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As I wer readèn ov a stwone

In Grenley church-yard all alwone,

A little maïd ran up, wi' pride

To zee me there, an' push'd a-zide

A bunch o' bennets198198bennets, coarse flowering grasses that did hide

A verse her father, as she zaïd,

Put up above her mother's head,

To tell how much he loved her.

The verse wer short, but very good,

I stood an' larn'd en where I stood:--

'Mid199199mid, may GOD, dear Meäry, gi'e me greäce

To vind, lik' thee, a better pleäce,

Where I woonce mwore mid zee thy feäce;

An' bring thy childern up to know

His word, that they mid come an' show

Thy soul how much I loved thee.'

Where 's father, then,' I zaid, 'my chile?'

'Dead too,' she answer'd wi' a smile;

'An' I an' brother Jim do bide

At Betty White's, o' tother zide


O' road.' 'Mid He, my chile,' I cried,

'That's father to the fatherless,

Become thy father now, an' bless,

An' keep, an' leäd, an' love thee.'

Though she 've a-lost, I thought, so much,

Still He don't let the thoughts o't touch

Here litsome heart by day or night;

An' zoo200200zoo, so, if we could teäke it right,

Do show He'll meäke His burdens light

To weaker souls, an' that His smile

Is sweet upon a harmless chile,

When they be dead that loved it.

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