Hymn 32
John Newton
Cast down, but not destroyed.
Though sore beset with guilt and fear, I cannot, dare not, quite despair; If I must perish, would the Lord Have taught my heart to love his word? 348 Would he have giv’n me eyes to see Judg 13:23 My danger, and my remedy, Revealed his name, and bid me pray, Had he resolved to say me nay? | No—though cast down I am not slain; I fall, but I shall rise again; Mic 7:8 The present Satan is thy hour, But Jesus shall control thy pow’r: His love will plead for my relief, He hears my groans, he sees my grief; Nor will he suffer thee to boast, A soul, that sought his help, was lost. | ’Tis true, I have unfaithful been, And grieved his Spirit by my sin; Yet still his mercy he’ll reveal, And all my wounds and follies heal: Abounding sin, I must confess, Rom 5:20 But more abounding is his grace; He once vouchsafed for me to bleed, And now he lives my cause to plead. | I’ll cast myself before his feet, I see him on his mercy–seat, (’Tis sprinkled with atoning blood) There sinners find access to God: Ye burdened souls approach with me, And make the Savior’s name your plea; JESUS will pardon all who come, And strike our fierce accuser dumb. | |