He sang of GOD--the mighty source Of all things--the stupendous force On which all strength depends; From Whose right arm, beneath Whose eyes, All period, power, and enterprise Commences, reigns, and ends. | Tell them, I AM, Jehovah said To Moses; while earth heard in dread, And, smitten to the heart, At once above, beneath, around, All Nature, without voice or sound, Replied, O LORD, THOU ART. | The world,--the clustering spheres, He made, The glorious light, the soothing shade, Dale, champaign, grove, and hill; The multitudinous abyss, Where Secrecy remains in bliss, And Wisdom hides her skill. | The pillars of the LORD are seven, Which stand from earth to topmost heaven; His Wisdom drew the plan; His Word accomplish'd the design, From brightest gem to deepest mine; From CHRIST enthroned, to Man. | For Adoration all the ranks Of Angels yield eternal thanks, And David in the midst; With GOD's good poor, which, last and least In man's esteem, Thou to Thy feast, O blesséd Bridegroom, bid'st! | For Adoration, David's Psalms Lift up the heart to deeds of alms; And he, who kneels and chants, Prevails his passions to control, Finds meat and medicine to the soul, Which for translation pants. | For Adoration, in the dome Of CHRIST, the sparrows find a home; And on His olives perch: --The swallow also dwells with thee, O man of GOD's humility, Within his Saviour's Church. | Sweet is the dew that falls betimes, And drops upon the leafy limes-- Sweet, Hermon's fragrant air: Sweet is the lily's silver bell, And sweet the wakeful tapers' smell That watch for early prayer. | Sweet the young nurse, with love intense, Which smiles o'er sleeping innocence; Sweet, when the lost arrive: Sweet the musician's ardour beats, While his vague mind's in quest of sweets, The choicest flowers to hive. | Strong is the horse upon his speed; Strong in pursuit the rapid glede180180glede, hawk, Which makes at once his game: Strong the tall ostrich an the ground; Strong through the turbulent profound Shoots Xiphias181181Xiphias, sword-fish to his aim. | Strong is the lion--like a coal His eyeball,--like a bastion's mole His chest against the foes: Strong the gier-eagle182182gier-eagle, probably, circling on his sail; Strong against tide the enormous whale Emerges as he goes. | But stronger still, in earth and air And in the sea, the man of prayer, And far beneath the tide: And in the seat to faith assign'd, Where ask is have, where seek is find, Where knock is open wide. | Precious the penitential tear; And precious is the sigh sincere, Acceptable to GOD: And precious are the winning flowers, In gladsome Israel's feast of bowers Bound on the hallow'd sod. | Glorious the sun in mid career; Glorious the assembled fires appear; Glorious the cornet's train: Glorious the trumpet and alarm; Glorious the Almighty's stretch'd-out arm; Glorious the enraptured main: 166 | Glorious the northern lights a-stream; Glorious the song, when GOD's the theme; Glorious the thunder's roar: Glorious Hosannah from the den; Glorious the catholic Amen; Glorious the martyr's gore: | Glorious,--more glorious,--is the crown Of Him that brought salvation down, By meekness call'd Thy Son; Thou that stupendous truth believed;-- And now the matchless deed's achieved, Determined, Dared, and Done. | |