Almighty Father of mankind, On Thee my hopes remain; And when the day of trouble comes, I shall not trust in vain. | Thou art our kind Preserver, from The cradle to the tomb; And I was cast upon Thy care, E'en from my mother's womb. | In early days Thou wast my guide, And of my youth the friend; And as my days began with Thee, With Thee my days shall end. | In former times, when trouble came, Thou didst not stand afar; Nor didst Thou prove an absent friend Amid the din of war. | My GOD, who caused'st me to hope, When life began to beat, And when a stranger in the world Didst guide my wandering feet; | Thou wilt not cast me off, when age And evil days descend; Thou wilt not leave me in despair, To mourn my latter end! | I know the Power in Whom I trust, The Arm on Which I lean; He will my Saviour ever be, Who has my Saviour been. | |