Happy are they, to whom the LORD His gracious name makes known! And by his Spirit, and his word, Adopts them for his own! | He calls them to his mercy–seat, And hears their humble prayer; And when within his house they meet, They find his presence near. | The force of their united cries No pow’r can long withstand For JESUS helps them from the skies, By his almighty hand. | Then mountains sink at once to plains, And light from darkness springs; Each seeming loss improves their gains, Each trouble comfort brings. | Though men despise them, or revile, They count the trial small; Whoever frowns, if JESUS smile, It makes amends for all. | Though meanly clad, and coarsely fed, And, like their Savior, poor; They would not change their gospel bread For all the worldling’s store. | When cheered with faith’s sublimer joys, They mount on eagle’s wings; They can disdain, as children’s toys, The pride and pomp of kings. | Dear Lord, assist our souls to pay The debt of praise we owe; That we enjoy a gospel day, And heav’n begun below. | |