Hymn 100
John Newton
Lk 10:38-42125 Martha her love and joy expressed By care to entertain her guest; While Mary sat to hear her Lord, And could not bear to lose a word. | The principle in both the same, Produced in each a different aim; The one to feast the LORD was led, The other waited to be fed. | But Mary chose the better part, Her Savior’s words refreshed her heart; While busy Martha angry grew, And lost her time and temper too. | With warmth she to her sister spoke, But brought upon herself rebuke; One thing is needful, and but one, Why do thy thoughts on many run? | How oft are we like Martha vexed, Encumbered, hurried, and perplexed! While trifles so engross our thought, The one thing needful is forgot. | LORD teach us this one thing to choose, Which they who gain can never lose; Sufficient in itself alone, And needful, were the world our own. | Let groveling hearts the world admire, Thy love is all that I require! Gladly I may the rest resign, If the one needful thing be mine! | |