214 Hymn 28
John Newton
PAUL’s farewell charge.
Acts 20:26,27 When Paul was parted from his friends It was a weeping day; But Jesus made them all amends, And wiped their tears away. | Ere long they met again, with joy, (Secure no more to part) Where praises every tongue employ, And pleasure fills each heart. | Thus all the preachers of his grace Their children soon shall meet; Together see their Savior’s face, And worship at his feet. | But they who heard the word in vain, Though oft, and plainly, warned; Will tremble, when they meet again The ministers they scorned | On your own heads your blood will fall If any perish here The preachers, who have told you all, Shall stand approved, and clear. | Yet, LORD, to save themselves alone, Is not their utmost view; Oh bear their prayer, thy message own, And save their hearers too. | |