137 Hymn 110
John Newton
The two malefactors.
Lk 23:39-43 Sovereign grace has pow’r alone To subdue a heart of stone; And the moment grace is felt, Then the hardest heart will melt. | When the Lord was crucified, Two transgressors with him died; One with vile blaspheming tongue, Scoffed at JESUS as he hung. | Thus he spent his wicked breath, In the very jaws of death Perished, as too many do, With the Savior in his view. | But the other, touched with grace, Saw the danger of his case; Faith received to own the LORD, Whom the scribes and priests abhorred. | “Lord, he prayed, remember me; When in glory thou shalt be:” “Soon with me, the Lord replies, Thou shalt rest in paradise.” | This was wondrous grace indeed, Grace vouchsafed in time of need! Sinners trust in Jesu’s name, You shall find him still the same. | But beware of unbelief, Think upon the hardened thief; If the gospel you disdain, CHRIST, to you, will die in vain. | |