Hymn 139
John Newton
Rev 3:7-13173 Thus saith the holy One, and true, To his beloved faithful few; “Of heav’n and hell I hold the keys, To shut, or open, as I please. | I know thy works, and I approve, Though small thy strength, sincere thy love; Go on, my word and name to own, For none shall rob thee of thy crown. | Before thee see my mercy’s door Stands open wide to shut no more; Fear not temptation’s fiery day, For I will be thy strength and stay. | Thou hast my promise, hold it fast, The trying hour will soon be past; Rejoice, for lo! I quickly come, To take thee to my heav’nly home. | A pillar there, no more to move, Inscribed with all my names of love; A monument of mighty grace, Thou shalt for ever have a place.” | Such is the conqueror’s reward, Prepared and promised by the Lord! Let him that has the ear of faith, Attend to what the Spirit saith. | |