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David's visit to Ahime-lech, at Nob..........Matt. 12.3,4.-1 Sam. 21.1.

Jonah's entombment for three days and nights in the belly of the fish —12.40; 16.4.—Jonah 1.17.

The Queen of Sheba's visit to Solomon......—16. 42.—1 Kin. 10.1.

The death of Abel......— 23. 35—Gen. 4. 8.

55   The event, to which reference is here made, is not certain. Death of Zacharias.... — 23. 35.-2 Chr. 24. 20.

Elijah's visit to the widow of Zarephath .. Luke 4. 26.—1 Kin. 17. 9.

The healing of Naaman's leprosy ..............— 4. 27.-2 Kin. 5.14.

Jonah's mission to Nineveh ..................— 11. 30—Jonah 3; 4.

The Queen of Sheba's visit to Solomon ___— 11. 31.—1 Kin. 10.1.

The murder of Abel and Zacharias ............ (See under Matthew.)

The deluge in the days of Noah ................Luke 17. 26.—Gen. 7.

The destruction of Sodom — 17. 29.—Gen. 19.16.

The fate of Lot's wife .. — 17. 32.—Gen. 19. 21.

Moses' vision of the burning bush.............. — 20. 37.—Ex. 3.

Moses lifting up the brazen serpent ..........John 3.14.—Num. 21. 9.

Manna in the wilderness — 6. 31.—Ex. 16.15.

Mosaic enactment of circumcision ............— 7.22.—Lev. 12. 3.

Mosaic enactment of stoning, as punishment for adultery .... — 8.5.—Lev. 20.10.

God appeared unto Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran .. Acts 7.2.—Gen. 15.7; Neh .9.7.

Abraham's residence in Charran..............— 7.4.—Gen. 11.31.

His migration from Charran to Canaan .. — 7.4.—Gen. 12. 4, 5.

God's promise to give Canaan to! Abraham and his seel..........— 7.5.—Gen.10.1-7; 13.15.

Israel's bondage in Egypt — 7. 6.—Gen. 15.13.

The birth of Isaac from Abraham ............— 7. 8.—Gen. 21. 3.

Isaac's circumcision the eighth day .......... Acts 7. 8.—Gen. 21.4.

Jacob's birth from Isaac — 7. 8.—Gen. 25. 26.

The birth of the twelve patriarchs from Jacob — 7. 8.—Gen. 42.13.

Joseph sold into Egypt by his brethren ......— 7. 9—Gen. 37. 4,11, 28.

God's favour to Joseph in Egypt..............— 7. 9.—Gen. 39. 2, 21.

Joseph's deliverances from affliction by God's favour, and his divine gift of wisdom........— 7.10—Gen. 41.37-39.

Pharaoh's promotion of Joseph to be ruler over Egypt and over his house ................ —7.10.—Gen. 41. 40.

The famine over Egypt and Canaan..........— 7.11.—Gen. 41. 54.

Jacob sending his sons to Egypt to buy corn.... — 7.12.—Gen. 42. 2.

Joseph makes himself known to his brethren in Egypt..............— 7.13.—Gen. 45.1.

The descent of Jacob and his family into Egypt.................. — 7. 14, 15—Gen. 45. 9; 46. 5, 6.

Jacob's death in Egypt — 7.15.—Gen. 49. 33.

The burial of the patriarchs at Shechem — — 7.16.—Gen. 33.19; Josh. 24. 32.

The great increase of the Israelites ............— 7.17.—Ex. 1. 7.

The accession of a king of Egypt hostile to the Israelites ............ — 7.18.—Ex. 1.8.

Pharaoh dealt subtilly with them............— 7.19.—Ex. 1.10.

The casting of their sons into the river ........— 7.19—Ex. 1.22.

The concealment of Moses' birth for threemonths .............. — 7.20.—Ex. 2.2. '

His being cast out, and adoption by Pharaoh's daughter ............— 7. 21—Ex. 2. 3-10.

His murder of an Egyptian, and flight into Midian .............. — 7. 24-29—Ex. 2.12-15.

The birth of his two sons in Midian............— 7.29.—Ex.18. 3.


The appearance of an angel to him in a burning bush, in the wilderness of Sinai ........ Acts 7. 30.—Ex. 3. 2.

God's mission to Moses — 7. 35—Ex. 3.15-18; 4.

The miracles in Egypt by Moses' mission .. — 7. 36.—Ex. 7-12.

The miracle by Moses in the Red Sea..........— 7. 36.—Ex. 14. 21, &c.

The exodus ............— 7. 36.—Ex. 12. 41.

Miracles in the wilderness................ Acts 7. 36.—Ex. 15. 23; 16, &c.

The forty years' wandering in the wilderness.................— 7.36.-Num.l4.33;Ps.95.10,11.

Thriving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai — 7. 38.—Ex. 20.—24.18.

The worship of the golden calf............ — 7. 41—Ex. 32.19.

The making of the tabernacle in the wilderness — 7.44.—Ex. 25.40; 26.30.

The erection of the tabernacle in Canaan......— 7.45.—Josh. 18.1.

David's desire to build a tabernacle............ — 7.46.-2 Sam. 7.

The building of Solomon's Temple........— 7. 47.—1 Kin. 8.

The exodus ............— 13.17.—Ex. 12. 41.

The forty years' wandering in the wilderness — 13. 18.—Num. 14. 33; Ps. 95.10.

God's expulsion of seven nations from Canaan.. — 13.19.—Deut. 7.1.

The division of Canaan amongst the Israelites by lot ................— 13; 19.—Josh. 14. 2.

The rule of the judges .. — 13.2O.-Judg. 2.16.

The judgeship of Samuel the prophet .......... — 13.20.—1 Sam. 3. 20.

The desire of Israel for a kingdom..............— 13.21.—1 Sam. 8. 5.

The forty years' reign of Saul, son of Kish, the Benjamite............ — 13.21.—1 Sam. 10. 21.

God's removal of Saul from the kingdom, and selection of David to succeed him.......... — 13. 22.—1 Car. 10.14.

The pillar df a cloud, guiding Israel........ 1 Cor. 10.1.—Ex. 13. 21.

The passage through the RedSea.............. — 10.1.—Ex. 14. 22.

The Israelites fed by manna................ — 10.3— Ex. 16. 3-35.

Moses bringing water out of the rock........— 10.4.—Ex. 17. 6.

Birth of Ishmael from Abraham and Hagar.. Gal. 4.23,25.—Gen. 16.15.

The creation of Adam and Eve.............. 1 Tim. 2.13.—Gen. 2.7,21,22.

The priority of Eve's fall — 2.14.—Gen. 3.12.

The opposition of the Egyptian magicians to Moses................ 2 Tim. 3.8.—Ex. 7.11.

The tabernacle and its furniture ............ Heb. 9.2,3.—Ex. 25. & 26.

The pot of manna, Aaron's rod, and the two tables, in the Ark of the Covenant ........ — 9.4.—Ex.16.33,34; 2516; Num. 17.10.

The high priest's offering on Day of Atonement — 9. 7.—Ex. 30.10.

Moses' sprinkling the people with the blood of the testament......— 9.20.—Ex. 24. 8.

The daily sacrifice...... — 10.12.—Ex. 29. 38.

The creation of the world — 11.3.—Gen. 1.

God's acceptance of Abel's sacrifice........— 11. 4.—Gen. 4.4.

Enoch's translation .... — 11.5.—Gen.5.24.

Noah's preparation of the ark, and the salvation of himself and family Heb. 11. 7.—Gen. 6.15-18.

The call of Abraham .. — 1L 8.—Gen. 12.1.

His sojourn in Canaan.. — 11. 9.—Gen. 12; 5, &c.

The sojourn of Isaac and Jacob in Canaan ..... — 11. 9—Gen, 27.

The birth of Isaac from Sarah in her old age.. —11.11.—Gen. 18.11,12,14.

Abraham offering up Isaac.................. — 11.17.-Gen. 22.

Isaac blessing Jacob and Esau.................. — 11. 2O.-Gen. 27.

Jacob blessing Joseph's sons before his death.. — 11.21.—Gen. 48.15.

Joseph's dying command concerning his bones, &c..................... — 11 22-Gen. 50. 25.

Moses' return to his own people from Pharaoh's daughter.............. — 11. 25.-Ex. 2.11.

His flight from Egypt .. — 11. 27.—Ex. 2.15.

The Passover in Egypt, and slaughter of the firstborn.............. - 11. 28.—Ex. 12. 21- 29.

The passage of the Red Sea, and destruction of the Egyptian army .. — 11.29.—Ex. 14.

The compassing Jericho for seven days, and the fall of its walls........— 11.30.—Josh. 6.12-20.

The sparing of Rahab and her household... — 11,31.—Josh. 6. 23.

The exploits of the judges, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, Samuel — — 11.32.-Judg.andlSam.

„ of David ..........— 11.32.-2 Sam.

Deliverance of DsLniel in the lions' den ........— 11. 33.—Dan. 6; 22.

Deliverance of the three children from the fiery furnace .............. — 11. 34.—Dan. 3; 27.

Restoration of children to life by Elijah and Elisha....................— 11. 35.-1 Kin. 17. 23; 2 Kin. 4. 37.

The visit of angels to Abraham and Lot .... — 13. 2.—Gen. 18; 2; 19.1.

Rahab's reception and deliverance of the spies James 2. 25.—Josh. 2.1.

The patience of Job.... — 5.11.—Job 1. 21.

Elijah's prayer for a dearth on Israel......— 5.17.—1 Kin. 17.1.

The deluge, the disobedience of the world, and salvation of Noah and his family.. 1 Pet. 3. 20.—Gen. 6. 3; 2 Pet. 2. 5.—Gen. 7.1.

Sarah's deference to Abraham, calling him lord .................. 1 Pet. 3. 6.—Gen. 18.12.

The destruction of Sodom and the cities of the plain.................. 2 Pet. 2. 6.—Gen. 19.

Balaam rebuked by his ass.................... — 2.15.—Num. 22.

Cain's murder of Abel.. 1 John 3.12.—Gen, 4. 8.

The exodus of Israel from Egypt ................ Jude5.—Ex.12.41.

The death of unbelievers in the wilderness... — 5.—Num.l4. 32.

The destruction of Sodom, Gomorrha, &c... — 7.—Gen. 19

The body of Moses —  9.—Deut. 34. 5, 6.

"The way of Cain' .... —  11.—Gen 4.8.

The error of Balaam for reward .......... — 11.—Num. 22.

The gainsaying of Core (Korah) .............. — 11-Num 16.

Enoch, the seventh from Adam ................— 14.—Gen 5.18.

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