Hymn 59
John Newton
The Refuge, River, and Rock of the Church.
Isa 32:275 He who on earth as man was known, And bore our sins and pains; Now, seated on th’ eternal throne, The God of glory reigns. | His hands the wheels of nature guide With an unerring skill; And countless worlds extended wide, Obey his sovereign will. | While harps unnumbered sound his praise, In yonder world above; His saints on earth admire his ways, And glory in his love. | His righteousness, to faith revealed, Wrought out for guilty worms, Affords a hiding place and shield, From enemies and storms. | This land, through which his pilgrims go, Is desolate and dry; But streams of grace from him o’erflow Their thirst to satisfy. | When troubles, like a burning sun, Beat heavy on their head; To this almighty Rock they run, And find a pleasing shade. | How glorious he! how happy they In such a glorious friend! Whose love secures them all the way, And crowns them at the end. | |