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Index of Names

  • Arcadius, Emperor: 1
  • Augustine: 1 2
  • Blastus: 1
  • Constantine, Emperor: 1 2
  • Council of Trent: 1
  • Earl of Warwick: 1
  • Eliot, John: 1
  • Hilary: 1
  • Honorius, Emperor: 1
  • Irenæus: 1
  • Justinian, Emperor: 1
  • Orme, William: 1
  • Owen, John: 1 2 3
  • Paulus Samosatenus: 1
  • Pelagius: 1
  • Possidonius: 1
  • Sarpi, Paul: 1 2
  • Valens, Emperor: 1
  • Valentinian, Emperor: 1
  • Victor, Bishop of Rome: 1 2
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