When I look back, and in myself behold The wandering ways, that youth could not descry: And mark'd the fearful course that youth did hold, And met in mind each step youth stray'd awry; My knees I bow, and from my heart I call, O LORD, forget these faults and follies all! | For now I see, how void youth is of skill, I see also his prime time and his end: I do confess my faults and all my ill, And sorrow sore, for that I did offend. And with a mind repentant of all crimes Pardon I ask for youth, ten thousand times. | The humble heart hath daunted the proud mind; Eke wisdom hath given ignorance a fall: And wit hath taught, that1111that, that which folly could not find, And age hath youth her subject and her thrall. Therefore I pray, O LORD of life and truth, Pardon the faults committed in my youth. | Thou that didst grant the wise king his request: Thou that in Whale Thy prophet didst preserve: Thou that forgav'st the wounding of Thy breast: Thou that didst save the thief in state to sterve1212sterve, die: Thou only GOD, the giver of all grace: Wipe out of mind the path of youth's vain race. | Thou that, by power, to life didst raise the dead: Thou that of grace restor'st the blind to sight: Thou that for love, Thy life and love out-bled: Thou that of favour mad'st the lame go right: Thou that canst heal, and help in all assays, Forgive the guilt, that grew in youth's vain ways. | And now since I, with faith and doubtless mind, Do fly to Thee by prayer, to appease Thy ire: And since that Thee I only seek to find, And hope, by faith, to attain my just desire; LORD, mind no more youth's error and unskill, And able age to do Thy holy will. | |