Cosmas Indicopleustes, Christian Topography (1897) pp. 393-398. Index
Aaron, official robes of, 123
Abel, 168-170
Abia, 153, Plate 16
Abraham, 177, 253-4
Abraham of Cascar, 24
Abyssinia, 55, 60
Acesinês, R., 75
Adam, 78, 79, 81, 165-7, 218, 235;
Aden, 63
Adulê, vii, x, 54, 6r, 66, 366, 368, 371
Aeolis, 35
Agamè, 60
Agau, vii, 52
Agriobous (Wild-ox), 360-1
Agrippa (King), 217
Albatrosses, v, 40
Alexander the Great, 18, 36, 69, 72, 74, 75, 119, 366, 375, 382-3
Alexandria in Egypt, viii, xviii, 23, 50, 54, 245, 247
Aloes, 366
Angels, creation of the, 102; their functions, xix, xxiv, 76, 78, 81, 105, 228; 320-7, 345; their place of abode, 280-7, 328, 347; their destiny, 82-3
Anastasius, 246
Angabe, 61
Anna the Prophetess, 210
Annine, 62
Antigonus, 69
Antioch, 18, 25, 120, 246
Antioch of Pisidia, 201, 279
Antiochus I, 18, 72
Antiochus II, 72
Antiochus IV (Epiphanes, Theos), 69, 207, 375
Antipodes, xx, 5, 14, 17, 86, 136-7
A pion, 378
Apocalypse of Paul, 290
Apollinarians, ix
Apollinarius, 213
Apollonius Molon, 377
Amethyst, 364, 365
Amos, 198-9
Amphilochius (of Iconium), 290
Apostles, teaching of the, 212
Arabah, the, 203
Arabia Felix (Sabaea, Yemen), 35, 37, 38, 64, 66, 120
Arabitae, 64, 66
Ararat, Mt., 33
Archangels, functions of, 88
Archimedes, 125
Argellia (cocoa-nuts), 362
Arians, ix, 258
Aries (Zodiac sign), 13, 139
Arius, 213
Aristotle, 4, 11, 18, 117, 121, 125, 360,
Ark (Noah's), 33, 44, 46, 91, 171-2, 376
Armenia, 375
Arsaces, 72
Arsinoê, Queen, 57
Arsinoê, city of, 120
Aromatics, country of, see Barbaria
Artaxerxes Mnêmôn, 360
Arts, invention of the, 122-5
Asia (Minor), 120
Asôka, inscription of, 363
Assyrians, 37
Astronomy, the Ptolemaic, 6-8
Atalmô, 62
Atbara R., 60, 61, 62
Athagdus, 61
Athanasius (B. of Alexandria), festal letters of, 290, 332
Athanasius (friend of Cosmas), xxiii, Book VII addressed to him, 263
Athenians, the, 229, 381
Atlantis, island of, 376, 380
Aua, 61
Augusti, line of the, 71
Augustine, St., 17, 258
Axum, Axomis, vi, 39, 50, 54, 59, 61, 120, 245, 249, 359
Babel, Tower of, 91-93, 225, 377-9
Babylon, Babylonians, 36, 58, 68, 91, 313, 315. 316, 375
Bactrians, 37, 49, 120
Balaam, 182
Balkh, 37
Baptism, 183-4, 220; for the dead, 273
Barbaria (frankincense country), vii, 34,38, 39, 48, 51, 65, 66, 67, 252
Barygaza (Bharoch), 369, 371
Basil, St., 290, 332
Beazley, Mr. Raymond, quoted, xiii,xxiv
Bega, 62
Bells, the golden, 156, 158
Berenice, Queen, 57
Berenice, hair of, 58-59
Berenice, or Ptolemais Thérôn, 58
Berenice, city of, 126
Bêrosus, 312, 375
Bigot, Emeric, i
Blemmyes, 64, 371
Borysthenes, R., 247
Brachmans, 48
Bulgarians, 121
Byron, quoted, 301
Byzantium, see Constantinople
Caber, 367
Cadmus, 381
Caesar, Julius, 378
Cain, 123, 126
Calliana, 119, 366
Cambyses, 58, 59
Canaan, 36, 173
Canopus, Synod of, 58
Cappadocia, 120
Captivity, the Babylonian, 208
Carbuncle, 373
Carrhae, 178
Caria, 57
Caspian Sea, 39, 50, 131, 370
Cassaniti, 37
Castor-oil, 366
Cataracts of the Nile, 24, 50
Catholic Epistles, 290-2
Ceylon, vi, viii, xx, xxiv, 48-9, 118-9; its different names, 363; its size, 364; its kings, 364-5; its trade, 365-7
Chaeremon, 377
Chair with Greek inscriptions, 54-68
Chaldaeans., 24, 91; their kings, 375
Charton, M., xiii
Cherubim, in, 146, 329, 330
Chosroes, 18, 73
Christ, His conception, 139, 142; birth, 143, 221, 236, 242; earthly life, 219; temptation, 220; miracles, 98, 115, 116; transfiguration, 192-3; passion, 81, 140-1, 205,
253; resurrection, 196-201, 229; ascension, 219, 220-1, 356-7; second coming, 237-8, 256; two natures, 84, 258, 359
Christianity, nations converted to, ix,
Chrysostom, St., 17, 291, 333, 349;quoted, 345-8
Ciborium, 75
Cicero, quoted, 11, 17, 378
Cilicia, 58, 120
Cimmerii, 35
Cinaedocolpitae, 64, 66
Circumcision, 27, 119
Cleopatra, 70
Climates, 247
Cloves, 366
Clysma, xx, 142
Cocoa-nuts, see Argellia
Colchos, 120
Colossians, the, 229
Comana, 346
Comorin, C., 39
Cone, shadow cast by a, 250
Constantinople, x, xi, xviii, 24, 150, 239, 246; Council of, 213, 291
Constantinus, 2
Corinth, 18
Corinthians, the, 229, 230
Cosmas, name of, iv; his biography, iv-viii; sect, ix; veracity, xii; cosmology, xv-xvii; maps and sketches, xxv; place in history, xxv; work on geography, 2
Cretans, 230, 381
Crimea, 35
Ctesias of Cnidus, 360
Cupping-glass, 19
Cush, 36, passim
Cyclades, 57
Cyprus, 35, 36, 37
Cyrano, 120
Cyrus, 68, 314-5
Dalmatians, 121
Daniel, 204, 207, 308, 317, 379; interpretation of his vision and ihe image, 68, 73
Darius the Mede, 68
David, 184
Day and Night, vicissitudes of, 132
Death, why inflicted on man, 162-3; how introduced, 219
De La Croze, ix, xiv
Denarii, 370
Devil, see Satan
Diapsalma (Selah), 185
Dillmann, 61, 64, 65
Diodorus Siculus, quoted, 75
Diodorus (of Tarsus), ix
Diodorus, Island of, 60
Dionysus, King of Egypt, 70
Dioscorides, see Socotra
Dolphin, 363
Dumb barter, 51-54
Earth, one here and one beyond the ocean, 33; the one here divided between the sons of Noah, 34-37; its length and breadth, 49-51; its shape, 132; its position, 136; its flatness, 252
Earth beyond the Ocean, 376
Earthquakes, 17-18, 86
Easter, 122, 353
Ebionites, 308
Eclipses, 4, 9, 116-7, 121, 133, 238, 246, 322-31, 385
Eden, see Paradise
Edessa, 25, 72
Edfu, 245
Egypt, 2, 18; passim
Elamites, 37, 120
Elanitic Gulf, 154
Elbe R., 75
Elements, the four, 10-12, 15, 20, 85-6; fire and water, 338
Elephants, 57, 58, 370, 371; fight of,372
Elesboas, King of Axum, vii, x, 52, 54,55, 359
Elijah, 115, 194-5, 200, 206, 255
Elim, 56, 143
Elis, 35
Elisa (Elishah), 35
Elisabeth (John Baptist's Mother), 210
Embryons dying in the womb, destiny of, 296-7
Emeralds, 371
Enoch, 167, 171, 254-5
Entelecheia, meaning of, 11
Epicycles, 8, 13
Ephesians, the, 229; Epistle to the, 346
Ephesus, 222, 230; council of, 239
Ephorus quoted, 73-75
Epiphanius (B. of Cyprus), 349; quoted,344-5
Epiphany, 143
Erythraean Sea, 38
Esau, 179
Ethiopia, vi, 20, 34, passim
Eunuch, the Ethiopian, 199
Eunuchs, 317
Euphrates, R., 41, 58, 76
Eusebius Pamphili, 72, 111, 142, 290-1,375
Eutychês, 213
Eutychians, ix
Euxine Sea, 35
Eve, 167, 235
Exodus, the, from Egypt, 141, 142, 254
Ezekiel, 203
Festus, 279
Firmament, the, 231, 336-9, passim
Flood, the Noachian, i 14, 136, 375;
Floyer, Mr., quoted, 245
Franks, the, 121
Gabala, 62, 66
Gadeira (Cadiz), 34, 35, 36, 38, 50, 75, 120, 121, 376
Galatians, the, 229
Galaxy, the, 14
Galilee, 203
Gallandi, xiii
Gambela, 61
Ganges K., 48
Garamantes. 120
Gazê, 60
Gellius, Aulus, 378
Gêon R., 41
Gibbon quoted, xiii, 25, 120, 121, 239,
354. 365. 370
Giraffe, 359
Glaser, Dr. E., 60, 61, 64, 65
Gog and Magog, 198
Gold mines; q2, 53
Gollas, 370-1
Gomer, 35
Goths, 121
Gravitation, law of, illustrated, 28-29
Greeks, invective against the, 382; relapse of the, into infidelity, 385-6
Gregory, St., 332
Gregory (B. of Nazianzus), 332-3
Guardafui, C., v, vii, 36, 60
Gulfs, the four, 101, 131
Guzerat, 48
Habakkuk, 201
Haggai, 204
Ham, 34, 36, 373
Harrar, 60
Havilah (Euilat), 372
Heavenly bodies, 76, 101; motions of the, 84-85; course of the, 321-330
Heavens, the, indissolubility of, xxiii, 268; fixity of, 16; number of, 114, 134, 267; sphericity of, denied, 239, 347-8; duration of, 263-296
Hebrews, the, 230
Hedjaz, 60, 64
Hellespont, 58, 247
Hercules, pillars of, 36
Herod, 200
Heruli, 121
Hezekiah, song of, 305-311; sun dial of, 311-313
Hieroglyphics, 94
Himyari, see Homerites
Hiouen Thsiang, 365
Hipparchus, 244
Hobia, or Obbia, 64
Hog-deer, 361-2
Homer, 380-1
Homerites, vii, x, 37, 39, 52, 55, 251-2, 366, 372
Homologus, 3
Horatae, 367
Horeb, Mt., 144
Horses, Persian, 372
Hosea, 195-6
Huns, 37, 120, 370-1
Hunter, Sir W., 370-1
Hyacinth-stone, 364, 365, 368
Hydaspes, R., 75
Hyperidès, 147
Hyrcanian Sea, see Caspian Sea
Hyrcanians, 72
Iberia (Spain), 50
Illyrians, 121
Image, man the, of God, 235
India, 36, 37, 49, passim; Further India, 39; India tertia, 39
Indiction 246, 354
Indus, R., 48; identified with the Phison, 372
Inscriptions at Adulê, ii, vii, 54-68
Ionia, 58
Iouuia (Iounnia?), 49
Irenaeus, 290
Isaac, 177-9, 254
Isaiah, 199, 200, 307-8
Ishmaelites, 158
Israelites; how fed and clothed in the Wilderness, 158
Jacob. 179-181; ladder of, 282
Japhet, 35, 173
Jasper-stone, 372
Jeremiah 202
Joel, 196-7
John St., Gospel of, 222-4
John the Baptist, 142, 206,200-10, 219-220
Jonah, 98, 198-9, 379
Joseph, 254
Joshua (son of Nun), 115, 117, 160-1
Josephus. 111, 311, 375
Judas Iscariot, 223
Judgment, the last, 278; oracular plate
of, 155-6
Jupiter, the planet, 11, 13
Justinian, 18, 48, 55
Justinus I, x, 55
Kalaa, 61
Karinoi, 178
Kasu, 64
Kavéra, 367
Kâvêripattam, see: Cahor
Kelts, 73
Kêtioi (Cyprians), 36
Khartum, vii
meanings of, 244
(turban), 156
Laccadive Islands, 364
Lacedemonians, 381
Lactantius, quoted 17
Laodicea, 213
Lazarus, 109, 223
Lazica, 120
Laxinê, 62, 66
Letters, knowledge of, given to Moses, 110, 112
Leuce Cômê, 64
Libya, 36, 37, 40, 57, 120
Lotus, the, 75
Ludolf, Job, 56
Luke, St., 221-2
Luxor, 245
Lycia, 57
Lysimachus, a grammarian, 377-8
Maccabees, 69
Macedonia, 68, 69, 70
Maeotic Lake. 247
Magi, the, 72
Magog, 35
Malachi, 205-6
Malala, John, 55
Male (Malabar), 48, 119, 366, 367
Man, God's image, 104; creation of, 104-5; how constituted, 104-6; upright figure of, 108-9
Manetho, 377
Mangarouth (Mangalor), 367
Manichaeans, ix, xxi, 212, 242, 258, 259
Manna., 144
Marah, or Merrha, 144
Marallo, 367
Mareb, R., 60
Marcionites, ix, 213, 273
Marco Polo, 305
Mark, St., 220-1
Marmora, Sea of, 54
Mars, the planet, 11, 13
Martin, V. de Saint, 59-60, 63, 65
Mary, the Virgin, 69, 71, 210, 354;
Mother of God,
x, 25, 239
Masius, Mt., 50
Massâwa, 60
Mauretania, 120
Media, 35, 58, 68, 120
Megasthenês, 363, 371
Melchisedec, 175-7
Menander, 147
Menas, vii, 50
Mercy-seat, the, 111, 146
Merodach, 312
Meroè, vii, 36, 37, 38, 64, 247
Meshech, 35
Mesopotamia, 58, 120
Mesraim (Egyptians and Ethiopians),36, 373
(H. Communion), 140,231-3
Metaxa (silk), 366
Metine, 62
Micah, 200-1
Midianites, 158
Migdol, 141 Miliarision, 369
Millennium, the, 241
Mingrelians, 120
Mithras, xx, i 15
Mithridates I, 72
Money, the Roman, 73, 369
Montanists, 241-2
Montfaucon, Father, ii, passim
Moon, circle of the, 321-2; created at full illumination, 342-3
Moses, 94-7, 181-4, passim
Mountain, the conical, xviii, xxiii, 132,134
Music, instruments of, 184
Musk, 366
Musk-deer, 360
Nablus, 241
Nahuni, 201
Nalopatana, 367
Nebuchadnezzar (Nabuchodonosor ), 68, 70, 115, 207, 117
Neo-Platonists, Pantheism of, xxi
Nestorius, 232
Nile, 41, 52, 245; sources of the, vii, viii
Nisibis, 24, 48, 49
Noah, 44-5, 172-6, 253
Nomisma, 369
Nubia. 36, 62, 120. 371
Oasis, the Greater, 25
Obadiah, 198
Origen, 301
Origenists, 333
Orrhotha, 307
Oryx, 361
Ouraniskos, 338
Ousia, 233
Oxus, R., 370, 371
Palestine, 35, 36, 58, 120
Palibothra (Patna), 58
Pamphilus (of Jerusalem), 3, 4, 23, 90,128, 313
Pamphilus (B. of Caesarea), 290
Pamphylia, 58
Paradise, xx, 33, 47, 76, 81, 89, 123,131, 152, 174, 253, 329, 342, 347, 349,372
(Chronicles), 208
Paran, 144
Parthia, 72
Parti, 367
Passover, the, 138-9, 182, 241, 333-4
Patana, 367
Patricius, ix, 24, 316
Paul, St., 227-230; rapture of, into
heaven, xxv, 116-7, 227-8, 256, 267, 326-8
Pentapolis, 120
Pepper, 119, 366, 367
Pepper-tree, 362
Perdiccas, 69
Persarmenia, 41, 76, 120
Persia, 48, 49, passim
Persian Christians, Church of, 365
Peter (friend of Cosmas), xxiii, 304, 317-8
Peter, St., 224-6
Petra, 64
Pharaoh, 94, 141
Phasis. R., 120
Phazinia (Fezzan), 120
Philemon, 230
Philippians, the, 229
Philometor, 70
Philon (13. of Carpathus), 349-51
Phison, R., 366, 372
Phoenicia, 35, 57, 120, 381
Phśnicôn, 143
Photius, iii, xi
Phut (Libyans), 36, 373
Physcon, 384
Pisces (Zodiac sign), 13
Plagues of Egypt, 95-8
Planets, the, 35, 300, 324; motions of the, 8, 13, 14
Plato, 91, 117, 121, 125, 376
Pliny, 367, 370
Phoca (the seal), 363
Point de Galle, 365
Polycarp, 290
Pomegranates, the golden, 156, 158
Pontus, 120
Poudopatana, 367
Priests, garments of, 154-8
Proclus, 376
Proconnesus, Island of, 54
Procopius, 366
Prophecies, how written, 207-8
Propitiation. Ark of, 153
Psalms, contents of the, and how composed, 184-194
Ptolemais. 120
Ptolemy Sôtêr, 57, 69. 70
Ptolemy Philadelphia. 57, 383
Ptolemy Euergetés, 54, 57, 58, 70, 252
Ptolemy, the astronomer, 117, 125, 249, 364
Punishments, the future, 216-7, 238
Pythagoras, 91, 121
Pytheas, 74, 75
Quadrature of the circle, 125
Rae, Dr. Milne, xiv
Rain, how produced, 18-20, 86
Red Sea, or Arabian Gulf, passim
Resurrection, the, 220, 240, 260, 272-7,382
Rewards, nature of the future, 216-7, 231, 241
Rhaithu, vii, 56, 143
Rhapsii, 63
Rhaptum, 39
Rhinoceros, 358-9, 360
Rhodes, xviii, 36, 246, 247
Rhongcosura, 362
Rome, 50, 220
Roman Empire, 70-3
Ruby (the Ceylonese), 365
Ruth, Book of, 298
Saba, see Arabia Felix
Sacrament (the Holy), 241-2
Salopatana, 367
Salt, Mr., 54, 60, 359
Samaritans, 241-2, 257-260
Sandal-wood, 366
Sassanidae, 72
Sasu, 51-2, 64, 66
Satan, 76, 78, 83, 102, 105, 215, 219, 228, 352
Scamander R., 371
Scete, desert of, 24
Scythia, 35, 40, 370
Scythians, 121, 198
Seleucia, 49, 50
Seleucus Nicator, 18, 58, 69
Seleucus, Iambic verses addressed to, 290-1
Self-identity, retention of our, 276
Semenoi, the, 61, 62, 67
Senaar, 49
Sennacherib, 300-7
Septuagint, the, 361, 383
Seraphim, 199
Seres (Northern Chinese), 367
Sesame, 366
Sesea, 63, 65
Seth. 167, 182-3
Severianus (B. of Gabala), 17, 291; quoted, 334-343
Shadows, 244-252; various lengths of, 262; retrogression of, on Hezekiah's
sun-dial, 311
Sheba (Sabaea, or Yemen), Queen of, 52
Shem, 34, 173
Shew-bread, 318. 324
Sibor (Chaul), 367
Sidonians, 37
Sielediba, see Ceylon
Sigye, 60
Silk, 48, 49, 366
Simeon, 197, 211
Sinae (Southern Chinese), 367
Sinai, desert of, viii; inscriptions on rocks of, xx, 159-60
Sindh, 366
Sindu, 366
Socotra, island of, xx, 119
Socrates, 121
Sôlate, 63
Solomon, 208
Solon, 380
Somalis, 60
Song of songs, xxii, 305
Sopatrus, 368
Souls, pre-existence of, 301; nature of, 103; circumscription of, 21, 22, 87;
transmigration of, 260, 301
Spartel C., 120
Spermologos, 9, 279
Spheres, the crystalline, 8; the nine, 300; revolution of, 135
Stephanas (an abbot) , 245
Stephen (first martyr), 218, 226-7
Substantia, 233
Suez, 142
Sun, size of, xviii, xxiii, 244-252; circle of, 321-2; daily course of, 41, 43,
132-4, 340
Sun-dials, 245; degrees how marked on, 311
Sur, or Shur, 143
Surat, 367
Susiana, 37, 58, 59
Syria, 57, 68, 120
Syêné, 245, 249
Tabernacle prepared by Moses, xv, 6, 24, 26, 43, 97, no, 114, 122, 254; description of, 138-161; outer and inner, 150-1; door of, 151; curtains of, 147; court of, 154; veil of, 153; pillars of, 147-9; table of, 31, 46, 152; a pattern of the world, 145, 149
Tablet of Basanite with Greek inscription, 57-9
Takazze R., 60-62
Tana, lake, 52, 60, 61
Tangaitae, 62
Taprobane, sec Ceylon
Tartarus, 260
Taurelaphus, or bull-stag, 359
Temple (of Jerusalem), 99, 100, 117-8,
Tennent, Sir E, quoted, 364, 368, 370
Testimony, Ark of the, 111, 146
Teucer (the Locrian), 380
Thaddaeus, 72
Tharseis (Tarshish, Tartessus), 30
Thebaïd, 20
Theodoras (of Mopsuestia), ix, 25
Theodosius(B. of Alexandria), x, quoted
Theophilus, St. Luke's disciple, 221-2
Theophilus (B. of Alexandria), 333-4
Thêres (Thracians), 35, 36
Thessalonians, the, 229
Thibet, 48
Thomas of Edessa, 24
Thevenot, ii, 364, 368
Thulè, 49
Tiama, 61
Tiamo, 61
Tibareni, the, 35
Tigré, 60, 61, 62, 65
Tigris, R., 41, 49
Timaeus, 379, 380
Timotheus the younger, x, 353; quoted
Timothy, 230
Titus, 230
Tongues, the gift of, 225
Toupha, 360
Tower of Babel, see Babel
Trebizond, 120
Tree of Knowledge, 329, 341; of Life, 166
Trinity (the divine), 233, 258
Trinquemala, 365
Troglodytes, 36, 54, 57, 69
Tropics, the, 43
Tubal, 35
Turtle, the, 363
Twelve months, circle of the, 318-9,322-3, 325
Tyrians, antiquities of the, 380
Tzinitza (China), 48, 49, 366
Unicorn, the, 360-1
Urim and Thummim, 155
Virgins, parable of the ten, 210
Walls, the, joining earth and heaven. 30
Wise Men of the East, the, 197
Woman, creation of, 109-110
World, creation of the, 83; figure of the, 129-137, 261-2
Xenophanes, 75
Xisuthrus, 375
Year, length of the, 321-2
Yemen, see Arabia Felix
Yule, Sir H., xiii, xvii, xx, xxi, 119, 120, 367
Zaa, 62, 66
Zachariah, 153. 210
Zechariah, 205
Zephaniah (Sophonias), 202
Zerubbabel, 204, 205
Zingabene, 61
Zingium or Zingion, 38. 39, 52
Zodiac, the, 324
Zone, the torrid, 249
Zoroaster, 72
Zôskales, 65
Zulla, see Adulê
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