 145; his relations with Timothy, 146; relations with Epaphras, 147; in Galatia, 148; his summons to Macedonia, 149; at Philippi, 152; at Thessalonica, 155; at Athens, 157; at Corinth, 162; his Nazaritish vow, 166; keeping the Pentecost at Jerusalem, 167; his third missionary journey, 169; at Ephesus, 169; his epistle to the Galatians, 169; at Crete, 174; at Corinth, 174; first epistle to Timothy, 175; epistle to Titus, 175; epistle to Corinthians, 176; persecuted at Ephesus, 177; into Europe again, 18o; second epistle to Corinthians, 180; in Achaia, 81; epistle to the Romans, 181; to Jerusalem again, 181; his payment of charges for certain sacrifices, 185; his imprisonment, 189; before Ananias, 190; before Felix, 192; at Cæsarea, 193; epistles to Ephesians, Colossians, Laodiceans, and Philemon, 193; before Festus, appeals to Cæsar, 195; before Agrippa, 196; voyage to Rome, 197; arrival at Rome, 198; his conference with Jews at Rome, 199; affliction added to his bonds, 199; his expectation of death, 200; second epistle to Timothy, 201; his alleged second captivity, Note F, 492; characteristics of his mission work, 203; his death, 230; his influence on Christian doctrine, 234; his particular mode of regarding Christian truth, 240; his doctrine as set forth in his writings, 254; his attitude toward Judaism, 254; fullness of his doctrine, 255; moral character of his religious teaching, 256; on righteousness, 256; on the corruption of mankind, 258; on the opposition between flesh and spirit, 260; on the origin of evil, 261; on original sin, 262; on free grace, 263; on predestination, 264; on the salvation of the individual, 265; on the Mosaic dispensation, 268; on the eternal Sonship of Christ, 271; on redemption, 271; on Christ's humanity, 273; on justification by faith, 279; on the Christian Church, 283; on the last times, 284; on the return of Christ, 286; on the relation between the two covenants, 287; on dualism, and on grace and freedom, 288; his use of Scripture, 290; his teaching based on that of Christ, 290; his influence on the gospel of Luke, the Acts of the Apostles, and the epistle to the Hebrews, 292; his relations with the Church at Jerusalem, 299; his epistles to the Corinthians, with reference to the four parties there, 311; on holy days, 364; on Christian worship, 368; on the sacraments, 373; on the Christian life, 381; as saint and apostle, 396; his statements of doctrine compared with those of St. John, 442 his epistles, Note G, 495. 521

Pentecost, the day of, 28; miracle of, Note D, 489. See Spirit.

Persecution of the Christian Church, first outbreak of the, 37; officially commenced, 221; determining cause of, under Nero, 224; in Rome by Nero, 228; impression produced on the Church by the first, 229; in Palestine, 230.

Peter, St., his influence in the primitive Church, 33; his history as a disciple, 33; his disposition, 33; his alleged primacy, 34; before the Sanhedrim, after Pentecost, 38; as the first apologist of the Church, 44; on faith in Christ, 47; not first bishop of Antioch, 77; and Cornelius, 79; and the Christians at Jerusalem, 83; his deliverance from prison, 88; tradition of visit to Rome disproved, 89; his part in Council of Jerusalem, 132; his dispute with Paul at Antioch, 138; his secondary part in history of Church after Council of Jerusalem, 210; his relations with Paul, 210; his work, 210; his residence at Babylon, 210; his alleged residence at Rome, 211; occasion and characteristics of his epistle, 211, 247; his Christian maturity, 212; did he go from Babylon to Rome? 213; his death, 214; his share in the gospel of St. Mark, 219; particulars of his death and legend relating thereto, 230; his mode of regarding Christian truth, 241; his conception of the nature and work of Christ compared with that of St. Paul, 249; on faith, 250; on election, 251; influenced by St. Paul, 251; authenticity of the second epistle bearing his name, Note I, 497.

Pharisaism, the spirit of, indestructible, 127.

Philemon, the epistle to, 193.

Philip, the apostle, his sphere of evangelistic work, 207.

Philip, the deacon, 71; and the Ethiopian eunuch, 74.

Philippi, its history and government, 151; Paul's arrival at, 152; the Church at, 155, 306.

Prayer, resorted to by Church in persecution, 41.

Preaching, meaning of word in New Testament, 2I7.

Predestination, Paul's teaching upon, 264.

Primitive Church, the, its peculiar mission, 25; its peculiar gifts, 26; union of human and divine elements in, 27; three periods of its history, 27; its rupture with Judaism, 32; its rapid increase, 35; first persecution of, 37; opposed by ridicule, calumny, and prejudice, 42; miracles in, 42; not to be regarded as a Jewish sect, 46; its faith in Christ, 47; its doctrine not systematic, 48; its expectation of Christ's return, 48; absence of fixed ecclesiastical organization in, 48; influence of apostles in, 49; admission into, 51; discipline of, 51; worship of, 51; community of goods in, 53; jealousy about distribution of alms in, 54; diaconate of the, 55, 354; 522admission of Gentiles into, 82, 127; the elders of, 85, 346; the prophets of, 86, 341; not free from sectarian influences, 127; its missions, 205; symptoms of heresy in, 297; sacraments in, 345, 373, 377; Sabbath days in, 364 et seq.; in the time of John, 464; progress of, from destruction of Jerusalem to close of first century, 464; intermittent persecution of, 465; its great peril, 468; its more definite forms of heresy, 470; the democratic nature of its constitution, 476; gradual transformation of its style of worship, 468. See Ecclesiastical Organization; Worship; Christian Life, etc.

Priscilla and Aquila, 163, 389; at Ephesus, 167; instruct Apollos, 168.

Prophesying in primitive Church, 341.

Prophets in primitive Church, 86.

Proselytes of the Gate, 135.

Redemption, Paul's teaching upon, 271; judicial theory of, 276, 277 n.

Resurrection, Paul on the, 285, 285 n.; of Christ, its place in apostolic preaching, 44.

Roman paganism and Christianity, 221.

Romans, the epistle to the, 181; the ninth chapter of the epistle to the, 265.

Sabbath, the, under the Christian dispensation, 364; the Lord's day not put in its place, 367. See Paul and Primitive Church.

Sacraments, the Christian, in primitive Church, 373 et seq.

Sadducean spirit, the, essentially persecuting, 37.

Samaria, its people, 64; the Gospel introduced into, 71; the Christian converts in, visited by Peter and John, 71; the influence of the Church in, upon Christian thought, 73.

Sanhedrim, 36; Peter before the, 38. Saul of Tarsus, 64; influence of Stephen's death upon, 63; his preparation and conversion, 95. See Paul.

Scholastic spirit, the, among the Jews, 99.

Scriptures, the holy, appealed to by Peter in proof of Christianity, 44; freedom with which quoted, 45; allegorical interpretation of, by heretics, 325; use of by Paul, 290.

Sergius Paulus, 117.

Silas, or Silvanus, 144; at Babylon with Peter, 212.

Simon Magus, 66; his system, 68, 318; his baptism, 71; his subsequent history, 73; the first heretic, 318; his pantheism, 319; his immorality, 321. 523

Simon Zelotes, his sphere of evangelistic work, 208.

Socrates before Athenian judges compared with Christians before the Sanhedrim, 39.

Solitude as a preparation for great service, 110.

Spirit, the Holy, progressive action of, 26; on the day of Pentecost, 28; and the gift of tongues, 30; sometimes given before baptism, 51; often given to new converts without their concurrence, 72; never does violence to human freedom, 81.

Spiritual crisis, times of, 101.

Stephen, his natural qualities, 57; his apology, 59; his death, 62, et seq.

Stephanus, Crispus, and Gaius, 164.

Sword, the, not to be appealed to by the persecuted, 40.

Synagogue, rulers of the, 84.

Systems of theology, the product of post-apostolic times, 239.

Tarsus, the schools of, 98.

Teaching, the gift of, in primitive Church, 343.

Theosophy of the East, the attempt to combine Christianity with the, 318.

Thessalonica, 155; epistle to Church at, 165.

Thomas, in Parthia, 208. Thorn in the flesh, the, of Paul, 145.

Timothy, his history and character, 146; Paul's first epistle to, 175; second epistle to, 201.

Titus, with Paul at Jerusalem, 128; Paul's epistle to, 175.

Tongues, the gift of, 30;. error of Irenæus and Tertullian with respect to, 31; in the second period of the apostolic age, 340.

Tübingen School, the hypothesis of, concerning doctrinal differences in the primitive Church, untenable, 236.

Vow of Paul, the disputations respecting, 167 n.

Worship in primitive Church, marked by differences between Jewish and Gentile converts, 361; places in which offered, 363; times for, observed, 364; lack of liturgical element in, 368; rules for, given by Paul, 368; essential acts of, 369; teaching in connection with, 370; prayer, 371; singing, 372; the sacraments, 373; indications of a transformation in the style of, 468.

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