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As due by many titles, I resign

Myself to Thee, O GOD. First, I was made

By Thee and for Thee, and when I was decay'd,

Thy blood bought that the which before was Thine;

I am Thy son, made with Thyself to shine,

Thy servant, whose pains Thou hast still repaid,

Thy sheep, Thine image, and, till I betray'd

Myself, a temple of Thy Spirit divine.

Why doth the devil, then, usurp on me?

Why doth he steal, nay ravish that's Thy right?

Except Thou rise, and for Thine own work fight,

Oh, I shall soon despair, when I do see

That Thou lov'st mankind well, yet will not choose me,

And Satan hates me, yet is loth to loose me.

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