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CABINS. Jer. 37.16.
CAGE. Jer. 5. 27 ; Rev. 18. 2.
CAKE. 2 Sam. 6.19, to every man a c. of bread. 1 Kings 17.13, to make me a little c. first. See Judg. 7.13; Jer. 7.18; 44.19 ; Hos. 7. 8.
CALAMITY. Deut. 32.35; 2 Sam. 22.19; Ps. 18.18,
day of c.
Ps. 57.1, until c. be overpast. Prov. 1. 26, I will laugh at your c. 17. 5, he that is glad at c. 19.13, foolish son c. of father. 27.10, brother's house in day of c. See Job 6. 2; Prov. 24. 22.
CALF. Ex. 32. 4; Isa. 11. 6; Lu. 15. 23.
CALKERS. Ezek. 27. 9, 27.
CALLING. Rom. 11. 29, c. of God without repentance. 1 Cor 7. 20, abide in same c. Eph. 1.18, the hope of his c. Phil. 3.14, prize of high c. 2 Thess 1.11, worthy of this c. 2 Tim. 1.9, called us with holy c.
Heb. 3.1, partakers of heavenly c. 2 Pet. 1.10, make c. and election sure.
See Acts 7. 59; 22.16; 1 Cor. 1. 26.
CALM. Ps. 107. 29; Jonah 1.11; Mat. 8. 26; Mk. 4. 39 ; Lu. 8. 24.
CALVES. Hos. 14. 2; Mai. 4. 2.
CAMP.(w.). Ex. 14.19, angel v/ent before c. 16.13, quails covered the c.
Num. 1. 52, every man by his own c.
Deut. 23.14, Lord walketh in midst of c.
See 1 Sam. 4. 6, 7 ; Heb. 13.13.
CAMP.(v.). Isa. 29. 3; Jer. 50. 29; Nah. 3.17.
CANDLE. Job 29. 3, when his c. shined upon my head.
Ps. 18.28, thou wilt light my c.
Prov. 20. 27, spirit of man c. of the Lord.
Zeph. 1.12, search Jerusalem with c.
Mat. 5.15; Mk. 4. 21; Lu. 8.16; 11.33, lighted a c.
Rev. 18. 23, c. shine no more in thee. 22. 5, need no c. nor light.
See Job 18. 6; 21.17; Prov. 24. 20. 103
207CANDLESTICK. 2 Kings 4. 10, let us set for him a c.
See Mk. 4. 21; Heb. 9. 2; Rev. 2. 5.
CANKERED. 2 Tim. 2.17; Jas. 5. 3.
CAPTIVE. Ex. 12.29, firstborn of c. in dungeon.
Isa. 51.14, c. exile hasteneth. 52. 2, O c. daughter of Zion. 2 Tim. 2. 26, taken c. at his will. 3. 6, lead c. silly women.
See 2 Kings 5. 2; Isa. 14. 2; 61.1; Lu. 4.18.
CAPTIVITY. Rom. 7. 23, into c. to law of sin. 2 Cor. 10. 5, bringing into c. every thought.
See Job 42.10; Ps. 14. 7; 85.1; 126.1.
CARCASE. Isa. 66. 24; Mat. 24. 28; Heb. 3.17.
CARE.(n.). Jer. 49.31, nation that dwelletli without c.
Mat. 13. 22; Mk. 4.19, c. of this world.
Lu. 8.14; 21.34, choked with c. 1 Cor 9. 9, doth God take c. for oxen. 12. 25, have same c. one for another. 2 Cor 11.28, the c. of all the churches. 1 Pet 5. 7, casting all your c. on him.
See 1 Sam. 10. 2; 2 Kings 4.13; 2 Cor. 7.12.
CARE.(t). Ps. 142. 4, no man c. for my soul.
John 12. 6, not that he c. for poor.
Acts 18.17, Gallio c. for none of those things.
Phil. 2. 20, naturally c. for your state.
/See 2 Sam. 18. 3; Lu. 10. 40.
CAREFUL. Jer. 17.8, not be c. in year of drought.
Dan. 3.16, we are not c. to answer.
Lu. 10. 41, thou art c. about many things.
Phil. 4. 6, be c. for nothing.
Heb. 12.17, he sought it c. with tears.
See 2 Kings 4.13; Phil. 4.10; Tit. 3. 8.
CAREFULNESS. Ezek. 12.18; 1 Cor. 7. 32; 2 Cor. 7.11.
CARELESS. Judg. 18. 7; Isa. 32. 9; 47. 8; Ezek. 39.6.
CARNAL. Rom. 7.14, c, sold under sin. 8.7, c. mind is enmity. 2 Cor 10.4, weapons of our warfare not c. See ICor. 9.11; Heb. 7.16; 9.10.
CARRIAGE. Judg. 18.21; Isa. 10. 28; 46.1; Acts. 28
CARRY. 1 Kings 18.12, Spirit of the Lord shall
c. thee. Isa. 40.11, c. lambs in his bosom. 53. 4, c. our sorrows. 63. 9, c. them all days of old. Ezek. 22. 9, men c. tales to shed blood. Mk. 6. 55, began to c. about in beds. John 5.10, not lawful to c. thy bed. 21.18, and c. thee wThither thou wouldest not. Eph. 4.14, c. about with every wind. 1 Tim. 6. 7, we can c. nothing out. Heb. 13. 9, not c. about with divers. 2 Pet 2.17, clouds c. with a tempest. Jude 12, clouds c. about of winds.
See Ex. 33.15; Num. 11.12; Deut. 14. 24.
CART. Isa. 5.18, draw sin as with a c. rope.
Amos 2.13, c. full of sheaves.
See 1 Sam. 6. 7; 2 Sam. 6. 3; 1 Chron. 13.7; Isa. 28. 23.
CASE. Ps. 144.15, happy people in such a c.
Mat. 5. 20, in no c. enter heaven.
John 5.6, long time in that c.
See Ex. 5.19; Deut. 19. 4; 24.13.
CAST. Prov. 16. 33, lot is c. into lap.
Mat. 5. 29; Mk. 9.45, whole body c. into hell.
Mk. 9. 33; Lu. 9. 49, one c. out devils.
Lu. 21.1, c. gifts into treasury. • John 8. 7, first c. stone at her. 2 Cor. 10. 5, c. down imaginations. 1 Pet. 5. 7, c. all care upon him. 1 John 4.18, love c. out fear.
See Ps. 76. 6; Prov. 26.18; 3 John 10.
CASTAWAY. 1 Cor. 9. 27, lest I be a c.
CASTLE. Num. 31.10; Prov. 18.19; Acts 21. 34.
CATCH. Ps. 10. 9, to c. the poor.
Mat. 13.19, devil c. away what was sown.
Lu. 5.10, from henceforth thou shalt c. men.
John 10.12, wolf o. and scattereth sheep.
See 2 Kings 7.12; Ezek. 19. 3; Mk. 12.13.
CATTLE. Gen. 46. 32, their trade to feed c.
Ex. 10. 26, our c. shall go with us.
Deut. 2. 35; 3.7; Josh. 8. 2, the e. ye shall take for prey.
Ps. 50.10, c. upon a thousand hills.
See Gen. 1. 25; 30. 43; Jonah 4.11.
CAUGHT. Gen. 22.13, ram c. by horns.
John 21. 3, that night they c. nothing. 2 Cor. 12. 2, c. up to third heaven. 16, 1 c. you with £uile. 1 Thess. 4.17, be c. up together with them.
See 2 Sam. 18. 9; Prov. 7.13; Rev. 12. 5.
CAUSE.(».). Mat. 19. 5; Mk. 10.7; Eph. 5. 31, for this c. shall a man leave. 1 Cor. 11. 30, for this c. many are sickly. 1 Tim. 1.16, for this c. I obtained mercy.
See Prov. 18.17 ; 2 Cor. 4.16; 5.13.
CAUSE.(v. Ezra 6.12, God c. his name to dwell.
Ps. 67.1; 80. 3, e. his face to shine.
Rom. 16.17, them who c. divisions.
See Deut. 1. 38; 12.11; Job 6. 24.
CAUSELESS. 1 Sam. 25. 31; Prov. 26. 2.
CEASE. Deut. 15.11, poor never c. out of land.
Job 3.17, the wicked c. from troubling.
Ps. 46. 9, he maketh wars to c.
Prov. 26. 20, strife c.
Eccl. 12. 3, grinders c. because few.
Acts 20. 31, I c. not to warn. 1 Cor. 13. 8, tongues they shall c. 1 Thess. 5.17, pray without c. 1 Pet. 4.1, hath c. from sin.
See Gen. 8. 22; Isa. 1. 16; 2. 22.
CELEBRATE. Lev. 23. 32; Isa. 38.18.
CELESTIAL. 1 Cor. 15. 40.
CEREMONIES. Num. 9. 3.
CERTAIN. Ex. 3.12, c. I will be with thee. 1 Cor 4.11, no c. dwelling-place.
Heb. 10. 27, a c. looking for of judgment.
See Deut. 13.14; 1 Kings 2. 37 ; Dan. 2. 45.
CERTIFY. 2 Sam. 15. 28; Gal. 1.11.
CHAFF. Mat. 3.12; Lu. 3.17, burn up c. with fire.
See Jer. 23. 28; Hos. 13. 3; Zeph. 2. 2.
CHAIN. Mk. 5. 3, no not with c.
Acts 12. 7, Peter's c. fell off. 2 Tim. 1.16, not ashamed of my c. 2 Pet. 2. 4, into c. of darkness.
Jude 6, everlasting c. under darkness.
See Ps. 73. 6; Lam. 3. 7 ; Isa. 40.19.
CHAMBER. 2 Kings 4.10, little c. on wall.
Ps. 19. 5, as bridegroom coming out of c.
Isa. 26. 20, enter into thy c.
Ezek. 8.12, c. of imagery.
Mat. 24. 26, in secret c.
Acts 9. 37 ; 20. 8, in upper c.
See Dan. 6.10; Joel 2.16; Prov. 7. 27.
CHAMPION. 1 Sam. 17. 4, 51.
CHANCE. 1 Sam. 6.9; 2 Sam. 1.6; Eccl. 9.11; Lu. 10. 31.
CHANGE.(w.). Job 14.14, till my c. come.
Prov. 22. 21, meddle not with him given to c.
See Judg. 14.12; Zech. 3. 4; Heb. 7.12.
CHANGE.O). Ps. 15. 4, sweareth and c. not. 102. 26, as vesture shalt thou c. them.
Lam. 4.1, fine gold c.
Mai. 3.6, I the Lord c. not.
Rom. 1.23, c. glory of uncorruptible God. 1 Cor 15.51, we shall all be c. 2 Cor 3.18, c. from glory to glory. See Job 17.12; Jer. 2.36; 13.23.
CHANT. Amos 6.5.
CHAPMEN. 2 Chron. 9.14. 207
208CHAPT. Jer.14.4.
CHARGE. Job 1.22, nor c. God foolishly. 4.18, angels he c. with folly.
Mat. 9.30; Mk. 5.43; Lu. 9.21, Jesus c. them.
Acts 7.60; 2 Tim. 4.16, lay not sin to their c.
Rom. 8.33, who shall lay any thing to c. 1 Cor. 9.18, gospel without c. 1 Tim. 1.3, c. that they teach no other. 5.21; 2 Tim. 4.1, I c. thee before God. 6.17, c. them that are rich.
Ex.6.13; Ps.35.11; 91.11; Mk.9.25.
CHARGEABLE. 2 Sam. 13.25; 2 Cor. 11.9; 1 Thess. 2.9.
CHARITY. Rom. 14.15, now walkest not c.
Col. 3.14, put on c. 2 Thess 1.3, c. aboundeth. 1 Tim. 1.5, end of commandment is c. 2 Tim. 2.22, follow faith, c, peace. Tit. 2.2, sound in faith, in c. 1 Pet 4.8, c. cover sins. 2 Pet 1.7, to brotherly kindness c Jude 12, spots in feasts of c.
See 1 Cor. 8.1; 13.1; 14.1; 16.14; Rev. 2.19.
CHARMER. Deut. 18.11; Ps. 58.5; Jer. 8.17.
CHASE. Lev. 26.8, five c. hundred.
Deut. 32.30; Josh. 23.10, one c. thousand.
See Job 18.18; Ps. 35.5; Lam. 3.52.
CHASTE. 2 Cor. 11.2; Tit. 2.5; 1 Pet. 3.2.
CHASTEN. Deut. 8.5, as a man c. son.
Ps. 6.1; 38.1, nor c. me in displeasure. 94.12, blessed is the man whom thou c.
Prov. 19.18, c. thy son while there is hope. 2 Cor. 6.9, as c. and not killed.
Heb. 12.6; Rev. 3.19, whom the Lord loveth he c
Heb. 12.11, no c. seemeth to be joyous.
See Ps. 69.10; 73.14; 118.18.
CHASTISEMENT. Deut. 11.2; Job34.31; Isa. 53.5.
CHATTER. Isa.38.14.
CHEEK. Mat. 5.39; Lu. 6.29, smiteth on right c.
See Job 16.10; Isa. 50.6; Lam. 3.30.
CHEER. Prov. 15.13, maketh a c. countenance.
Zech. 9.17, corn make young men c.
John 16.33, be of good c, I have overcome.
Acts 23.11; 27.22, 25, be of good c.
Rom. 12.8, he that showeth mercy with c. 2 Cor. 9.7, God loveth a c. giver.
See Judg. 9.13; Mat. 9.2; 14. 27; Mk. 6.50.
CHERISHETH. Eph. 5.29; 1 Thess. 2.7.
CHICKENS. Mat. 23.37.
CHIDE. Ex. 17.2; Judg. 8.1; Ps. 103.9.
CHIEFEST. Cant. 5.10; Mk. 10. 44; 2 Cor. 11.5.
CHILD. Gen. 42.22, do not sin against the c.
Ps. 131.2, quieted myself as a weaned c.
Prov. 20.11, a c. is known by his doings. 22.6, train up a c. in way. 15, foolishness in heart of c.
Isa. 9.6, to us a c. is born. 65.20, c. shall die an hundred years old.
Lu. 1.66, what manner of c.
John 4.49, come ere my c. die. 1 Cor 13.11, when I was a c. 2 Tim. 3.15, from a c. hast known.
See Ex. 2.2; Eccl.4.13; 10.16; Heb. 11.23.
CHILDREN. 1 Sam. 16.11, are here all thy c. Ps. 34.11, come ye c. hearken to me. 45.16, instead of fathers shall be c. 128.3, thy c. like olive plants. Isa. 8.18; Heb. 2.13, I and c. given me. 30.9, lying c, c. that will not hear. 63.8, c. that will not lie.
Jer. 31.15; Mat. 2.18, Rachel weeping for her c. Ezek. 18.2, c. teeth on edge. Mat. 15.26; Mk. 7.27, not take c. bread. 17.26, then are the c. free. 19.14; Mk. 10.14; Lu. 18.16, suffer little c. Lu. 16.8, c. of this world wiser than c. of light. 20.36, c. of God and the resurrection. John 12. 36; Eph. 5. 8; 1 Thess. 5. 5, c. of light
Rom. 8.16; Gal. 3.26; 1 John 3.10, witness that
we are the c. of God. Eph. 4.14, be henceforth no more c. 5.6; Col. 3.6, c. of disobedience. 6.1; Col. 3.20, c. obey your parents. 1 Tim. 3.4, having his c. in subjection. See Num. 16.27; Esth. 3.13; Mat. 14.2L CHODE. Gen. 31.36; Num. 20.3.
CHOICE. 1 Sam. 9.2, Saul a c. young man. Acts 15.7, God made c. among us. See Gen. 23.6; 2 Sam. 10.9; Prov. 8.10.
CHOKE. Mat. 13.22; Mk. 4.19; Lu. 8.14.
CHOLER. Dan. 8.7; 11.11.
CHOSE. Ps. 33.12, people c. for his inheritance. 89.19, exalted one e. out of people. Prov. 16.16; 22.1, rather to be c. Jer. 8.3, death c. rather than life. Mat. 20.16; 22.14, many called, few c. Lu. 10.42, hath c. that good part. 14.7, they c. the chief rooms. John 15.16, ye have not c. me. Acts 9.15, he is a c. vessel. Rom. 16.13, c. in the Lord. 1 Cor. 1.27,28, God hath c. foolish things. Eph. 1.4, according as he hath c. us. 1 Pet. 2.4, c. of God and precious. 9, a c. generation.
See Ex. 18.25; 2 Sam. 6.21; 1 Chron. 16.13.
CHRIST. Mat. 16.16, thou art the C. 24.5, many shall come, saying, I am C. John 4.25, the Messias which is called C. 29, is not this the C. 6.69, we are sure that thou art that C. Phil. 1.15,16, some preach C. of contention. 1 Pet. 1.11, the Spirit of C. did signify. 1 John 2.22, denieth that Jesus is the C. 5.1, whoso belieyeth Jesus is the C.
Rev. 20.4, they reigned with C a thousand years. 6, priests of God and C. See Mat. 1.16; 2.4; Lu. 2.26.
CHRISTIAN. Acts 11.26; 26.28; 1 Pet. 4.16.
CHURCH. Mat. 18.17, tell it to the c. Acts 2.47, added to c. daily. 7.38, the c. in the wilderness. 14.28,34, keep silence in the c. 19.37, neither robbers of c. 20.28, feed the c. of God. Rom. 16.5; 1 Cor. 16.19; Philem. 2, c. in house. Eph. 5.24, the c. is subject to Christ. 25, as Christ loved the c. Col. 1.18,24, head of the body the c. Heb. 12.23, the c. of the firstborn. See Mat. 16.18; Rev. 1.4; 2.1; 22.16.
CIELED. 2 Chron. 3.5; Jer. 22.14; Hag. 1.4.
CIRCLE. Isa. 40.22.
CIRCUIT. 1 Sam. 7.16; Job 22.14; Ps. 19.6; Eccl. 1.6.
CIRCUMCISE. Rom. 4.11, though not c.
Gal. 5.2, if ye be c. Christ shall profit nothing.
Phil. 3.5, c. the eighth day.
See Deut. 30.6; John 7.22; Acts 15.1.
CIRCUMCISION. Rom. 3.1, what profit is there of c. 15.8, Jesus Christ minister of c.
Gal. 5.6; 6.15, in Christ neither c. availeth.
Phil. 3.3, the c. which worship God.
Col. 2.11, c. without hands. 3.11, neither c. nor uncircumcision.
See Ex. 4.26; John 7.22; Acts 7.8.
CIRCUMSPECT. Ex. 23.13; Eph. 5.15.
CISTERN. Eccl. 12.6, the wheel broken at the c.
Jer. 2.13, hewed out c, broken o.
See 2 Kings 18.31; Prov. 5.15; Isa. 36.16.
CITIZEN. Lu. 15.15; 19.14; Acts 21.39; Eph. 2.19.
CITY. Num. 35.6; Josh. 15.59, c. of refuge. 2 Sam 19.37, I may die in mine own c. Ps. 46.4, make glad the c. of God. 107.4, found no c. to dwell in. 2QJ
209Ps. 127.1, except Lord build c. Prov. 8.3, wisdom crieth in c. 16.32, than he that taketh a e. Eccl. 9.14, a little c. and few men. Isa. 33.20, c. of solemnities. Zech. 8.3, a c. of truth. Mat. 5.14, c. set on a hill. 21.10, all the c. was moved. Lu. 24.49, tarry in the c. Acts 8.8, great joy in that c. Heb. 11.10, a c. that hath foundations. 12.22, the c. of living God. 13.14, no continuing c.
Eev. 16.19, the c. of the nations fell. 20.9, compassed the beloved c.
See Gen. 4.17; 11.4; Jonah 1.2; Rev. 14.8; 21.10.
CLAD. 1 Kings 11.29; Isa. 59.17.
CLAMOUR. Prov. 9.19; Eph. 4.31.
CLAP. Ps. 47.1, c. your hands all ye people. 98.8, let the floods c. their hands.
Isa. 55.12, the trees shall c. their hands.
Lam. 2.15, all that pass by c. their hands.
See 2 Kings 11.12; Job 27.23; 34.37.
CLAVE. Ruth 1.14, Ruth c. to her mother-in-law. 2 Sam. 23.10, his hand c. to the sword.
Neh. 10.29, they c. to their brethren.
Acts 17. 34, certain men c. to Paul.
See Gen. 22.3; Num. 16.31; 1 Sam. 6.14.
CLAWS. Deut. 14.6; Dan. 4.33; Zech. 11.16.
CLAY. Job 10.9, thou hast made me as e. 13.12, bodies like to bodies of c. 33.6, I also am formed out of c.
Ps. 40.2, out of the miry c. Dan. 2.33, part of iron, part of c. John 9.6, made c. and anointed. Rom. 9.21, power over the c. See Isa. 29.16; 41. 25; 45.9; 64.8; Jer. 18.4.
CLEAN. 2 Kings 5.12, may I not wash and be c. Job 14.4, who can bring c. out of unclean. 15.15, heavens not c. in his sight. Ps. 24.4, he that hath c. hands. 51.10, create in me c. heart. 77.8, is his mercy c. gone for ever. Prov. 16.2, c. in his own eyes. Isa. 1.16, wash you, make you c. 52.11, be c. that bear vessels of the Lord. Ezek. 36.25, then will I sprinkle c. water. Mat. 8.2; Mk.l. 40; Lu. 5.12, thou canst make me e. 23.25; Lu. 11.39, make c. the outside. Lu. 11.41, all things c. unto you. John 13.11, ye are not all c. 15.3, c. through word I have spoken. Acts 18.6, I am c.
Rev. 19. 8, arrayed in fine linen c. and white. See Lev. 23.22; Josh. 3.17; Prov. 14.4.
CLEANNESS. 2 Sam. 22.21; Ps. 18.20; Amos 4.6.
CLEANSE. Ps. 19.12, c. me from secret faults. 73.13, I have c. my heart in vain. Prov. 20.30, blueness of wound c. evil. Mat. 8.3, immediately his leprosy was c. 10.8; 11.5; Lu. 7.22, c. lepers. 23.26, c. first that which is within. Lu. 4.27, none was c. saving Naaman. 17.17, were not ten c. Acts 10.15; 11.9, what God hath c. 2 Cor. 7.1, let us c. ourselves. Jas. 4.8, c. your hands, ye sinners. 1 John 1.7,9, c. us from all sin. See Ezek. 36.25; Mk. 1.44.
CLEAR. Gen. 44.16, now shall we c. ourselves. Ex. 34.7, by no means c. the guilty. 2 Sam 23.4, c. shining after rain.
Job 11.17, age shall be c. than noonday.
Ps. 51.4, be c. when thou judgest.
Mat. 7.5; Lu. 6.42, see c. to pull out mote.
Mk. 8.25, saw every man c.
Rom. 1.20, things from creation c. seen.
Rev. 21.11; 22.1, light c. as crystal.
See Gen. 24.8; Cant. 6.10; Zech. 14.6.
CLEAVE. Josh. 23. 8, c. to the Lord your God. 2 Kings 5.27, leprosy shall c. to thee.
Job 29.10; Ps. 137. 6; Ezek. 3. 26, c. to roof of mouth.
Ps. 119.25, my soul c. to dust.
Eccl. 10.9, he that c. wood shall be endangered.
Acts 11.23, with purpose of heart c.
Rom. 12.9, c. to that which is good.
See Gen. 2.24; Mat. 19.5; Mk. 10.7.
CLEFTS. Cant. 2.14; Isa. 2.21; Jer. 49.16; Amos 6.11; Obad. 3.
CLEMENCY. Acts 24.4.
CLERK. Acts 19.35.
CLIMB. John 10.1, but c. up some other way.
See 1 Sam. 14.13; Amos 9.2; Lu. 19.4.
CLODS. Job 21. 33, the c. of the valley shall be sweet.
See Job 7.5; Isa. 28.24; Hos. 10.11; Joel 1.17.
CLOKE. Mat. 5.40; Lu. 6.29, let him have thy c. also. 1 Thess. 2.5, a c. of Covetousness. 1 Pet 2.16, a c. of maliciousness.
CLOSE.{v.). Gen. 2. 21; Isa. 29.10; Mat. 13.15.
CLOSE. Prov. 18. 24, sticketh c. than a brother. Lu. 9.36, they kept it c. See Num. 5.13; 1 Chron. 12.1; Job 28.21.
CLOTH. 1 Sam. 19.13; 21.9; Mat. 9.16; Mk. 2.21.
CLOTHE. Ps.65.13, pastures c. with flocks. 109.18, c. himself with cursing. 132.9, c. with righteousness. 16, c. with salvation. Prov. 23.21, drowsiness shall c. a man. 31.21, household c. with scarlet. Isa. 50.3, c. heavens with blackness. 61.10, c. with garments of salvation. Mat. 6.30; Lu. 12.28, c. grass of field. 31, wherewithal shall we be c. 11.8; Lu. 7.25, man c. in soft raiment. 25.36,43, naked and ye c. me. Mk. 1.6, c. with camel's hair. 5.15; Lu. 8.35, c. and in right mind. 15.17, c. Jesus with purple.
Lu. 16.19, c. in purple and fine linen. 2 Cor 5.2, desiring to be c. upon. 1 Pet. 5.5, be c. with humility. Rev. 3.18, that thou mayest be c. 12.1, woman c. with the sun. 19.13, c. with a vesture dipped in blood. See Gen. 3.21; Ex. 40.14; Esther 4.4.
CLOTHES. Deut. 29. 5; Neh. 9.21, c. not waxen
Mk. 5.28, if I touch but his c. Lu. 2.7, in swaddling c. Lu. 8.27, a man that ware no c. 19.36, spread c. in the way. 24.12 ; John 20.5, linen c. laid. John 11.44, bound with grave-c. Acts 7.58, laid down c. at Saul's feet. 22. 23, cried out and cast oif c. See Gen. 49.11; 1 Sam. 19.24; Neh.4.23.
CLOTHING. Ps. 45.13, her c. of wrought gold. Prov. 27.26, lambs are for thy c. 31.22, her c. is silk and purple. 25, strength and honour are her c.
Isa. 3.7, in my house is neither bread nor c. 23.18, merchandise for durable c. 59.17, garments of vengeance for c.
Mat. 7.15, in sheep's c. Mk. 12.38, love to go in long e. Acts 10.30, a man in bright c. Jas. 2.3, to him that weareth gay c. See Job 22.6; 24.7 ; 31.19; Ps. 35.13.
CLOUD. Ex. 13.21; 14. 24; Neh. 9.19, a pillar of c 1 Kings 18.44,45, a little c. Ps. 36.5, faithfulness reacheth to c. 97.2, c. and darkness round about him, 99.7, spake in c. pillar.
Prov. 3.20, c. dropped down dew. 2GJ
210Eccl. 11.4, regardetli the c. not reap. 12.2, nor c. return after rain. Isa. 5.6, command c. rain not. 44.22, blotted out as thick c. 60.8, fly as a c.
Dan. 7. 13; Lu. 21.27, Son of man with c. B osea 6.4: 13.3, goodness as morning c. Mat. 17.5; Mk. 9. 7 ; Lu. 9. 34, c. overshadowed. 24.30; 26.64; Mk. 13.26 ; 14.62, in c. with power. 1 Cor. 10.1, fathers under c. 1 Thess 4.17, caught up in c. 2 Pet 2.17, c. carried with tempest. Jude 12, c. without water.
Rev. 1.7, he cometh with c. 14.14; 15.16, white c. See Gen. 9.13; Ex. 24.15; 40.34.
CLOVEN. Lev. 11.3; Deut. 14.7 ; Acts 2.3.
CLUSTER. Isa. 65.8, new wine in c.
See Num. 13.23; Cant. 1.14; Rev. 14.
COAL. Prov. 6.28, hot c. and not be burned. 25.22; Rom. 12.20, heap c. of fire. John 18.18 ; 21.9, fire of c. See Job 41.21; Ps. 18.8; Isa. 6.6.
COAST. 1 Chron. 4.10; Mat. 8.34; Mk. 5.17.
COAT. Mat. 5.40, take away thy c. 10.10; Mk. 6.9, neither provide two c. Lu. 6.29, thy c. also. John 19.23, c. without seam. 21.7, fisher's c.
Acts 9.39, the c. which Dorcas made. See Gen. 3.21; 37.3; 1 Sam. 2.19.
COCK. Mat. 26.34; Mk. 13.35; 14.30; Lu. 22.34.
COCKATRICE. Isa. 11.8; 14.29; 59.5.
COCKLE. Job 31.40.
COFFER. 1 Sam. 6. 8, 11,15.
COFFIN. Gen. 50.26.
COLD. Prov. 20. 4, by reason of c. 25.13, c. of snow in harvest. 20, garment in c. weather. 25, c. waters to thirsty soul. Mat. 10.42, cup of c. water. 24.12, love of many wax c. 2 Cor. 11.27, in c. and nakedness.
Rev. 3.15, neither c. nor hot.
See Gen. 8.22; Job 24.7 ; 37.9 ; Ps. 147.17.
COLLECTION. 2 Chron. 24. 6; 1 Cor. 16.1.
COLLEGE. 2 Kings 22.14; 2 Chron. 34.22.
COLOUR. Prov. 23.31, c. in the cup.
Acts 27.30, under c. as though.
See Gen. 37.3; Ezek.1.4; Dan. 10.6.
COMELY. Ps. 33.1, praise is c. 1 Cor 11.13, is it c. that a woman.
See 1 Sam. 16.18; Prov. 30.29; Isa. 53.2.
COMFORT.(«.). Mat. 9. 22; Mk. 10. 49; Lu. 8. 48; 2 Cor. 13.11, be of good c. Acts 9.31, c. of Holy Ghost. Rom. 15.4, patience and c. of scriptures. 2 Cor 1.3, God of all c. 7.13, were comforted in your c. Phil. 2.1, if any c. of love.
See Job 10.20; Ps. 94.19; 119.50; Isa. 57.6.
COMFORT.(v.). Gen, 37. 35; Ps. 77. 2; Jer. 31.15,
refused to be c. Ps. 23.4, rod and staff c. Isa. 40.1, c. ye, c. ye, my people. 49.13; 52.9, God hath c. his people. 61.2, c. all that mourn. 66.13, as one whom his mother c. Mat. 5.4, they shall be r.
Lu. 16.25, he is c, and them art tormented. John 11.19, to c. concerning their brother. 2 Cor. 1.4, able to c. them. 1 Thess. 4.18, c. one another with these words. 5.14, c. the feeble-minded. See Gen. 5.29; 18.5; 37.35.
COMFORTABLE. Isa. 40. 2; Hos. 2.14; Zech. 1.13,
COMFORTER. Job 16.2, miserable c. are ye all. Ps. 69.20, looked for c. but I found none. John 14.16; 15.26 ; 16.7, another C. See 2 Sam. 10.3; 1 Chron. 19.3.
COMFORTLESS. John 14.18.
COMMAND. Ps. 33.9, he c. and it stood fast. Lu. 8.25, he c. even the winds. 9.54, c. fire from heaven. John 15.14, if ye do what I c. you. Acts 17.30, c. all men everywhere. See Gen. 18.19 ; Deut. 28.8.
COMMANDER. Isa. 55.4.
COMMANDMENT. Ps. 119. 86, c. are faithful. 96, c. exceeding broad. 127, I love thy c. 143, thy c. are my delight. Mat. 15. 9 ; Mk. 7. 7 ; Col. 2. 22, the c. of men. Lu. 23.56, rested according to c. John 13.34; 1 John 2.7 ; 2 John 5, a new c. Rom. 7.12, c. is holy, just, and good. 1 Cor. 7. 6; 2 Cor. 8.8, by permission not by c. Eph. 6. 2, first c. with promise. 1 Tim. 1.5, end of the c. is charity. See Esther 3.3.
COMMEND. Lu. 16.8, c. unjust steward. 23.46, into thy hands 1 c.
Rom. 3. 5, unrighteousness c. righteousness of God. 5.8, God c. his love toward us. 1 Cor 8.8, meat c. us not. 2 Cor 3.1; 5.12, c. ourselves. 4.2, c. to every man's conscience. 10.18, not he that c. himself is approved. See Prov. 12.8; Eccl. 8.15; Acts 20.32.
COMMISSION. Ezra 8.36; Acts 26.12.
COMMIT. Ps. 37.5, c. thy way to the Lord. Jer. 2.13, have c. two evils. John 2. 24, Jesus did not c. himself to them. 5.22, hath c. judgment to Son. Rom. 3.2, were c. oracles of God. 2 Cor. 5.19, had c. to us word of reconciliation. 1 Tim. 6.20, keep what is c. to thee. 2 Tim. 2.2, c. thou to faithful men. 1 Pet. 2.23, c. himself to him that judgeth.
See Job 5.8 ; Ps. 31.5 ; 1 Cor. 9.17.
COMMODIOUS. Acts 27.12.
COMMON. Eccl. 6.1, evil, and it is c. among men.
Mk. 12.37, the c. people heard him gladly.
Acts 2.44: 4.32, all things c. 10.14; 11.8, never eaten any thing o. 15; 11.9, call not thou c. 1 Cor. 10.13, temptation c. to men.
Eph. 2.12, aliens from c.-wealth.
See Lev. 4.27 ; Num. 16.29; 1 Sam. 21.4.
COMMOTION. Jer. 10.22; Lu.21.9.
COMMUNE. Job 4.2, if we c. with thee.
Ps. 4.4; 77.6 ; Eccl. 1.16, c. with own heart.
Zech. 1.14, angel that c. with me.
See Ex. 25. 22 ; 1 Sam. 19.3 ; Lu. 22.4.
COMMUNICATE. Gal. 6.6, let him that is taught c. 1 Tim. 6.18, be willing to c.
Heb. 13.16, do good and c.
COMMUNICATION. Mat. 5.37, let your c. be yea.
Lu. 24.17, what manner of c. 1 Cor 15.33, evil c. corrupt good manners. Eph. 4.29, let no corrupt c. proceed.
See 2 Kings 9.11; Philem. 6.
COMMUNION. 1 Cor. 10.16; 2 Cor. 6.14; 13.14.
COMPACT. Ps. 122. 3 ; Eph. 4.16.
COMPANY. 1 Sam. 10.5; 19.20, a c. of prophets.
Ps. 55.14, walked to house of God in c. 68.11, great was the c. of those.
Mk. 6.39 ; Lu. 9.14, sit down by c. 2 Thess 3.14, have no c. with him. Heb. 12.22, innumerable c. of angels. See Num. 16. 6 ; Judg. 9.37 ; 18. 23.
COMPANION. Job 30.29, a c. to owls. 210
211Ps. 119.63, a c. to them that fear thee. Prov. 13.20, c. of fools shall be destroyed. 28.7, c. of riotous men. 24, the c. of a destroyer. Acts 19.29, Paul's c. in travel. Phil. 2.25; Rev. 1.9, brother and c. in labour. See Ex. 32.27; Judg. 11. 38 ; 14.20.
COMPARE. Prov. 3. 15; 8. 11, not to be c. to
Isa. 40.18, what likeness will ye c. to him ? 46.5, to whom will ye e. me. Lam. 4.2, c. to fine gold. Bom. 8.18, not worthy to be c. with glory. 1 Cor. 2.13, c. spiritual things with spiritual. See Ps. 89.6 ; 2 Cor. 10.12.
COMPARISON. Judg. 8. 2; Hag. 2. 3; Mk. 4.30.
COMPASS.(n.). 2 Sam. 5. 23; 2 Kings 3. 9; Isa. 44.13 ; Acts 28.13.
COMPASS.(y.). 2 Sam. 22. 5; Ps. 18. 4; 116. 3, waves of death c. me. 22.6; Ps. 18.5, sorrows of hell e, me. Ps, 5.12, with favour c. as with a shield. 32.7, c. with songs of deliverance. 10, mercy shall c. him about. Isa. 50.11, c. yourselves with sparks. Mat. 23.15, c. sea and land. Lu. 21.20, Jerusalem c. with armies. Heb. 5.2, he also is c. with infirmity. 12.1, c. about with cloud of witnesses. See Josh. 6.3 ; Job 16.13; Jer. 31. 22.
COMPASSION. Isa. 49. 15, that she should not
have c.
Lam. 3.22, his c. fail not. 32 ; Mic. 7. J9, yet will he have c. Mat. 9. 36; 14.14; Mk. 1. 41; 6. 34, Jesus moved with c. 18.33, c. on thy fellowservant. 20. 34, had e. on them and touched. Mk. 5.19, the Lord hath had c. • 9.22, have c, and help us. Lu. 10.33, the Samaritan had c. 15.20, father had c, and ran. Rom. 9.15, I will have c. on whom I will. Heb. 5.2, have c. on ignorant. 1 Pet. 3.8, of one mind, having c. 1 John 3.17, shutteth up bowels of c. Jude 22, of some have c, making a difference. See Ps. 78.38 ; 86,15; 111. 4 ; 112.4.
COMPEL. Mat. 5.41, c. thee to go a mile. 27.32 ; Mk. 15.21, c. to bear cross. Lu. 14.23, c. to come in. Acts 26.11, I c. them to blaspheme. See Lev. 25.39; 2 Cor. 12.11; Gal. 2.3.
COMPLAIN. Ps.144.14, no c. in our streets. Lam. 3. 39, wherefore doth a living man c. Jude 16, these are murmurers, c. See Num. 11.1; Judg. 21.22; Job 7.11.
COMPLAINT. Job 23.2, to-day is my c. bitter. Ps. 142.2, I poured out my c. before him. See 1 Sam. 1.16 ; Job 7.13; 9.27 ; 10.1.
COMPLETE. Lev. 23.15 ; Col. 2.10; 4.12.
COMPREHEND. Job 37.5; Isa. 40.12; John 1.5;
Eph. 3.18.
CONCEAL. Prov. 12.23, prudent man e, knowledge, 25.2, glory of God to c. a thing. Jer. 50.2, publish and e. not. See G en. 37.26 ; Deut. 13.8.
CONCEIT. Prov. 18.11; 26. 5; 28.11; Rom. 11.25; 12.16.
CONCEIVE. Ps. 7.14, c. mischief, brought forth falsehood. 51.5, in sin did my mother c. me. Acts 5.4, why hast thou c. this thing. Jas. 1.15, wben lust o. it bringeth forth. See Job 15. 35 ; Isa. 7.14; 59.4.
CONCERN. Lu. 24.27, things e. himself. Rom. 9.5, as c. the flesh Christ came, 16.19, simple e. evil. Phil. 4.15, c, giving and receiving, 1 Tim. 6.21, have erred e. the faith. 1 Pet. 4.12, c. fiery trial. See Lev. 6. 3; Num. 10. 29; Ps. 90.13 ; 135.14, CONCISION. Phil. 3.2.
CONCLUDE. Rom. 3.28; 11.32; Gal. 3.22.
CONCLUSION. Eccl.12.13.
CONCORD. 2 Cor. 6.15.
CONDEMN. Job 10.2,1 will say to God, do not c.
Amos 2.8, drink wine of the c. Mat. 12.7, ye would not have c. the guiltless, 37, by thy words shalt be c. 42; Lu. 11.31, rise in judgment and c. 20.18, shall c. him to death. 27.3, Judas when he saw he was c. Mk. 14.64, all c. him to be guilty. Lu. 6.37, c. not and ye shall not be c. John 3.17, God sent not his Son to e, 18, believe not is c. 8.10, hath no man c. thee ? 11, neither do I c. thee. Rom. 2.1, thou c. thyself. 8.3, c. sin in the flesh. 34, who is he that c. ? 14.22, that c. not himself. Tit. 2.8, sound speech that cannot be e, Jas. 5.6, ye c. and killed the just. 9, grudge not lest ye be c. 1 John 3.21, if our heart c. us not. See Job 9.20 ; 15.6; Mat. 12.41.
CONDEMNATION. John 3.19, this is the c, that light. 2 Cor 3.9, the ministration of e. 1 Tim. 3.6, the c. of the devil. Jas. 5.12, lest ye fall into c. Jude 4, of old ordained to this c, See Lu. 23.40; Rom. 5.16 ; 8.1.
CONDESCEND. Rom. 12.16.
CONDITION. 1 Sam. 11.2; Lu. 14.32.
CONDUIT. 2 Kings 18.17 ; 20. 20 ; Isa. 7. 3; 36.2.
CONEY. Lev. 11.5; Ps. 104.18 ; Prov. 30.26.
CONFECTION. Ex. 30.35 ; 1 Sam. 8.13.
CONFEDERATE. Gen. 14. 13; Isa. 7. 2; 8. 12;
CONFERRED. Gal. 1.16.
CONFESS. Prov. 28.13, whoso c. and forsaketh, Mat. 10.32; Lu. 12.8, c. me before men. John 9.22, if any man did c. 12.42, rulers did not c. him. Acts 23.8, Pharisees c. both. Rom. 10.9, shall c. with thy mouth. 14.11; Phil. 2.11, every tongue c. Heb. 11.13, c. they were strangers. Jas. 5.16, c. your faults one to another, 1 John 1.9, if we c. our sins. 4.2, every spirit that c. Christ. 15, whoso shall e. that Jesus is the Christ, Rev. 3.5, I will o. his name before my Father. See Lev. 16.21; 1 Kings 8.33 ; 2 Chron. 6.24.
CONFESSION. Rom. 10.10; 1 Tim. 6.13.
CONFIDENCE. Ps. 65. 5, the e. of all the ends of the earth. 118.8, 9, than to put c. in man. Prov. 14.26, in fear of the Lord is strong c, Isa. 30.15, in c. shall be your strength, Jer. 2.37, hath rejected thy c. Eph. 3.12, access with c. by faith. Phil. 3. 3,4, no n. in flesh. Heb. 3. 6,14, hold fast c. 10.35, cast not away c. 1 John 3.21, we have c. toward God, 5.14, this is the c. we have in him. See Job 4. 6 ; 18.14 ; 31.24; Prov. 25.19.
CONFIDENT. Ps. 27. 3 ; Prov. 14.16; 2 Cor, 5. 6;
Phil. 1. 0.
CONFIRM. Isa. 35.3, c. the feeble knees. Mk. 16.20, c. the word with signs, 211
212Acts 14.22, c. the souls of the disciples. 15.32,41, exhorted brethren, and c. them.
Bom. 15.8, c. the promises made to fathers.
See 2 Kings 15.19.
CONFIRMATION. Phil. 1.7; Heb. 6.16.
CONFLICT. Phil. 1.30; Col. 2.1.
CONFORM. Rom. 8.29; 12.2; Phil. 3.10.
CONFOUND. Ps.22.5, fathers trusted and were not c. 40.14; 70.2, ashamed and c. Acts 2.6, multitude were c. 9.22, Saul c. the Jews. See Gen. 11.7; Ps. 71.13 ; 129.5.
CONFUSED. Isa. 9.5; Acts 19.32.
CONFUSION. Dan. 9.7, to us belongeth c. of faces. Acts 19.29, city was filled with c. 1 Cor. 14.33, God not author of c. See Ps. 70.2; 71.1; 109.29; Isa. 24.10.
CONGEALED. Ex. 15.8.
CONGRATULATE. 1 Chron. 18.10.
CONGREGATION. Num. 14. 10, all the c. bade
stone them.
Neh. 5.13, all the c. said Amen. Ps. 1.5, nor sinners in the c. of the righteous. 26.12, in the c. will I bless the Lord. Prov. 21.16, in the c. of the dead. Joel 2.16, sanctify the c.
Acts 13.43, when the c. was broken up. See Ex. 12.6; 16.2; 39.32; Lev. 4.13.
CONQUERORS. Rom. 8.37 ; Rev. 6.2.
CONSCIENCE. Acts 24.16, c. void of offence. Rom. 2.15; 9.1; 2 Cor. 1.12, c. bearing witness. 13.5; 1 Cor. 10.25,27,28, for c. sake. 1 Cor. 8.10,12, weak c. 1 Tim. 1. 5,19; Heb. 13.18; 1 Pet. 3.16, a good c. 3.9, mystery of faith in pure c. 4.2, c. seared with hot iron.
Heb. 9.14, purge c. from dead works. 10.22, hearts sprinkled from evil c. See John 8.9; Acts 23.1: 2 Cor. 4.2.
CONSECRATE. 1 Chron. 29. 5, to c. his service
to the Lord. Hie. 4.13, I will c. Heb. 7. 28, who is c. for evermore. 10.20, living way which he hath c. See Ex. 28.3; 29.35 ; 32.29 ; Lev. 7.37.
CONSENT. Ps. 50.18, a thief, thou c. with him.
Prov. 1.10, if sinners entice thee c. not.
Zeph. 3.9, to serve with one c.
Lu. 14.18, with one c. besmn to make excuse.
See Deut. 13.8; Acts 8.1; Rom. 7.16.
CONSIDER. Ps. 8.3, when I c. the heavens. 41.1, blessed is he that c. the poor. 48.13, c. her palaces. 50.22, c. this, ye that forget God. Prov. 6.6, c. her ways and be wise. 23.1, c. diligently what is before thee. 24.12, doth not he c. it. Prov. 28.22, and c. not that poverty. Eccl. 5.1, they c. not that they do evil. 7.14, in day of adversity c. Isa. 1.3, my people doth not c. Jer. 23.20; 30.24, in latter days ye shall e. Ezek. 12.3, it may be they will c. Hag. 1.5, 7, c. your ways. Mat. 6.28; Lu. 12.27, c. lilies of the field. 7.3, c. not the beam. Lu. 12.24, c. the ravens.
Gal. 6.1, c. thyself lest thou also be tempted. Heb. 3.1, c. the Apostle and High Priest. 7.4, now c. how great this man was. 10.21, c. one another to provoke. 12.3, c. him that endured. 13.7, c. the end of their conversation. See Deut. 32.29; Judg. 18.14; 1 Sam. 12. 24.
CONSIST. Lu. 12.15; Col. 1.17.
CONSOLATION. Job 15.11, are the c. of God small.
Lu. 6.24, ye have received your c.
Rom. 15.5, the God of c.
Phil. 2.1, if there be any c. in Christ. 2 Thess. 2.16, everlasting c.
Heb. 6.18, strong c.
See Jer. 16.7 ; Lu. 2.25; Acts 4.36.
CONSPIRACY. 2 Sam. 15.2; Jer. 11.9; Acts 23.13.
CONSTANTLY. 1 Chron. 28. 7; Prov. 21. 28; Tit. 3.8.
CONSTRAIN. Job 32.18; Lu. 24. 29; 2 Cor. 5.14; 1 Pet. 5.2.
CONSULT. Ps. 83. 3; Mk. 15.1; Lu. 14. 31; John 12.10.
CONSUME. Ex. 3.2, bush was not c.
Deut. 4.24; 9.3 ; Heb. 12.29, a c. fire. 1 Kings 18.38; 2 Chron. 7.1, fire fell and c. the sacrifice.
Job 20.26, fire not blown shall c. him.
Ps. 39.11, c. away like a moth.
Mai. 3.6, therefore ye are not c.
Lu. 9. 54, c. them as Elias did.
Gal. 5.15, take heed that ye be not c.
Jas. 4.3, that ye may c. it on your lusts.
See Ex. 32.10; 33. 3; Deut. 5. 25 ; Josh. 24. 20.
CONSUMPTION. Lev. 26.16; Deut. 28.22; Isa. 10. 22 CONTAIN. 1 Kings 8. 27; 2 Chron. 2. 6; 6. 18; 1 Cor. 7.9.
CONTEMN. Ps. 10.13; 15.4; 107.11; Ezek. 21.10.
CONTEMPT. Prov. 18. 3, wicked cometh, then cometh c.
Dan. 12.2, awake to everlasting c.
See Esther 1.18; Job 31.34; Ps. 119.22.
CONTEMPTIBLE. Mai. 1.7,12 ; 2.9; 2 Cor. 10.10.
CONTEND. Isa. 49. 25, I will c. with him that c. 50.8, who will c. with me.
Jer. 12.5, how canst thou c. with horses.
See Job 10.2; 13.8; Eccl. 6.10; Jude 3, 9.
CONTENT. Mk. 15.15, willing to c. the people.
Lu. 3.14, be c. with your wages.
Phil. 4.11, I have learned to be c. 1 Tim. 6.6, godliness with c. is great gain. 6.8, having food let us be c.
Heb. 13.5, be c. with such things as ye have.
See Gen. 37.27 ; Josh. 7.7 ; Job 6.28; Prov. 6.35.
CONTENTION. Prov. 18.18, the lot causeth c. to cease. 19.13; 27.15, c. of a wife. 23.29, who hath c. Acts 15.39, the c. was sharp. 1 Cor. 1.11, there are c. among you. Phil. 1.16, preach Christ of c. 1 Thess. 2.2, to speak with much c. Tit. 3.9, avoid c. and strivings. See Prov. 13.10 ; 17.14 ; 18.6 ; 22.10.
CONTENTIOUS. Prov. 21.19; 26.21; 27.15; Rom. 2.8; 1 Cor. 11.16.
CONTINUAL. Ps. 34. 1; 71. 6, praise c. in my mouth. 40.11, let thy truth c. preserve me. 73.23, I am c. with thee. Prov. 6.21, bind them c. on thine heart. 15.15, merry heart hath a c. feast. Isa. 14.6, smote with a e. stroke. 52.5, my name is c. blasphemed. Lu. 18.5, lest by her c. coming. 24.53, were c. in the temple. Acts 6.4, give ourselves c. to prayer. Rom. 9.2, I have c. sorrow in my heart. Heb. 7.3, abideth a priest o. See Ex. 29.42; Num. 4.7 ; Job 1.5.
CONTINUANCE. Deut. 28. 59; Ps. 139. 16; Isa. 64.5 ; Rom. 2. 7.
CONTINUE. Job 14. 2, as a shadow and c. not, Ps. 72.17, name shall c. as long as the sun. Isa. 5.11, c. till wine inflame them. Jer. 32.14, evidences may c. many days. 212
213Lu. 6.12, he c. all night in prayer. 22.28, that c. with me in my temptation. John 8.31, if ye c. in my word. 15.9, c. ye in my love. Acts 1.14; 2.46, c. with one accord. 12.16, Peter c. knocking. 13.43, to c. in grace of God. 14.22, exhorting them to c. in faith. 26.22, I c. unto this day. Rom. 6.1, shall we c. in sin. 12.12; Col. 4.2, c. in prayer. G al. 3.10, that c. not in all things. Col. 1.23; 1 Tim. 2.15, if ye c. in the faith; 1 Tim. 4.16; 2 Tim. 3.14, V. in them. Heb. 7.23, not suffered to c. t>y reason. 24, this man c. ever. 13.1, let brotherly love c. 14, here have we no c. city. Jas. 4.13, and c. there a year. 2 Pet 3.4, all things c. as they were. 1 John 2.19, no doubt have c. with us.
See 1 Sam. 12.14 ; 13.14 ; 2 Sam. 7. 29.
CONTRADICTION. Heb. 7.7 ; 12.3.
CONTRARIWISE. 2 Cor. 2. 7 ; Gal. 2. 7 ; 1 Pet. 3.9.
CONTRARY. Acts 18.13, c. to the law. 26.9, many things c. to name of Jesus.
Gal. 5.17, c. the one to the other. 1 Thess. 2.15, c. to all men. 1 Tim. 1.10, c. to sound doctrine.
Tit. 2.8, he of the c. part may be ashamed.
See Lev. 26. 21; Esther 9. 1; Mat. 14. 24 ; Acts 17.7.
CONTRITE. Ps. 34. 18 ; 51. 17 ; Isa. 57.15; 66. 2.
CONTRITION. Rev, 15.26.
CONTROVERSY. Jer. 25.31, a c. with the nations.
Mic. 6.2, hath a c. with his people. 1 Tim. 3.16, without c. exeat is the mystery.
See Deut. 17.8 ; 19.17 ; 21.5 ; 25.1.
CONVENIENT. Prov. 30. 8, feed me with food c.
Acts 24.25, when I have a e. season.
Rom. 1.28, things which are not c.
Eph. 5.4, talking, jestinar, are not e.
See Jer. 40.4; M"k. 6.21% 1 Cor. 16.12.
CONVERSANT. Josh. 8.35 ; 1 Sam. 25.15.
CONVERSATION. Ps. 37.14, such as be of upright c. 50.23, that ordereth his c. aright. Phil. 1.27, c. as becometh the gospel. 3.20, our e. is in heaven. 1 Tim. 4.12, an example in c. Heb. 13.5, c. without Covetousness, 7, considering end of their c. 1 Pet 1.15; 2 Pet. 3.11, holy c. 18, redeemed from vain c. 2.12, your c. honest among Gentiles. 3.1, won by c. of wives. 2 Pet, 2.7, vexed with filthy c.
See Gal. 1.13 ; Eph. 2. 3 ; 4.22; Jas. 3.13.
CONVERSION. Acts 15. 3.
CONVERT. Ps.19. 7, perfect, c. the soul.
Isa. 6. 10; Mat. 13. 15 ; Mk. 4.12; John 12. 40 ; Acts 28.27, lest they c.
Mat, 18.3, except ye be c.
Lu. 22.32, wThen c. strengthen thy brethren.
Acts 3.19, repent and be c.
Jas. 5.19, 20, and one c, him.
See Ps. 51.13; Isa. 1.27 ; 60.5.
CONVICTED. John 8.9.
CONVINCE. John 8.46, which of you c. me of sin.
Tit. 1.9, able to c. gainsayers.
See Job 32.12; Acts 18.28; 1 Cor. 14.24.
CONVOCATION. Ex. 12. 16; Lev. 23. 2; Num. 28 26
COOK. 1 Sam. 8.13; 9.23,24.
COPPER. Ezra 8.27 ; 2 Tim. 4.14.
COPY. Deut. 17.18; Josh. 8.32; Prov. 25.1.
CORD. Prov. 5.22, holden with the c. of sins. Eccl. 4.12, a threefold c. 12.6, silver c. loosed.
Isa. 5.18, draw iniquity with c. 54.2, lengthen c. Hos. 11.4, the c. of a man. John 2.15, scourge of small c. See Judg. 15.13; Ps. 2.3; 118.27 ; Jer. 38.6.
CORN. Gen. 42.2; Acts 7.12, c. in Egypt. Deut. 25. 4; 1 Cor. 9. 9; 1 Tim. 5. 18, ox tread-
eth c.
Judg. 15.5, foxes into standing c. Job 5.26, like as a shock of c. Ps. 4.9, in time their c. increased. 65.7, prepared th«m c. 13, valleys covered over with c. 72.16, handful of c. in the earth. Prov. 11.26, he that withholdeth c. Zech. 9.17, c. shall make men cheerful. Mat, 12.1; Mk. 2.23 ; Lu. 6.1, pluck c. Mk. 4.28, full c. in the ear.
John 12.24, a o. of wheat fall into ground. See Gen. 27.28; 41.57 ; Deut. 33. 28; Isa, 36.17.
CORNER. Ps. 118.22; Eph. 2.20, head stone of c. 144.12, daughters as c. stones.
Isa. 28.16; 1 Pet. 2. 6, a precious c. stone.
Mat. 6.5, pray in c. of the streets.
Rev. 7.1, on four c. of the earth.
See Job 1.19 ; Prov. 7.8; 21.9.
CORNET. 2 Sam. 6.5; 1 Chron. 15. 28; Dan. 3,5.
CORPSE. 2 Kings 19. 35 ; Isa. 37. 36; Nah. 3. 3;
Mk. 6.29.
CORRECT. Prov. 3. 12, whom the Lord Ioveth he c. 29.17, c. thy son. 19, servant will not be c. by words. Jer. 10.24, c. me, but with judgment. 30.11; 46.28, I will c. tiiee in measure. Heb. 12, 9, we have had fathers which c. us. See Job 5.17 ; Ps. 39.11; 94.10.
CORRECTION. Prov. 22.15, rod of c. shall drive it. Jer. 2.30; 5.3; 7.28 ; Zeph. 3.2, receive c. 2 Tim. 3.16, scripture profitable for c. See Job 37.13; Prov. 3.11; 7.22 ; 15.10.
CORRUPT. Deut. 4.16, take heed lest ye c. 31.29, after my death ye will c. Mat, 6.19; Lu. 12.33, moth c. 7.17 ; 12.33; Lu. 6.43, a c. tree. 1 Cor 15.33, evil communications c. 2 Cor 2.17, not as many, which c. the word. 7.2, we have c. no man. 11.2, lest your minds be e. Eph. 4.22, put off old man which is e, 29, let no c. communication. 1 Tim. 6.5 ; 2 Tim. 3.8, men of e. minds. Jas. 5.1, your riches are c. See Gen. 6.11; Job 17.1; Prov. 25.26.
CORRUPTERS. Isa. 1.4; Jer. 6.28.
CORRUPTIBLE. Rom. 1. 23; 1 Cor. 9.25; 15.53 ; 1 Pet. 1.18; 3.4.
CORRUPTION. Ps. 16.10; 49.9; Acts 2.27 ; 13.35,
not see c.
Jonah 2.6, brought up life from e. Rom. 8.21, from bondage of c. 1 Cor 15.42, 50, sown in e. Gal. 6.8, of flesh reap c.
2 Pet, 1.4, the e. that is in world. 2.12, perish in their own c.
See Lev. 22.25; Job 17.14; Isa. 38.17.
CORRUPTLY. 2 Chron. 27.2; Neh. 1.7.
COST. 2 Sam. 24.24; 1 Chron. 21.24, offer of that
which c. nothing.
Lu. 14.28, sitteth down and counteth c. See 2 Sam. 19. 42; 1 Kings 5. 17; John 12. 3 ; 1 Tim. 2.9.
COTTAGE. Isa, 1.8; 24.20; Zeph. 2.6.
COUCH. Lu. 5.19, let him down with c, 5.24, take up thy e. 213
214Acts 5.15, laid sick on c.
See Gen. 49.11; Job 7.13; 38.40; Ps. 6.6; Amos.6
COULD. Isa. 5.4; Mk. 6.19; 9.13; 14.8.
COULTER. 1 Sam. 13.20, 21.
COUNCIL. Mat. 5. 22 ; 10.17 ; Acts 5. 27 ; 6.12.
COUNSEL. Neh. 4.15, Drought their c. to nought. Job 38.2; 42.3, darkeneth c. by words. Ps. 1.1, c. of the ungodly. 33.11; Prow 19.21, c. of Lord standeth. 55.14, took sweet c. together. 73.24, guide me with thy c. Prov. 1.25, 30, set at nought all my c. 11.14, where no c. is, people fall. 15. 22, without c. purposes are disappointed. 21.30, there is no c. against the Lord.
Eccl. 8.2, I c. thee keep king's commandment. Isa. 28.29, wonderful in c. 30.1, that take c, but not of me. 40.14, with whom took he c. 46.10, my c. shall stand. .Ter. 32.19, great in c, mighty in working. Hos. 10.6, ashamed of his own c. Mk. 3. G; John 11.53, took c. against Jesus. Acts 2.23, determinate c. of God. 4.28, what thy c. determined before. 5.38, if this c. be of men. 20.27, declare all c. of God. 1 Cor 4.5, make manifest c. of the heart. Eph. 1.11, after the c. of his own will. Heb. 6.17, the immutability of his c.
Rev. 3. 18, I c. thee to buy gold tried in fire. See Ex. 18.19; Josh. 9.14; 2 Sam. 15.31.
COUNSELLOR. Prov. 11.14; 15.22; 24.6, in multitude of c. 12.20, to c of peace is joy. Mic. 4.9, is thy c. perished ? Mk. 15.43; Lu. 23.50, an honourable c. Rom. 11.34, who hath been his e. See 2 Chron. 22. 3 ; Job 3.14; 12.17.
COUNT. Gen. 15. 6; Ps. 106. 31; Rom. 4. 3; Gal. 3.6, c. for righteousness. Ps. 44.22, c. as sheep for the slaughter. Prov. 17.28, even a fool is c. wise. Isa. 32.15, field be c. for a forest. Mat. 14.5 ; Mk. 11.32, they c. him as a prophet. Lu. 21. 36; Acts 5. 41; 2 Thess. 1. 5, 11; 1 Tim. 5.17, c. worthy.
Acts 20.24, neither c. I my life dear. PhiL 3.7,8, I c. loss for Christ. 13, I c. not myself to have apprehended. Keb. 10.29, c. blood an unholy thing. Jas. 1.2, c. it all joy. 2 Pet 3.9, as some men c. slackness. See Num. 23.10; Job 31.4 ; Ps. 139.18, 22.
COUNTENANCE. 1 Sam. 16. 7, look not on his c. or stature. 12; 17.42, David of beautiful c. Neh. 2.2, why is thy c. sad ? Job 14.20, thou chansest his c. Ps. 4. 6 ; 44.3 ; 89.15 ; 90. 8, light of thy c. Prov. 15.13, merry heart maketh cheerful c. 27.17, sharpeneth c. of his friend. Eccl. 7. 3, by sadness of c. heart made better. Isa. 3. 9, their c. doth witness against them. Mat. 6.16, hypocrites of a sad c. 28.3; Lu. 9.29, c. like lightning. Rev. 1.16, his c. as the sun shineth. See Gen. 4.5; Num. 6.26 ; Judg. 13.6.
COUNTRY. Prov. 25.25, good news from a far e. Mat. 13.57 ; Mk. 6.4; Lu. 4.24; John 4.44, in his own c. 21.33 ; 25.14; Mk. 12.1, went to far c. Lu. 4.23, do also here in thy c. Acts 12.20, their c. nourished by king's c. Heb. 11.9, sojourned as in strange c. " 16, desire a better c.
See Gen. 12.1; 24.4; Josh. 9.6; Lu. 15.13.
COUNTRYMEN. 2 Cor. 11.26; 1 Thess. 2.14.
COUPLED. 1 Pet. 3.2.
COURAGE. Deut. 31.6; 7. 23 ; Josh. 10.25 ; Ps. 27. 14 ; 31. 24, be of good c. Acts 28.15, thanked God and took c. See Num. 13. 20 ; Josh. 1. 7 ; 2.11; 2 Sam. 13.28.
COURSE. Acts 20. 24; 2 Tim. 4. 7, finished my c. 2 Thess. 3.1, may have free c. Jas. 3.6, setteth on fire the c. of nature. See Judg. 5.20; Ps. 82.5; Acts 13.25.
COURT. Ps. 65.4, that he may dwell in thy c. 84.2, fainteth for the c. of the Lord. 92.13, flourish in the c. of our God. 100.4, enter into his c. with praise. Isa, 1.12, who required this to tread my c. ? Lu. 7.25, live delicately are in kings' e. See Isa. 34.13; Jer. 19.14; Ezek. 9.7.
COURTEOUS. Acts 27.3; 28.7 ; 1 Pet. 3.8.
COUSIN. Lu. 1.36, 58.
COVENANT. Num. 18.19 j 2 Chron. 13.5, c. of salt. 25.12, my c. of peace.
Ps. 105. 8; 106.45, he remembereth his c. for ever. 111. 5, ever mindful of his c. Isa. 28.18, your c. with death disannulled. Mat. 26.15; Lu. 22.5, they a with him. Acts 3.25, children of the c. Rom. 9.4, to whom pertaineth the c. Eph. 2.12, strangers from c. of promise. Heb. 8.6, mediator of a better c. 12.24, mediator of the new o. 13.20, blood of the everlasting c. See Gen. 9.15 ; Ex. 34. 28; Job 31.1; Jer. 50. 5.
COVER. Ex. 15.5, depths c. them, sank as stone. 33.22, I will c. them. 1 Sam. 28.14, an old man c. with a mantle. Esther 7.8, they c. Hainan's face. Ps. 32.1; Rom. 4.7, blessed whose sin is c. 73. 6, violence c. them as a garment. 91.4, he shall c. thee with his feathers. 104.6, thou e. it with the deep. Prov. 10.6,11, violence c. mouth of the Avicked. 12, love c. all sins. 12.16, a prudent man d shame. 17. 9, he that c. transgression seeketh love. 28.13, he that c. sins sshall not prosper. Isa. 26.21, earth no more c. her slain. Mat. 8.24, ship c. with waves. 10.26 ; Lu. 12.2, there is nothing c. 1 Cor. 11.4, having his head c. 6, if women be not c. 7, a man ought not to c. his head. 1 Pet. 4.8, charity shall c. multitude of sins.
See Gen. 7.19 ; Ex. 8.6 ; 21.33; Lev. 16.13.
COVERING. Job 22.14, thick clouds are a c. to him. 24.7, naked have no c. in the cold. 26.6, destruction hath no c. 31.19, if I have seen any poor without c.
Isa. 28.20, o. narrower than he can wrap.
See Geri; 8.13; Lev. 13.45; 2 Sam. 17.19.
COVERT. Ps. 61.4; Isa. 4. 6 ; 16. 4; 32. 2.
COVET. Prov. 21.26, he c. greedily all the day.
Hab. 2.9, c. an evil Covetousness.
Acts 20.33, I have c. no man's silver. 1 Cor. 12.31, c. earnestly the best gifts. 1 Tim. 6.10, while some c. after, they erred.
See Ex. 20.17 ; Deut. 5.21; Rom. 7. 7 ; 13. 9.
COVETOUS. Prov. 28.16, he that hateth c. shall
Ezek. 33.31, their heart goeth after c. Mk. 7.22, out of heart proceedeth c. Rom. 1.29, filled with all c. 1 Cor 6.10; Eph. 5.5, nor c. inherit kingdom. Eph. 5.3, but c, let it not be named. 2 Tim. 3.2, men shall be c.
Heb. 13.5, conversation without o. 2 Pet. 2.3, through c. make merchandise. 14, exercised with c. practices. See Ps. 10.3; 119.36; 1 Cor. 5.10.
COW. Lev. 22.28; Job 21.10; Isa. 11.7. 214
215CRACKLING. Eccl.7.6.
CRAFT. Job 5.13; 1 Cor. 3.19, taketh wise in
their c.
Lu. 20.23, he perceived their c. Acts 19.25, by this c. we have our wealth. 27, our r. is in danger. 2 Cor. 4.2, not walking in c. 12.16, being c. I caught you.
Eph. 4.14. carried away with cunning c.
See Dan. 8.25; Acts 18.3; Rev. 18. 22.
CRAG. Joh39.28.
CRASHING. Zeph.1.10.
CRAVE. Prov.16.26; Mk.15.43.
CREATE. Isa. 40. 26, who hath c. these things? 43.7, c. him for my glory. 65.17, I c. new heavens and new earth. Jer. 31.22, the Lord hath c. a new thing. Amos 4.13, he that c. wind.
Mai.2.10, hath not one God c. us? 1 Cor. 11.9, neither was man c. for woman. Eph. 2.10, c. in Christ Jesus. 4.24, after God is c. in righteousness. Col. 1.16, by him were all things c. 1 Tim. 4.3, which God c. to be received. See Gen. 1.1; 6.7 ; Deut. 4. 32 ; Ps. 51.10.
CREATION. Mk. 10. 6; 13. Iff; Rom. 1. 20 ; S. 22; 2 Pet. 3.4.
CREATOR. Eccl. 12.1; Isa. 40. 28 ; Rom. 1. 25; 1 Pet. 4.19.
CREATURE. Mk. 16. 15; Col. 1. 23, preach to
every c. Rom. 8.19, expectation of the c. 2 Cor 5.17 ; Gal. 6.15, new c. Col. 1.15, firstborn of every e. 1 Tim. 4.4, every c. of God is good.
See Gen. 1. 20; 2.19 ; Isa. 13.21; Ezek. 1.20.
CREDITOR. Deut. 15. 2; 2 Kings 4.1; Isa. 50.1;
Lu. 7.41.
CREEK. Acts 27.39.
CREEP. Ps. 104. 20, beasts of the forest c. forth. 25, in sea are c. things. Ezek. 8.10, form of c. things portrayed. Acts 10.12; 11.6, Peter saw c. things. 2 Tim. 3.6, they c. into houses. Jude 4, certain men c. in unawares.
See Gen. 1.25 ; 7.8; Lev. 11.41; Deut. 4.18.
CREW. Mat. 26.74; Mk. 14. 68; Lu. 22.60.
CRIB. Job 39.9; Prov. 14.4; Isa. 1.3.
CRIMSON. 2 Chr. 2. 7 ; Isa. 1.18 ; Jer. 4.30.
CRIPPLE. Acts 14. 8.
CROOKED. Eccl. 1.15 ; 7.13, c. cannot be made
Isa. 40.4; 42.16; Lu. 3.5, c. shall be made straight. 45.2, make the c. places straight. 59.8 ; Lam. 3.9, c. paths. Phil. 2.15, in midst of a c. nation. See Lev. 21.20 ; Deut. 32.5; Job 26.13.
CROPS. Lev. 1.16 ; Ezek. 17.22.
CROSS. Mat. 16. 24; Mk. 8. 34; 10.21; Lu. 9. 23, take up c. 27. 32; Mk. 15.21; Lu. 23.26, compelled to bear c. 40; Mk. 15.30, come down from c. John 19.25, there stood by c. 1 Cor. 1.17 ; Gal. 6.12; Phil. 3.18, c. of Christ. 18, preaching of the c. Gal. 5.11, oftehce of the c. 6.14, glory save in the c. Eph. 2.16, reconcile both by the c. Phil. 2.8, the death of the c. Col. 1.20, peace through blood of the c. 2.14, nailing it to his c. Heb. 12.2, for joy endured the c. See Obad. 14; Mat. 10.38; John 19.17,19.
CROUCH. 1 Sam. 2.36; Ps. 10.10.
CROWN. Job 19. 9, taken the c. from my bead. Ps. 8.5; Heb. 2.7,9, c. with glory and honour.
Ps. 65.11, thou c. the year. 103.4, c. thee with lovingkindness. Prov. 4.9, a c. of glory shall she deliver. 12.4. virtuous woman is a c. 14.18, prudent c. with knowledge. 16.31, hoary head a c. of glory."" 17.6, children's children are the c. of old men. Isa. 28.1, W'oe to the c. of pride. Mat, 27.29 ; Mk. 15.17 ; John 19. 2, a c. of thorns. 1 Cor. 9.25, to obtain a corruptible c. Phil. 4.1, my joy and c. 1 Thess 2.19, a c. of rejoicing. 2 Tim. 2.5, not c. except he strive. 4.8, a c. of righteousness.
Jas. 1.12; Rev. 2.10, c. of life. 1 Pet. 5.4, a c. of glory.
Rev. 3.11, hold fast, that no man take thy o. 4.10, cast c. before throne. 19.12, on head were many c. See Ex. 25.25; 29. 6; Job 31.36.
CRUCIFY. Mat, 27.22, all said, let him be c. Mk. 15.13 ; Lu. 23. 21; John 19. 6, 15, c, him. Acts 2.23, by wicked hands ye have c. Rom. 6.6, old man is c. with him. 1 Cor 1.13, was Paul e. for you. 23, we preach Christ c. 2.2, save Jesus Christ and him c. 2 (Dor. 13. 4, though he was c. through weakness, Gal. 2.20, I am c. with Christ. 3.1, Christ set forth e. 5.24, have c. the flesh. 6.14, the world is o. unto me. Heb. 6.6, c. to themselves afresh. See Mat. 20.19 ; 23.34; 27.31; Mk. 15.20.
CRUEL. Ps. 25.19, with c. hatred. 27.12, breathe out c. 74.20, full of the habitations of c. Pro a7. 5.9, give thy years to the c. 11.17, c. troubleth his own flesh. 12.10, tender mercies of the wicked are c. 27.4, wrath is c. Cant. 8.6, jealousy is c. Heb. 11.36, trials of c. mockings. See Gen. 49.7 ; Ex. 6.9; Deut. 32.33.
CRUMBS. Mat. 15.27 ; Mk, 7.28; Lu. 16.21.
CRUSE. 1 Sam. 26.11; 1 Kings 14. 3 ; 17.12 ; 19.6.
CRUSH. Job 5.4, children are c. in the gate. 39.15, forgetteth that the foot may c. them. See Lev. 22.24; Num. 22.25 ; Deut/28.33.
CRY.(«.). 1 Sam. 5.12, c. of the city went up to
Job 34.28, he heareth the c. of the afflicted. Ps. 9.12, forgetteth not c. of the humble. 34.15, ears are open to their c. Prov. 21.13, stoppeth his ears at the c. of the
Mat. 25.6, at midnisht there was a e. made. See Gen.
IS. 20 ; Ex.""2. 23 ; Num. 16. 34.
CRY.(v. Ex. 14.15, wherefore c. thou unto me ? Lev. 13.45, cover his lip, and c. unclean. Job 29.12, I delivered poor that c. Ps. 147.9, food to young ravens which c. Prov. 8.1, doth not wisdom c. Isa. 58.1, c. aloud, spare not. Mat. 12.19, he shall not strive nor c. 20.31; Mk. 10. 48; Lu. 18. 39, they c. the more. Lu. 18. 7, elect who c. day and night. John 7.37, Jesus c. if any man thirst. Acts 19.32; 21. 34, some c. one thing and some
another. '
Bee Ex. 5. 8 ; 32.18 ; 2 Kincs 8. 3.
CRYING. Prov. 19. 18; Isa. 65. 19; Heb. 5. 7;
Rev. 21.4.
CRYSTAL. Job 28.17; Ezek. 1. 22; Rev. 4. 6; 21. 11; 22.1.
CUCUMBERS. Num. 11.5; Isa. 1.8.
CUM BER. Deut. 1.12; Lu. 10. 40; 13. 7.
CUNNING. Ps. 137. 5, let my hand forget her c. 215
216Jer. 9.17, send for c. women.
Eph. 4.14, carried about by c. craftiness. 2 Pet. 1.16, not follow c. devised fables.
See Gen. 25. 27; Ex. 38. 23; 1 Sam. 16.16; Dan. 1.4.
CUP. Ps. 116.13, take c. of salvation. Mat. 10.42; Mk. 9.41, c. of cold water. 20.22; Mk. 10.39, drink of my c. 23.25, make clean outside of c. 26. 27 ; Mk. 14.23; Lu. 22.17 ; 1. Cor. 11.25, took c. 39: Mk. 14.36; Lu. 22.42, let this c. pass.
Lu. 22.20; 1 Cor. 11.25, this c. is new testament. John 18.11, c. which my father hath given. 1 Cor. 10.16, e. of blessing we bless. 11.26, as often as ye drink this c. 27, drink this c. unworthily. See Gen. 40.11; 44.2 ; Prov. 23.31.
CURDLED. Job 10.10.
CURE. Lu. 7.21, in that hour he c. many. 9.1, power to c. diseases. 13.32, I do c. to-day.
See Jer. 33.6; 46.11; Hos. 5.13; Mat. 17.16.
CURIOUS. Ex. 28.8; Ps. 139.15; Acts 19.19.
CURRENT. Gen. 23.16.
CURSE.(w.). Deut. 11.26, I set before you blessing and c. 23.5, turned c. into blessing.
Mai. 3.9, ye are cursed with a c.
Gal. 3.10, are under the c.
Rev. 22.3, no more c.
CURSE.(v.). Lev. 19.14, not c. the deaf.
Num. 23.8, how shall 1 c. whom God hath not.
Judg. 5.23, c. ye Meroz, c. ye bitterly.
Job 2.9, c. God, and die.
Ps. 62.4, they bless, but c. inwardly.
Mai. 2.2, I will c. your blessings.
Mat. 5.44; Lu. 6.28; Rom. 12.14, bless them that c. you. 26.74; Mk. 14.71, he began to c.
Mk. 11.21, fig tree thou c.
John 7.49, knoweth not the law are c.
Gal. 3.10, c. is every one that continue th not.
Jas. 3.9, therewith c. we men.
See Gen. 8.21; 12.3; Num. 22.6.
CUSTOM. Mat. 9. 9; Mk. 2.14; Lu. 5.27, receipt of c. 17.25, of whom do kings take c.
Lu. 4.16, as his c. was, went into synagogue.
John 18.39, ye have a c.
Acts 16.21, teach c. which are not lawful.
Rom. 13. 7, c. to whom c. 1 Cor. 11.16, we have no such c.
See Gen. 31.35; Judg. 11.39; Jer. 10.3.
CUTTING. Ex. 31.35; Isa. 38.10; Mk. 5.5.
CYMBAL. 1 Cor. 13.1.
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